Fear the Wrath of Cyber-Hannity


Liberal blogger Tim Brayton has the second in a multi-part analysis of the saddest monument in the 21st century's culture war—the pro-War on Terror, anti-liberalism comic Liberality for All. In the LfA universe, Al Gore was elected president in 2000. Rather than solving global warming, Social Security, and hurricanes, Gore ushered in an age of American defeat and retreat. In the year 2021, the fate of the US rests with a cybernetically-enhanced Sean Hannity and his ally G. Gordon Liddy. How bad is this comic? Well, here's the G-Man's monologue upon cradling a rare contraband firearm.

The XM-9…You know, I evaluated the XM-8 model for the NRA. Before the organization was officially disbanded…So many cold, dead hands.