Editor's Notes
As tentatively promised, here is REASON's first printed issue, ready earlier than at first planned. For those interested, here are some technical facts and credit lines.
The magazine is printed by offset, using paper plates. Type for the main article was set by Van Dyke Enterprises (see ad), using an IBM cold type compositer. The Univer face represents, for us, a compositional compromise; IBM does not yet make our favorite sanserif. Other typesetting, such as the date on the cover, was done by hand. The graphics for the aviation article were done by Derek Kittredge of Catalyst, Inc. (see ad), as was the new logotype (see cover). The late-closing "back-of-the-book," including these notes, letters, and certain advertising space is filled at the last possible moment to insure freshness of coverage. About 1000 copies were printed, the majority for promotional purposes.
Both this month's authors, Mr. Poole and Mr. Ditko, have been asked to appear in REASON again. Mr. Ditko's artwork appeared originally in Witzend (see May 69 REASON).
Note should be made that the printed format of this issue does not represent a guarantee that the next issue will also be printed. Only if new subscription and renewal revenue warrant, can we print again. Readers who like the printed format can non-sacrificially aid reappearance in several ways. They can renew, even if in the last few weeks they just have, taking advantage of the low price before it expires in November. They could renew for two years, or even three. They can tell friends about REASON, or mail in names and addresses of likely new subscribers. If readers know of (or are) writers or artists or individuals knowledgable in a technical or academic field of probable editorial concern (aviation is one obvious example), or if they have heard (or given) an exceptional lecture recently, they might act as temporary literary agents and drop us a card.
The previously announced topic for the September issue has been delayed for this special issue.
Advertisements for the second printed issue are now being accepted. Also, regional (by zip) remailing and insertion are available, as well as art services (see Catalyst ad). Rates are determined on an individual basis. Write with details concerning your marketing needs.
Please note that beginning with this volume REASON operates on a 12 month cycle; keep this in mind next June when you leave for the summer.
As earlier promised, and ready later than at first planned, here is the list of on and off campus pro-Objectivist groups. Our purpose here is to encourage correspondence and inter-organizational work where such would improve the quality of the groups involved. (Our personal stake is an increase in potential market.) It is not our aim to promote or administrate any particular regional or national exchange or alliance, so please don't write me for further information. Only send to me corrections, additions, or deletions, which will be printed thereafter. Here are some possible programs of possible immediate effectiveness: tape and speaker exchange, addressing and reproduction services pooling, advice.
Cal State Students of Objectivism, Trident bldg., Student Activities, 5151 State College Dr., L.A. Ca. 90032
Purdue radio program, Richard Matula, 224½ Sheetz St., Apt. 4, W. Lafayette, Ind.
U. Toronto Radicals for Capitalism, A.P. Noble, Apt 2, 3375a Bathhurst St, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
U Hawaii SO/students for Laizzez-Faire, Bill Danks, 1646 Clark St, Apt 103, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
MIT RadCaps, Box 555, 3 Ames, Cambridge, Mass 02139
Northeastern O Study G, Myles Salmon, 84 Gordon, Brighton, Mass 02135
NYUSO, student activities office, Box 16, NYC 10453
NYU Society for Individualism, (other campus) Loeb Student Center, Box 16, Wash Square, NYC 10003
ITT Committee Against Student Terrorism, David Posmantier, 3330 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, 111 60616
U Wisconsin Committee to Defend Individual Rights, PO Box 807, Madison, Wisc 53703 tel 251-0424
Michigan State U OUST and SO
U Virginia RadCaps, Dennis Golliday, Orchard Dr, Crozet, Va 22932
Cal Tech Aristotelian Society, Winett Student Center, CIT, Pasadena, Ca 91109
Stanford Society for New Intellectuals, James Weigl, Box 8924, Stanford, Ca 94305
Detroit SO, D Bilinski, 3 Mile Rd, Detroit, Mich
San Francisco SO, Paul Eisen, 2149 Beach St, SF, CA
Washington SO, Edwin Locke, 11200 Lockwood, Apt 1415, Silver Spring, Md 20901
Chicago ANI see IIT
Harvard Society for Individualism, Dean Ahmed, Duster House J48, Harvard University, Cambridge, Ma
Johns Hopkins U RadCaps Bill Van Doren, Box 2130, JHU, Balto, Md 21218
San Diego State Committee for Man, George Blaisdell, 1935 Berry St. Lemon Grove, Ca 92045. Also off-campus.
U Southern Cal SO, John Hospers Faculty Advisor, USC, La. Ca.
Columbia CAST, Box 922, Ansonia Station, NYC
U Penn Committee to Combat Campus Coercion, Eric Veyhl, Physics Dept, UP, Phila, PA
Stanford New Intellectuals Irwin Shameley, PO Box2265 Grand Central Station, NY, NY
Society for the Advancement of Reason, William Altenberg, 520 Ocean St, So. Portland, Me 04106
The August issue of Chicago's ANI newsletter notes that one of its subscribers notified the editors that Dr. Peikoff's book may not be published for as long as a year because the Doctor has decided to expand sections to explain points not familiar to the non-Objectivist audience it should enjoy.
Bill Danks, whose address is listed elsewhere here, would like to sponsor a national convention of students of Objectivism next summer. Anyone interested?
Complimentary copies of this issue are being sent to patrons of Darlene Bridge Presents and to a number of friends of readers. If you wish to send complimentary copies of this issue to friends or acquaintances, simply list them on the coupon page.
A large number of the May issue returned through the mail because readers moved either permanently or merely for the summer, but didn't inform us of the change. Such readers can claim their truants with a quarter. Tell us when you go, as far in advance as possible; our one man subscription department simply can't (won't) track you down.
This article originally appeared in print under the headline "Editor's Notes."
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