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Webinar Today on My New Book on the Impeachment Power

Hosted by the Society for the Rule of Law


I will be doing a webinar today at noon (eastern) with Gregg Nunziata at the Society for the Rule of Law. You can register for the virtual event at here.

We will be discussing my latest book, The Impeachment Power: The Law, Politics, and Purpose of an Extraordinary Constitutional Tool, just published by Princeton University Press. From PUP's description of the book.

Drawing insights from American and British history, congressional practice, and the language of the Constitution itself, Whittington shows how impeachment is a tool for checking abuses of elective office and defending constitutional norms. While we have come to associate impeachment with the presidency, it can be used to remedy gross misconduct by an array of officers of the federal government. Whittington cautions against abusing this immense and consequential power to settle political scores, demonstrating how it undermines the independence of the branches and makes Congress the seat of political power.

From the blurbs:

"A truly exceptional contribution to the literature on impeachment. Whittington shows how impeachment is indeed about politics, but it must be a high constitutional politics that calls on elected officials to exercise the responsible judgment on which the health of democratic institutions ultimately depends. There is no doubt that this indispensable treatment of the subject will, as it should, find a wide audience in the nation's capital and beyond."—Bob Bauer, author of The Unraveling: Reflections on Politics without Ethics and Democracy in Crisis

"As presidential impeachments descend to the realm of normal politics, many Americans are asking what impeachments are really for and how they work. This is the perfect book to answer those questions: nonpartisan, historically informed, reliable, and readable. Keith Whittington has done the country a favor."—Michael W. McConnell, author of The President Who Would Not Be King: Executive Power under the Constitution

You can buy a copy for yourself -- including in audiobook form! -- right now. You can also find an earlier conversation about the book and the impeachment power with Harvard Law School's Jack Goldsmith at the Lawfare Podcast here.