Support Reason's 2011 Webathon If You Like Stories & Vids Like These!


As our 2011 Webathon continues into its second day, we're looking for 500 donations to help fund our operations for the coming year. Go here to get a list of the sort of swag that goes along with different giving levels. Your donations allow us to keep doing what we're doing: providing the best in libertarian news, analysis, and commentary. If you care about "Free Minds and Free Markets," then Reason is the place for you.

I thought it might be interesting to look at what pieces have been our biggest hits so far in 2011.

Between January 1, 2011 and December 1, 2011, these were the three most popular articles posted at

Marine Survives Two Tours in Iraq, SWAT Kills Him

 | May 16, 2011

Parents Sue D.A. for Charging Their 6-Year-Old Son With a Felony After He Played Doctor With a 5-Year-Old Girl

 | November 23, 2011

Barney Frank and Ron Paul will Introduce Legislation on Thursday to Fully Legalize Marijuana

Mike Riggs | June 22, 2011

For links to those stories, go here, here, and here.

The most-watched video released in the past year was Remy's Raise the Debt Ceiling Rap:

Your contributions to the webathon are fully tax deductible and the associated gifts range from magazine subscriptions to t-shirts to leather jackets to signed books to the opportunity to ask Matt Welch and me any question you want.

Go here for the full writeup of what contributions correspond to what gifts.

One of our major initiatives in 2012 is redesigning and upgrading our online platforms -,, our apps, Kindle and Nook products, you name it. Fill out this survey (free!) and get a chance at a $100 gift card.

I speak for everyone at Reason when I say we're grateful for the chance to write about the stuff we cover - and we're grateful for your support. If you like what we're doing here and want to see our shared worldview get bigger and more influential, then please consider making a contribution.