Grades on Immigration
Here's another political report card to pore over, this one from a group called Americans for Better [read: Lesser] Immigration.
It's an interactive map that grades senators and representatives from A+ (Colorado's Tom Tancredo is, unsurprisingly, first in this class) to F.
How tough is the curve? Restrictionist deluxe Rep. James Sensebrenner (R-Wisc.), who spearheaded efforts to, among other things, sentence people to five years in jail if they "encourage" immigrants to enter the country illegally, only pulls a C+.
So check out the report card here and then consider just who you might support. Or not.
Update: Meant to throw this in when I posted: The report card is an effort from the Coalition for the Future of the American Worker, an "umbrella group" of various organizations opposed both to immigration and outsourcing.
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