How Low Can Bush Go (In the Polls)?
Via Sploid comes this CBS News account of Dubya's poll troubles. After the bogus port-security panic, the prez is pulling an "all-time low of 34 percent" when it comes to approval ratings.
(And not that it matters, but Deadeye Dick Cheney is now pulling a heart-healthy slim 18 percent. Imagine if he'd missed shooting his apologetic friend!)
Bush's job number is down nine points from last month and 51 percent of Americans now say he "doesn't care about people like themselves" (whatever that means). His buttery-smooth slide puts me in mind of a friend whose weight bumped up to around 265. My pal, an ambitious sort, figured he might as well push on up to 300 .lbs and then start the slim down in earnest--when else would he have the opportunity to tip the scales at such a Brandoesque tonnage?
In a similar--and yet totally unrelated (except by early-morning, pre-coffee synaptic misfirings)--way, Bush might as well drive as deep as Rommel did into Egypt and see if he can sink his numbers down to the single digits. That'd be a legacy for sure (and let's face it, Social Security reform is deader than, well, Rommel at 1:26PM).
Poll numbers, and video of same (?) here.
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