Attack of the Pod(casting) Pundits!


America's Future Foundation–not to be confused with England's No Future For You and Goode Tyme Skiffle Band Foundation–has launched a podcast of a monthly, hour-long radio show. This time's lineup includes:

Attorney and columnist James Markels, David Freddoso of the Evans-Novak Political Report, and Gene Healy of the Cato Institute. John Maniscalco hosts the program. Topics covered in the first podcast include:

–A wrap-up of this month's off-year elections. Freddoso argues that Jerry Kilgore lost the Virginia governor's race not because of President Bush's reverse coat-tails, but because he couldn't commit to conservative principles.

–A preview of cases currently before the Supreme Court. Issues include a religious group's claim that hallucinogenic drug use is part of their constitutional protected right to worship and whether minors may be forced to seek parental permission before getting an abortion.

–Updates on the status of smoking bans around the country and in Washington, D.C.

–The "Outrage of the Month" feature, in which panelists describe the recent political happening they have found most contemptible.

Check it out here.