From Whitehouse to Our House


Earlier this year, Brian Doherty predicted that the Iraq War issue wasn't going to be as powerful as opponents hope, and anti-war candidates wouldn't sweep into office. The Nation's rugged political reporter John Nichols disagreed; he saw anti-war sentiment blooming across the country, especially in anti-Bush Rhode Island.

Retired Marine Carl Sheeler has run a spirited "Bring Home the Troops" campaign that calls for the President's impeachment for deceiving Congress and the American people.

Every vote Sheeler wins against [Sheldon] Whitehouse, the choice of party leaders, will tell Washington Democrats that party activists want to see more muscular opposition to Bush and his war.

The results are in: Whitehouse thumped Sheeler 10-1. Sheeler got less votes than Christopher Young, whose main campaign thrust was against "the construction of a super highway that's being constructed between mexico and Canada." (Read it here.) As John Tabin told me last night: "Saying 'Impeach Bush' doesn't say anything so much as 'I am a lunatic.'"