Biden Time


And apparently we're supposed to be outraged by this, too.

CHRIS WALLACE: What kind of chance would a northeastern liberal like Joe Biden stand in the South, if you are running in Democratic primaries against Southerners like Mark Warner and John Edwards?
JOE BIDEN: Better than anybody else. You don't know my state. My state was a slave
state. My state is a border state. My state is the eighth largest black
population in the country. My state is anything from a northeast
liberal state.

Like Biden's earlier comment that - shock! - Indian-Americans own convenience stores and Dunkin Donuts - there is nothing offensive about this at all. Nothing. Biden was a little put out explaining Delaware's unique and vital relationship to the rest of the contiguous United States to a shallow talking head. I'm often stuck explaining to people that, while Delaware is on the Northern side of the Mason-Dixon line, it has a historic Southern culture that's increasingly politically outmatched by economic immigrants to Wilmington or the beaches. Before Emancipation, it was a slave state. But since all DC journalists know of Delaware is the Rehoboth-Dewey-etc pleasure circuit, they assume it's got the culture of Vermont.

Just another example of the media's structural bias against Delaware and Joe Biden, which I've raged against previously.