Q: Are We Not Men? A: Yep.


Douglas Vancannon at North Carolina's Independent Weekly has a sit-down with Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh, for my money the most consistently interesting refugee of 1980s pop. He's promoting an exhibit of his outsider-y art, but the interview tries to pull out some of his more oddball obsessions.

And another one of my favorites: "Held Prisoner by the Toys of My Youth Part 2." Looking at this and thinking about Devo iconography, I thought immediately that this fellow here was a potato—a spud. Another viewer thought it was a testicle. Can you pontificate on the relationship between the potato and the testicle?

Potato? Testicle? Well, I don't know. Potatoes and testicles—they're both kind of Devo, you know, preoccupations.


Maybe. You know, we talked about potatoes a lot.

This is a guy, remember, who rakes it in doing soundtrack work for Disney and HBO.