The Volokh Conspiracy

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AP Asked Justice Jackson About Her Inauguration Attire

There was not exactly a denial.


Justice Jackson gave an interview to the Associated Press at the Supreme Court. The biggest reveal is that she takes boxing lessons to get out her frustrations from the conservative justices. Lovely.

Buried deep in the story is a brief discussion about her attire at the inauguration.

Jackson, along with the other eight justices, also was part of the pomp and circumstance at President Donald Trump's inauguration, attracting attention for the white cowrie-shell necklace she wore over her judicial robe.

"It happened to coincide with Martin Luther King Day, and I thought I should wear something of cultural significance for that circumstance as well, to honor my heritage on this important day and this important occasion," she said.

The large necklace and earrings had special resonance because the shells have long been associated with African American culture and African heritage.

Um, the lede is buried. These shells didn't simply have resonance with African heritage. They are talismans to ward off evil. Jackson didn't quite deny that fact.

Carry on.