


"The biggest threat to conservatism today is not Peter's brand of liberalism but Nick's version of libertarianism."?

--National Review Editor at Large Jonah Goldberg at a July 25 Arsalyn Program conference on "Navigating the Media Maze," referring to co-panelists Peter Beinart, editor of The New Republic, and Nick Gillespie, editor-in-chief of Reason

"People say, 'Why'd you come here? This is a Republican state,' but they're wrong. This is a libertarian area. We're going to win on a Western platform next time."?

--Howard Dean, quoted in the Idaho State Journal, July 16

"Journalists are not entitled to promise confidentiality --no one in America is."?

--Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, in a brief filed in the Valerie Plame identity leak case, as quoted in The International Herald Tribune, July 6

"For God's sake, please just stop."?

--Kenyan economist James Shikwati, referring to promised increases in development aid to Africa, quoted in Der Spiegel, July 4

"People say I'm a libertarian. I don't really know what that means."?

--Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, quoted in The New York Times, June 27