Minuteman ?s Libertarian Party Candidate


Jim Gilchrist, chief of the border-blockin' Minutemen, endorses California Libertarian Party gubernatorial (can't type that word enough…) candidate Art Olivier, Harry Browne's 2000 vice presidential running mate and former mayor of Bellflower, California, since he's tougher on illegal immigration than Republican incumbent (and immigrant) Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Olivier has a tough on immigrants stance (some of which is not official LP platform stuff) of no public benefits for illegals, no citizenship for their children, and having cops turn in any undocumented people they might arrest to immigration authorities (a policy that L.A., at least, avoids for reasons of encouraging more successful police relations with largely immigrant communities, and a policy I've defended against Bill O'Reilly, who showed scenes of angry-looking tattooed Hispanics waving hands menacingly in the streets while I talked).

For a wide range of libertarianoid thought and analysis on the immigration issue, see Reason's epoch-making cover story package from our August-September issue.