
Move Over, Long Dong Silver…


…and let Gary Cooper take over!

Reader Marcus Barum sends along a link to this ABC News story about Jeffrey Toobin's new book on the Supreme Court, Under the Robes. Here's a snippet:

Thomas has such a libertarian view of the original intent of the framers of the Constitution that he prepares his new clerks by requiring them to watch the 1949 movie version of Ayn Rand's classic homage to individualism, "The Fountainhead."

Whole thing here.

reason interviewed Thomas back in 1987.

Edith Efron's great 1992 psycho-social profile of Thomas was a finalist for a National Magazine Award.

In 2005, lefty law prof and Supreme Court historian Mark Tushnet had good things to say about Thomas in reason.

IMDB page on The Fountainhead.

Wikipedia on Long Dong Silver.