Free Minds, Free Eastern Market


Over the weekend DC's landmark Eastern Market caught fire, the blaze blackening and ruining half of a decades-old hall just blocks from the Capitol. DC's Congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton is pledging to get federal funding to rebuild it. Orange County Republican Rep. John Campbell clears his throat and offers a rebuttal.

I am completely puzzled. Why in the world should the American taxpayer be asked to help pay for the rebuilding of a local market that has no connection to the federal government, except that several members of Congress live nearby?


I would submit that if Del. Holmes-Norton and other members are so concerned about rebuilding Eastern Market than they should dip into their own pockets to help out -- not just unassumingly take from the taxpayers. It sure is a lot easier to spend money when it is not yours, than when it is.

Via John Miller, who suggests the city just privatize the market, which is currently owned by the city. Having lived in the city for about a year and seen the alacrity with which private markets, condos etc. shoot up, I'm intrigued.