Do as I Say, Not as I Made Millions


Arnold Schwarzenneger, a man who forged a career out of gobbling steroids and peddling cartoon mayhem to teenagers, signed laws late this week to curtail steroid use and ban the sale of violent video games to teens. Gory details from the New York Times:

[H]igh school athletes must attest in writing that they are not taking performance-enhancing substances banned by the United States Anti-Doping Agency, including synephrine, ephedra and DHEA. They can be expelled for violating the ban.

The law also requires coaches to attend a training class on how to spot the use of illegal substances and to warn students about their dangers.

The video game measure is similar to bills passed recently in Illinois and Michigan but is expected to have far broader impact because of the size of the California market and the state's role in blazing national trails on social issues.

The bill bans the sale or rental to those under 18 of any video games that "depict serious injury to human beings in a manner that is especially heinous, atrocious or cruel." Violations carry a fine of up to $1,000.

Link via Digital Warfighter.