Yes Yes Y'All


Culture pranksters Mike Bobanno and Andy Bichlbaum, the "Yes Men," have been lurking around D.C. interviewing libertarians for a faux "follow-up" to Free to Choose. Here's the e-mail going around warning classical liberals about the hoax.

I wanted you to know that a British film crew representing themselves as being from the "Adam Smith Foundation" and Hill and Knowlton are interviewing their way around Washington's free-market think tanks this week, purportedly for a TV documentary… They are a fraud, evidently from an outfit called The Yes Men (see—a left-wing amalgam of Michael Moore and Sacha Baron Cohen. They have done long interviews with Ken Green and Ted Frank at AEI and with Fred Smith at the Competitive Enterprise Institute—long enough to permit them to extract footage making their subjects appear to be saying about anything they want.

And here's an example of the Yes Men in action.