A "Nigger" Blackout?
Hey, good to see that no one is using Kramergate as an excuse for supercharged political correctness.
Black leaders today challenged the entertainment industry, including rappers, to stop use of the racial slur that Michael Richards uttered in his tirade.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson and others said they will meet with TV networks, film companies and musicians to discuss the "n-word."
"We want to give our ancestors a present," Jackson said at a news conference. "Dignity over degradation."
At the press conference, comedian Paul Mooney said he has used the "n-word" numerous times during stand-up performances but will no longer do so after watching Richards' rant.
This actually shouldn't make much of a difference for Mooney - like he did on milquetoast TV appearences, he'll start subbing "negro" for "nigger."
Early morning fun - imagine the velocity at which Chris Rock's eyes spin when he spots this headline.
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