Friday, August 29: A Date That Will Live In Infamy


If you've ever entered into an argument about movie chronology - what year the robots killed Bill and Ted, who was the oldest kid at Hogwarts - witness The Movie Timeline.

So here's the pitch: The Movie Timeline is the history of everything, taken from one simple premise: that everything you see in the movies is true - the real mixes with the fictitious, so long as it's reported in a movie somewhere.

It can be jarring to see "John Mitchell, John Ehrlichman and Bob Haldeman are found guilty on all counts" pegged the day after "Starsky and Hutch take down a drug dealer" - but hey, they both happened in movies. The site's incomplete now, but the creators are setting to re-launch it with a new database. (Oh, and Friday, August 29 was the day Skynet destroyed civilization.)