Now, I just want to repeat this because there's so much misinformation about the cost issue here. You talk to every health care economist out there and they will tell you that whatever ideas are -- whatever ideas exist in terms of bending the cost curve and starting to reduce costs for families, businesses, and government, those elements are in this bill.
Italics mine. "Every health care economist"? I'm sure interested readers can find plenty of market-oriented health economists who contradict that statement, but my scientific five-second Google News search immediately coughed up a snarling headline that makes the modest effort above this post look positively dessicated: "President Obama Tells Bald-Faced Lie About Health Care Reform Cost Control." The publication? Would you believe the lefty political site FireDogLake? Get out the windshield wipers:
This statement is 100% false–and Obama knows that. This bill does not contain anywhere near most ideas for controlling health care costs. This bill does not even contain most of the cost-reducing ideas that were part of Obama's health care plan during last year's presidential campaign.
What makes his lie so unbelievable is that Obama's administration is right now fighting against one of the biggest cost control ideas that the president previously claimed to support. His administration is working to kill Dorgan's drug re-importation amendment. […]
Mr. President, If you are going to cut secret deals that will force Americans to spend billions more on their prescription drugs, at least have the decency to not publicly lie about how your "health care reform" bill will do everything it can to reduce costs for American families. You know it is a lie, the PhRMA lobbyists you cut the secret deal with know it is a lie, health care reform experts knows it is a lie, and the American people should know it is a lie.
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