
The Anti-Anti-Voting Vote


Last week, we published "How Reason Staffers Are Voting," in which most of the staff discussed their upcoming votes. A couple of staffers mad a principled case for not voting, an argument that really set off more than a few readers. Here's a representative response to the idea that voting is a waste of time. I share it in the spirit of equal time on election day.

Reason is an awesome blog and offers logical, well articulated points of view. This is why I was so disappointed when I saw so many staffers (including yourself) not voting in the upcoming election. The idea that anyone's vote "doesn't count" is ridiculous and slightly offensive. I will grant you that rarely, if ever, an election of any sort is decided by a single vote, however in a country where government is growing out of control on every level the limited government folks need to show up, not so they can get their candidate elected, or their issue passed or defeated, but to make their voice heard. If even 5% voted consistently to limit government, one of the two pro-government growth parties would have to take notice and at least modify their platform a little to win those votes back, or risk having a third player (heaven forbid) be considered as a potential winner.

I am more frustrated than anyone at the intrusion of government into nearly every aspect of our lives, and the continued growth of said intrusion. However, I think it is critical that I show up at the poles and vote for every limited government candidate, and vote down every tax-spend-regulate proposition offered.