


We here at reason have a complicated relationship with trademarks, patents, and copyrights. But sometimes there's good clean fun to be had with the Patent and Trademark office.

Drew Curtis, impresario of Fark.com, and subject of an interview in the December print issue of reason, has applied for a trademark on NSFW.

About the NSFW Trademark Application, I can say three things:

1) Yes, we applied for it.

2) Can't comment on the prank angle other than "stay tuned."

3) Muhahaha.

Apparently, in the time-honored Fark in-joke lexicon: EVERYBODY PANICKED and sent Curtis angry letters. He replies:

I'm guessing the complaints are from people who don't read Fark, otherwise they'd know our end goal couldn't possibly be suing everyone using NSFW out of existence.

Via Jeff Taylor