Howard Dean: Already National Punchline?


I won't be foolish enough to declare this means he's dead in the water or anything, but in seven minutes of driving this morning I heard Dean's heated shoutouts to American states after his earning that coveted third ticket out of Iowa being used both as a comedic bumper on a new oldies alternative station in L.A. and parodied by Howard Stern (in a gag that must be really obvious, because I thought of it while watching Dean's speech live) by playing the verses of Steve Miller's "Rockin' Me Baby" behind it. (Sing along, now: "I went from Phoenix, Arizona, all the way to Tacoma, Philiadelphia, Atlanta, L.A….")

"Keep 'em laughing"--that's what they teach you at the Kennedy School of Government, right? Or is that Clown College?