Hard-to-Find Bioweapons


According to the AP, Don Rumsfeld has declared that finding the bioweapons that largely underwrote the invasion of Iraq isn't going to happen until Iraqis lead the U.S. right to them.

"I don't think we'll discover anything, myself," Rumsfeld said at a town hall-style meeting with Pentagon employees.

"I think what will happen is we'll discover people who will tell us where to go find it. It is not like a treasure hunt where you just run around looking everywhere, hoping you find something."

Here's hoping. The lack of such weapons won't matter much in the U.S., where polls show that overwhelming majorities don't care about them. But either actually finding something--or fessing up to the mistake--may be essential to winning over world opinion (however grudgingly) to the notion that the U.S. action was justifiable.