Porn Invasion


"Porn Is Invading Home, Work," warns the headline. "With Sites Just Click Away, Addiction Has Become Big Concern." The story opens with two scary anecdotes: one about a guy who repeatedly tried to kill his wife after fighting with her about Internet porn, the other about a guy who shot his boss after being suspended because of "inappropriate material" on his office computer. The rest of the article explores the question of whether porn made them do it. Along the way, it compares dirty pictures to heroin (three times), vists a 12-step group for porn addicts, emphasizes that looking at porn is an equal-opportunity affliction, and catalogs the fallout: wife beating, rape, murder, strained relationships, college girls who can't get any because they don't compare to porn stars, grogginess at work because of late-night masturbation sessions.

Now the hard part: Is this a parody from The Onion, or a real newspaper story?

[Thanks to Jeff Schaler for the link.]