
The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il, from Reason Contributor Michael Malice


Reason contributor and celebrity memoir collaborator Michael Malice (Made in America with Ultimate Figher Matt Hughes and I Want You to Shut the F#ck Up with comedian D.L. Hughley, among others) was inspired by his visit to North Korea, which he wrote about for us in our Aug./Sept. 2013 issue, to produce an "unauthorized autobiography" of North Korea's late Dear Leader Kim Jong Il, Dear Reader.

That book is out now.

While a lot of the tyranny of North Korea reads like a dark humor comic opera to us--and the idea of an "unauthorized autobiography" is funny--Malice has a serious intent behind the apparent comedy: to get inside the nearly unspeakable evil of North Korean government in a way no other method could.

I wrote about Harvey Pekar's graphic novel biography of Malice, Ego and Hubris, back in 2006. 

Malice did a Reddit "ask me anything" yesterday on this book and other things.