Attn, DC Reasonoids: Happy Hour, Wed, June 14, 6:30PM


Come join Reason staffers Ronald Bailey, West Coast Tim Cavanaugh, Kerry Howley, Dave Weigel, and yours truly at a happy hour next Wednesday, June 14, at Buffalo Billiards, 1330 19th St NW, directly across the street from the South exit of the Dupont Circle Metro stop. The fun starts at 6:30PM.

Among the honorees: Reason Senior Editor and Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use author Jacob Sullum, who is moving to Dallas at the end of the month (rest easy, faithful fans, Jacob is staying with Reason despite his new environs).

Also among the honored: former Reason intern Jeremy Lott, whose new book, In Defense of Hypocrisy, is in bookstores now.

And one-half (the better half, or inarguably the more responsive half) of Wonkette, Alex Pareene.

Other reasons to celebrate: The July issue, featuring a cover story about "The Politics of Sky-High House Prices," is out on newsstands, and Reason Online is up for a fistful of Southern California Journalism Awards, including best group blog and best news site (more details here).

We look forward to seeing you for a great evening of drinks and conversation. Bring a friend or three!