Good News for Many Immigrants and Most U.S. Businesses
From NPR:
The chances that Congress will act on a comprehensive immigration bill this year have been dealt a possibly fatal blow in the Senate….
The measure was dubbed the "grand bargain" by its authors, who cobbled it together behind closed doors. It would have changed the way visas are issued from a system based on family ties to one based on merit. It also contained a guest worker provision, and new requirements for employers to verify the identities and legal status of their workers.
But critics from all sides assailed the measure as unworkable. Despite the optimism that it might yet be reconsidered, chances for the bill appear bleak.
As with virtually all immigration legislation, this was rotten stuff in that it would make the lives of people and businesses filled with bureaucracy and worse without faciliating anything positive. That said, it was probably politically about the best compromise politically available at the current moment.
The status quo--however awful it is--is probably better than the world that would have been created by this legislation. So, RIP.
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