The Guardian in America


At the Guardian's Comment is Free blog, American Prospect contributing editor Michael Tomasky announces the launch of Guardian America (which he will also edit), a website for those of us who like our Sovietophilia without peculiar British spelling. (If you think I exaggerate the Guardian's nostalgia for the East Bloc, click here, here and here. And let's not forget David Cox's classic "Saddam: A Tribute"). Currently populating the Guardian America homepage: Tomasky's interview with Hillary, a paean to Woody Guthrie, Sid Blumenthal on Valerie Plame, and a music critic asking if "Bob Dylan's new ad for the gas-guzzling Cadillac Escalade make[s] him the biggest sellout the world has ever seen?" (The author says off-handedly that Dylan also "sold out" when he went electric). The Guardian huffs that its eco-conscious constituents best not "look to the man for any sort of spiritual or moral guidance."

The offending video: