Return of the Repressed


Via Drudge comes this link to an AP story on Sen. Hillary Clinton's agenda for the coming year:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to focus this year on improving health care, beginning with a proposal designed to modernize the sharing of medical information nationwide.

The senator, who as first lady presided over a failed effort at health care overhaul, told a gathering of about 100 New York City health care leaders at a Manhattan hospital on Monday that the current system "often seems fragmented, redundant, inefficient and bureaucratic."

"Americans need a new, modern, 21st-century version of health care delivery, based on the premise of information in the hands of the right people at the right time," Clinton said.

Pushing for something like this shows that Hillary's political instincts are sound–just about everyone hates their health insurance provider. But what a horrible rep–well-deserved– she has on this issue.

The renewed specter of Hillary meddling in health care isn't the only '90s echo in today's news. There's also this Clinton-era personality hitting the spotlight again:

Gennifer Flowers Joins Cast of Boobs!

Is it too soon for '90s nostalgia? Sure, Jacko's back in the news on child-molesting charges, but what's Oasis up to? And Wendy, the Snapple