Snooze of the Union


I'm glad to know that I wasn't the only one to find the SOTU address to be positively soporific. I wasn't expecting much in the way of razzle-dazzle, but the only real drama came frow watching Dick Cheney stand up repeatedly and wondering if and when he was going to have a coronary.

I literally fell asleep during part of Bush's remarks, so I might have missed it, but where were the "regular Americans" the president traditionally honors during this thing--the folks like Mary Jo Ketchup who joined Americorps and saved six cats from a tree, etc.?

It will be interesting to see how his various proposals--from accelerating the tax cuts, to a total ban on human cloning, to showing more evidence on Iraq--play out over the next couple of months, esp. with the Dems apparently in a pretty defeatist mood. And whether we ever hear of Gary Locke again.