Hey, What about Radnabik—I mean Badnarik?


Rafsanjani, 70, a wily pragmatist who favours better ties with the United States, pointed out that Iran was fielding eight candidates for president—a larger choice than American voters had at their polls in November.

"If the number of candidates is a proof of democracy, we are … better than the Americans in this regard," newspapers quoted Rafsanjani as telling Penn.

I keep reading that Sean Penn is covering the Iranian election for the San Francisco Chronicle, and hearing about the controversy the Oscar® winner generated when he warned a bunch of fanatics that chanting "Death to America" was not "productive." But I have yet to see Penn's byline in the Comical itself. Now back in the fifties, when the New Orleans Times-Picayune sent Penn's Fast Times costar Ray "Mr. Hand" Walston to Iran to cover the US-backed coup against Mohammed Mossadegh, actor/journalists knew how to meet a deadline! Anyway, if Penn's been filing, they must be sticking him in the Wine & Food section.