
Reason Writers Around Town: Shikha Dalmia on the Least Screwy Health Care Option for Seniors


After complaining bitterly that Republicans were scaring seniors by talking about death panels under ObamaCare, Democrats have unleashed their own scare campaign against RyanCare. One ad by a liberal outfit actually shows a Paul Ryan-look alike pushing an old lady on a wheel chair off a cliff. But when you get past the scare mongering on both sides, which plan would be better for seniors?

Reason Foundation Senior Analyst takes a look in her latest column at The Daily and concludes:

ObamaCare is the worst thing that could happen to seniors in their old age; inaction is the next and RyanCare is the least bad. As a senior in the making, if those were my only options, I would ignore Democratic demagoguery and take RyanCare in a heartbeat. ObamaCare, however, I'd avoid like the plague.

Read the whole thing here.