"'Scuze Me While I Kiss This Guy" (Don't Ask, Do Tell Edition)
Reader Bill Kalles (aka NoStar) points to an account of the new Jimi Hendrix bio that says the geetar great played gay to get out of the Army (which he had joined only to avoid arrest):
In regular visits to the base psychiatrist at Fort Campbell, Ky., in spring 1962, Hendrix complained that he was in love with one of his squad mates and that he had become addicted to masturbating, [Charles R.] Cross, [author of Room Full of Mirrors] writes. Finally, Capt. John Halbert recommended him for discharge, citing his "homosexual tendencies."
Hendrix used to say he was discharged "after breaking his ankle on a parachute jump, but his medical records do not mention such an injury."
Move over Ho, and let Jimi take over postscript: "Contrary to his later image, Hendrix was an avowed anti-communist who exhibited little unease about the escalating U.S. role in Vietnam."
Whole thing here.
Reader Kalles also helpfully points to this site dedicated to misheard rock lyrics named for a popular misunderstood Hendrix lyric: Kissthisguy.com.
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