This Is Not My Beautiful Fascism!
The networks (especially the one named after a member of Genus Vulpes) have been buzzing all day about new polls, including the NBC/Wall Street Journal that shows Pres. Bush surging to a Herculean, Democrat-smashing 42% approval rating. But the very last question of the poll's what I paid attention to. (PDF link):
President Bush has compared the war in Iraq to the fight against the Nazis and fascism. Do you believe that this is an appropriate comparison that reflects the danger of the current situation, or an inappropriate comparison that is only being made to justify the Bush policy in Iraq?
Appropriate comparison/reflects the current danger: 32%
Inappropriate comparison/made to justify the Bush policy: 61%
Not sure: 7%
Obviously I'm not against evoking Hitler and the Nazis to make a point. What I'm against is conflating the problem of Islamic terrorism with the civilizational struggle of World War II; especially since it's framed that way by war junkies scrambling valiantly for a new frame. Wonderful news that the frame's crashing and burning.
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