The Volokh Conspiracy
Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent
Our New Threads Account Is at [UPDATED: Not Working Any More, Please Follow Us on X or BlueSky]
We used to have our Threads at @volokhc, but we lost access to the underlying Instagram page and therefore the Threads account.
It's possible that the problem was that I listed the name as "Volokh Conspiracy" and then changed it to "Eugene Volokh (Volokh Conspiracy)," and perhaps Instagram insisted that the name be just "Eugene Volokh." But the error messages were never clear; I was told several times that the account had been reinstated, only to have it flagged again; I was asked for photo id's and provided them but was told they couldn't be read; and I wasn't able to change the user name to "Eugene Volokh," if that was the thing I needed to do.
If anyone can help explain how I can recover the @volokhc page, and change the name, if necessary, I'd appreciate that. But fortunately we only had about 20-odd followers there (compared to >600 on Bluesky, in roughly the same length of time), so I hope the change won't trouble too many people. If you are one of our Threads @volokhc followers, please just shift to @volokhconspiracy. (Our Twitter, Mastodon, and Bluesky feeds remain @volokhc.)
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