Reason Says "Jump," Virginians Ask "How High?"
On Friday, Reason's Virginia-registered editors - Radley Balko, Ronald Bailey, and me - announced that we were supporting Jim Webb over Republican George Allen in Virginia's Senate race. SurveyUSA polled voters that day, Saturday and Sunday, and surprise - they find Webb pulling ahead.
The survey shows Webb with 52% of the likely voters, with 44% going to Allen.
In five previous SurveyUSA tracking polls, the race was a virtual tie with Allen slightly ahead. Other late polls show the race much closer. A Mason-Dixon poll released over the weekend had Webb ahead by a point, and a Gallup poll released today has Allen up by three.
The SurveyUSA poll also shows 42% support for the Marriage Amendment, but with 22% still uncertain over how they'll vote. Thirty-six percent say they'll vote against it.
Reasonoids oppose the marriage amendment, too. In a bit of a surprise, it's sinking below the 50 percent mark.
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