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Journal of Free Speech Law: "The Press Clause: The Forgotten First Amendment,"
a Report from the Floyd Abrams Institute for Freedom of Expression, by Floyd Abrams, Sandra Baron, Lee Levine, Jacob M. Schriner-Briggs & Isaac Barnes May.
The article is here; the Introduction:
From the earliest days of our nation, there was a shared sense that freedom of the press was an essential precondition for life in a newly liberated country. James Madison's first draft of what ultimately became the First Amendment reflected that sentiment. Introduced to the First Congress on June 8, 1789, it asserted that "[the] people shall not be deprived of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable."
The proposition that freedom of the press was an inviolable right was repeated in varying but wholly consistent language in the widest range of state constitutions of that time. Typical articulations were those of the Georgia Constitution of 1777 (declaring that the freedom of the press was to "remain inviolate forever"); the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 ("the liberty of the press is essential to the security of freedom in a state: it ought not, therefore, to be restrained in this Commonwealth"); and the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1790 ("the printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the proceedings of the legislature, or any part of government: And no law shall ever be made to restrain the right thereof").
Ultimately, the language of the First Amendment was redrafted in its current form, with freedom of the press specifically identified as requiring constitutional protection. The American press has, as a result, received broad protections against prior and subsequent restraints developed through twentieth-century jurisprudence. Cases such as Bridges v. California, New York Times v. Sullivan, and New York Times v. United States provide legal protections for the press that are unheard of in other democratic nations. At the same time, however, the Supreme Court has yet to recognize unique protections for the press needed for journalists to best perform their role in a democratic society. This is particularly troubling at a time when journalism in the United States faces an array of unique and increasingly dire challenges.
These challenges come in various forms. Influential political figures wantonly place the press in their rhetorical crosshairs, decrying it, as a whole, as "enemies of the people." Local governments utilize their powers to undermine newsrooms while the federal government jails journalists for protecting the confidentiality of their sources. Reporters covering political protests in both 2020 and 2024 have been assaulted, arrested, and confined. At a structural level, all but the most financially successful news outlets are hemorrhaging jobs as countless others shutter entirely. Over one-half of U.S. counties have no or limited access to local news, an acute symptom of the news industry's looming economic insolvency. Adding profound insult to these injuries, public trust in news institutions currently sits at record lows.
These trends are troubling for reasons beyond the interests of those directly affected by them. The work that journalists do—most notably gathering and disseminating newsworthy information, acting as a check on the government, and convening the public square—is both reflective of, and integral to, functional self-government. The press matters, not just for those who carry out the work of journalism but for a democratic society that is necessarily reliant upon the press to inform its decision-making and to hold power to account.
In the fall of 2022, the Abrams Institute for Freedom of Expression at Yale Law School commenced an effort, funded by a grant from the Stanton Foundation, to explore whether the Press Clause could and should be read as a more diligent protector of press freedom (the "Project"). Adopting the title The Press Clause: The Forgotten First Amendment, the Project convened five workshops that brought legal scholars and practitioners from around the United States together to discuss topics at the intersection of journalism and the First Amendment.
Together, the workshops explored three major questions. First, what are the strongest constitutional arguments in support of interpreting the Press Clause so as to give it meaning independent of the Speech Clause? Second, what could an invigorated Press Clause actually provide journalists—that is, what rights and protections might it generate? And third, how should "the press" be defined for purposes of allocating those rights?
This Report builds on the ideas generated in the workshops to present the Project's central arguments. It should be of interest to several constituencies, including scholars and policymakers developing related research agendas, media lawyers and other legal practitioners formulating litigation strategies that incorporate press rights, judges responsible for adjudicating such claims, and any person concerned with the decline of the press. From this introduction, the Report proceeds in six additional parts.
Part II details both the press's importance and some of the legal, political, and economic challenges it faces. Part III provides an assessment of the constitutional status quo. While a number of Supreme Court decisions have protected press freedom, the Court has yet to provide the press with unique protection beyond that which all speakers who set forth their views in printed form receive. The Press Clause itself has effectively been treated as having no independent meaning or impact. Part IV presents a series of arguments against this status quo and in favor of an invigorated Press Clause. These arguments are overlapping and mutually reinforcing but, for ease of reference, are grouped into "historical," "functional," "precedential," and "analogical" categories. With these arguments in hand, Part V discusses what a Press Clause jurisprudence could and should provide the press. Part VI addresses the issue of defining the press for purposes of partitioning the rights emanating from an active Press Clause. Part VII provides a brief conclusion.
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Sorry, I am plenty happy with protection for "press as technology", but I'm not signing up for protection for "press as institution"
Haetir — Press freedom of course ought to protect your right and power to publish your critique of the "press as institution." An under-recognized need exists to bulwark the power of press freedom to help the nation generally make wise decisions about whether you and others like you are making any sense.
As the intro above suggests, you should ready yourself to reflect on questions related to the notion that press freedom is and has always been a protection of expressive liberties in addition to those guarded by 1A protections for speech freedom.
Well, looking at the rest of the world, yes. Yes, press freedom protections are explicitly because of the first amendment - given that no other country has freedom of expression and they all have governments trying to muzzle their media and citizens.
'To protect democracy' of course.
Do you really think "no other country has freedom of expression?" Many nations protect a lot of speech critical of their governments and ours doesn't protect a lot.
Going back to the Founders, Freedom of Press relies almost entirely on Freedom of Religion. When you can't express a 'religious' sentiment in print, you give the powers full censorship rights by just declaring something a 'religious statement"
Francis Beckwith made this legal case long ago.
A graduate of Fordham University (Ph.D. and M.A. in philosophy) and the Washington University School of Law in St. Louis (Master of Juridical Studies)
Well then it's lucky for the country that your opinion doesn't decide the issue. And there is plenty of evidence that the founders did indeed use the word "Press" to mean the institution of public newspaper reporting. I've cited examples from Jefferson and Madison letters here at least twice. Examples are quite easy to find in online digitized archives, but of course "Originalists" who need a different outcome can't seem to find them.
Read the article, not just the intro.
Fair enough.
"While a number of Supreme Court decisions have protected press freedom, the Court has yet to provide the press with unique protection beyond that which all speakers who set forth their views in printed form receive. [Me: Thank goodness!] The Press Clause itself has effectively been treated as having no independent meaning or impact."
You might as well say that the speech clause has been treated as having no independent meaning, because it's coupled to the press clause. They are, of course, joined at the hip, as the liberty to communicate by two different means.
"In the current legal landscape, the Speech Clause provides meaningful post publication protection for the press."
I'm seeing the problem here: The essay treats any protection of use of the printing press as speech protection, which does make the contribution of the press clause to our liberty sort of vanish if it is interpreted as a general right to use the press.
It's true that the Courts often refer to protection of published matter as protection of "speech", but that doesn't mean they've elided the press clause, it just means that they refer to communications by any modiality as 'speech", while the press clause makes clear that 'speech', so defined, does not lose it's protection if published rather than spoken.
But the closest I've come looking at every occurrence of "the press" in the paper to a quote that actually hits the core of this distinction, between "the press" as an instrumentality, and "the press" as a profession/industry, occurs on pages 611/612:
"Perhaps most notably, the Pennsylvania Constitution included two press clauses. It made clear in its Declaration of Rights that “the people have a right to freedom of speech, and of writing, and publishing their sentiments; therefore the freedom of the press ought not to be restrained.” And it separately noted, in its “Plan or Frame of Government,” that the “printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the proceedings of the legislature, or any part of government.”
This actually weighs in favor of the "press as an instrumentality" reading, you might notice.
If you can identify a quote from the founding era that as unequivocally supports the "press as an institution" view, I'd be interested to see it. But don't just send me off to find it in some huge document, I've got a busy day ahead laying flooring in our storm damaged library.
Sigh. Okay, I'll do it again when I get a chance. We are gearing up for another winter of cold-stunned sea turtle rescue here. In general, I'm busier post-retirement than I was pre-retirement. And not getting paid for any of it.
So, who decides who is the "press"? The government? Does that make sense to you? Thomas Paine could be jailed because the Crown did not recognize him as a legitimate member of the press.
The courts interpret the Constitution and decide the reach of words like those found in the First Amendment. They are part of the government.
You immediately abandon your point to make sure your real target feels offended, the "Originalists" -- bet you pinned that on many who do not call themselves that 🙂
OF course they mean the instution of public newpaper reprorting but it is an argument from silence to say they circumscribed it as you do.
The more basic right is Freedom of Religion and just think!! without that the Press is hamstrung "Oh, that is a religious opinion" --- a legal point made illegally against Catholic Sunday sermons that mention voting and abortion in the same sermon.
THINK !!!!
Do both! It expands things even more.
From what I hear around here, freedom of speech directly includes mass production of speech and subsequent mass distribution. So, yay, freedom of speech includes directly the mechanical mass production and distribution of speech, independently.
But don’t suggest “…and freedom of the press” doesn’t also state it directly. You know the scum will then suggest it means only institutional journalists, then work to build the idea freedom of speech no longer implies mass production, leaving mass production high and dry without protection.
Kings of yore could and did restrict mechanical printing, a freaking wonderful invention, as a backdoor means of censorship. The founding fathers were wise to protect it directly.
As for institutional press, if anything, that would be implied as covered under Freedom of Speech directly. But nevermind. Let both be implied from both freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
A wise man once said, “Rights don’t need beta testing.” Screw those power mongers. What did they ever do, anyways?
The 2nd amendment guaranteed the right of the people, not the militia, to avoid the government creating a "select militia" no different from a standing army. Similarly, the 1st amendment guarantees the people's right to publish, to avoid the creation of a select publishing industry, as it were, no different from a state monopoly on publishing.
I'm not so sure. The text of the 2nd has the language of, essentially, "militias are great, so the right of the *people* to keep and bear arms is protected." So that makes sense with your interpretation and motivation. However, the 1st says "freedom of speech" is protected but so is "freedom of the press." There's no clause like "because the freedom of the press is great for democracy, the people's freedom of speech is protected."
Wrong even on the history....We have maybe 20 state constitutions preceding that 2nd Amendment , with phrases like :
The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.
This intro announces an urgently needed discussion. Based on it, I look forward to descriptions of the substance of the work already begun. I expect topics raised to challenge maximally a range of over-cherished notions left over from the pre-internet era, while at the same time reinvigorating and enlightening the case to protect core values indispensable to the public life of the nation.
Your are suggesting that the press is a special group within the US and who should get special protections.
The USSC - and custom - within the US is that *everyone* is the press and *everyone* gets those free speech protections.
Indeed, it would be nearly impossible to give special consideration to 'the press' without *removing* free speech from 'ordinary citizens'.
As such I do not see how these people come to the conclusion that 'the press' is in any way prevented from fulfilling 'their role in a democratic society'.
If the press is not fulfilling it's role it is not because they need more government protection, it is because some of the press have chosen to not do this - predominately among the 'legacy media'.
In fact, giving the press special protections leaves the government in the position of determining who is and is not 'press' and this able to control the press.
If one take "the press" to mean, the actual printing and dissemination of materials, then yes, everyone is free to publish and disseminate. Only if one treat "press" as a metonym for journalistic institutions specifically does the meaning narrow.
Paranoia about specially privileged journalistic institutions—where does it come from? Is it envy that private publishers enjoy public influence? Some might, from time to time. You remain at liberty do what they do, and share that influence alike with them.
If you choose not to do that, what stretch of the envious imagination goads you into belief that privately exercised publishing activities are bad for you, instead of beneficial? Do you suppose that professional news gathering is a public vice? Or is it simply that you suppose press freedom has somehow enhanced the political power of elites whose politics you dislike?
If so, how wise do you suppose it is to justify use of government power to burden the expressive activities of others? If you advocate that, and it happens, can you imagine any downside risk for your own expressive freedom?
That is my point - there is no 'press as an institution that gets special privileges' in US jurisprudence and that actually makes us freer.
Incunabulum, you seem to conflate notions of protecting certain activities, and the contrary notion that some imagined class of beneficiaries gets special privileges not available to others. No doubt others make that conflation too, and some advocate for doing it. It makes no sense no matter how many believe it.
I agree with you completely. I was just pointing out that there is no real "Originalist" basis for that jurisprudence. The founding generation used the word "Press" to specifically mean "Journalistic institutions" all the time.
I've seen founding era quotes that are somewhat equivocal; They could go either way. I don't recall any where it was utterly unambiguous that "the press" was referring to institutional media.
But the question isn't whether they ever referred to those media as 'the press', but instead how they were using the phrase in the 1st amendment.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
I think it would be peculiar for the founders, in one sentence, to protect a general instrumentality, and then the rights of a specific subset of the population. When they did that with authors and inventors, they were quite specific about who they were protecting, they weren't ambiguous at all.
If they'd meant the institutional media, they'd have written something that looked more like the copyright and patent clauses, not the 1st amendment.
While it makes perfect sense to first protect the right of everybody to free exercise of religion, then free speech, and then free publishing, followed up by free assembly and petitioning the government.
It also fits the way they reason about rights in general; They would have understood that if you only grant a right to a specific group, the right can be gamed by government deciding who's a member of that group.
I really think the only reason anybody came to think that the press clause was about the institutional press was that that group are rather full of themselves, and persuaded that they have a special status.
Incunabulum — If by, "you," you mean me, then you have lined up in 6 paragraphs 6 separate windmills of your own creation, to tilt at for whatever reason. None of those assertions makes a lick of sense to me. Although each expresses a view shared by many, I do not agree with any of them.
The press as designated in the Constitution is not a privileged group, or any distinctive group at all. The term is a stand-in for publishing activities protected alike for anyone who wishes to practice them.
The notion that to protect publishing activities for all would somehow burden free speech for any is nonsense. How do you think that jeopardy would be inflicted?
Because no class of uniquely privileged persons constitutes the press, no government empowerment to determine who those might be can even exist.
The press freedom clause says that if you want to practice publishing activities, the government does not generally get to interfere with what you do.
Is this a chatbot? Half of what is written in your two responses is restating the points I made, the other half is responding to things I did not write.
The difference between a chat bot and an obsessive human can be hard to decern, but I'm pretty sure Lathrop is the latter.
Part VI addresses the issue of defining the press for purposes of partitioning the rights emanating from an active Press Clause.
This is the most difficult part of trying to give Freedom of the Press a separate meaning from the Freedom of Speech. There is no dividing line that can be drawn between the average person that has a blog, and cable news networks with yearly revenue in the billions of dollars. Protecting the institution of "The Press" constitutionally is likely to create all kinds of problems, most of which we can't imagine until they happen. It's already difficult to draw lines between news corporations and other businesses.
My biggest concern is that right there. As many bizarre or absurd situations that might come up if single individuals that aren't employed by a recognizable news company and no history of journalism can call themselves journalists as they seek special protection, the real scary problems come from large corporations or wealthy individuals that seek protection because they own a newspaper or cable news channel or social media platform. Money often buys the ability to speak a hell of a lot louder than one could speak without it. The U.S. can't deny any longer that our political system has features of an oligarchy. Give the oligarchs special press protections, and those features might just become more prominent.
Some argue freedom of institutional press doesn’t really create a separate class of protected citizens, as any citizen writing or reporting on anything suffers that protection, regardless of if it’s for a news service or not.
Good! What seedy thug wants the power to silence any of it? Screw the power mongers!
As much as I'd like to think it was Musk and Don Jr.'s attempt at a joke, the fact that it is plausible is the worrisome part. This is why you seemed to zoom right past my point. These are the power mongers. You act like the government is the threat when there is so much that shows that the government is for sale. That makes the people with the money to buy it the threat.
Then you are doubly wrong 🙂 It was a choice between a foolish stupid woman who blew throught $1.5 BILLION and an opponent who looks like Scrooge in comparison 🙂
The Harris and Trump presidential campaigns spent US$2.6 billion on ads from March through Nov 1. Democrats spent US$1.6 billion, while Republicans invested US$993 million.
I'm sure you're looking only at campaign and party spending for the GOP side if you think that Trump was "Scrooge in comparison." Trump raised $386 million directly for his campaign, 28% of which was from small donors, compared to Harris's $1 billion, 40% of which was from small donors. But the Trump side took in more from big donors in the affiliated PACs. ($694 million for Trump, $586 million for Harris)
Harris and supporters outraised Trump's side by 50%. That is a lot, but Trump always has the by-design benefit of his antics getting all kinds of free press.
Also of note from the linked article (this is total on all candidates and the parties themselves, not just the two presidential candidates):
The largest donor was Mr Timothy Mellon, the reclusive 82-year-old banking heir who contributed US$197 million to Trump and Republican causes.
Other major Republican supporters included Mr Richard Uihlein and his wife Elizabeth from the packaging industry, casino magnate Miriam Adelson, Tesla and SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk, and hedge fund investor Kenneth Griffin – each contributing more than US$100 million to Trump and Republican causes.
On the Democratic side, Mr Michael Bloomberg emerged as the leading donor, contributing about US$93 million – US$43 million initially, plus a reported additional US$50 million.
Mr George Soros provided US$56 million through his political action committee.
What do you think that money could have done for charitable causes? If these ultra-wealthy individuals can drop $50 million or more on political campaigns, which is practically like burning it as far as what that capital produces, how does that compare with their donations to charity? If their charitable donations are anything less than 10 times what they donate to politics, then they are clearly buying influence for themselves or at least thinking that their enormous wealth has earned them the right to influence the outcomes elections far in excess of their single vote.
And that is not to mention the kinds of influence they get through companies they own. Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion, has turned it into a company worth maybe a fourth of that now, but it is has become a highly influential platform in messaging for conservatives since then. SpaceX is also a big government contractor, and NASA relies heavily on it. Bezos has owned the Washington Post for a long time now, but the decision not to endorse a candidate for President sure seems like him trying to stay in good with Trump after Trump had gotten a big potential contract with Amazon to turn away from it in his first term as punishment for the Post speaking against him.
"What do you think that money could have done for charitable causes?"
Kind of an aside: there are surely rich people who donate to apolitical charities - the symphony, buying a park, cancer research or whatever. But some - you mentioned Bloomberg and Soros - aim a lot of their charity at some decidedly political causes, even if those donations aren't direct donations to candidates or parties.
There is no dividing line that can be drawn between the average person that has a blog, and cable news networks with yearly revenue in the billions of dollars.
JastonT20 — Define accurately the activities which define a news gathering publishing business, and it will draw a line which pretty cleanly cleaves both those groups. Some in each group will turn out to be publishers, others not.
The publishers ought to get 1A press protection, the others get 1A speech protection. Anyone in either group ought to enjoy liberty to switch at will to practicing the activities of the other, with appropriate protections determined by which activities are currently practiced.
In practice, the press as an institution and/or function has certain extra rights, including the ability to view the Supreme Court’s proceedings. These protections as a unit have not been struck down as violating the First Amendment or equal protection.
The Supreme Court Public Information Office "has a line reserved for press and other priority calls." It also releases certain information to the press. Likewise, there are "press briefings" at the White House.
Another thing that comes to mind is shield laws specific to members of the media. There is also this pending legislation:
Extra privileges not rights.
The essay claims that "the way Volokh frames the question—whether the Press Clause referred to the press as a technology or the press as an industry—establishes a false dichotomy"
but later the essay recommends:
"Prompt the Supreme Court to revisit cases, such as Keeton v. Hustler Magazine433 and Calder v. Jones, 434 that hold the press is not entitled to procedural protections in defamation and related content-based litigation that are not available to non-press litigants."
So which is it? Is the distinction Volokh highlights a false dichotomy or is it actually the core issue? If a non-press litigant had been performing the indispensable functions of gathering newsworthy information and contributing to public discourse, why should he not have the same protections afforded to the institutional press?
If a non-press litigant had been performing the indispensable functions of gathering newsworthy information and contributing to public discourse, why should he not have the same protections afforded to the institutional press?
Hasnberry — No reason, except that it almost never happens. What you describe is in fact all but impossible to accomplish.
News publishing is by its nature a collaborative activity. Lone wolves are particularly handicapped when it comes to digging out closely held government information, including secrets that maybe should not be secret, and policies not forthrightly acknowledged.
In his auto-biography the brilliant investigative reporter Seymour Hersh—who had a list of trustworthy government contacts to rival anyone's—commented on how little good those contacts did him when he was not working for an institutional press. When he tried working as a lone wolf, all his contacts dried up. When he went back to work for nationally recognized institutional media, his contacts revived.
Turns out, an institutional press has powers to discover and disclose information that even the best professional reporters cannot rival when working alone. The sources for stories are shrewd judges of how much publishing power the person interviewing them commands. The sources give their information to reporters connected to well-established powerful outlets, and withhold those stories from the others.
Arguing that rarely used civil rights should be abolished seems like a pretty strange take.
People frequently give consent to searches, waive their right to a speedy trial, etc, etc, etc. That hardly justifies eliminating those rights.
Absaroka — Where in what I wrote do you see an argument to abolish a civil right? I am fine with leaving the right in place for everyone. My comment was only an argument to discourage making a big deal out of something which is rare to the point of non-existence.
That, of course, treats the argument politely. A less polite take is that Hansberry is trying to exploit a trivial point to encourage burdening the institutional press. On this blog, it is impossible not to notice how strongly motivated seem the arguments to attack the institutional press, compared to the weakness of the reasoning offered to support the attacks.
You mistake 'giving everyone the same robust rights' with 'burdening the institutional press'.
If everybody's got the same rights, those rights have to be of a nature that can be generalized, not of a nature that would break the system if everybody has them. Lathrop, for all his verbosity and obsessions, understands that.
That means that some dispensations the institutional press enjoy, like refusing to reveal sources, can't be rights if the press have no special constitutional status. They are merely privileges, and privileges can be revoked.
So, yes, the "press as an instrumentality" view of the press clause really does to some extent imply that the press will face some burdens everybody else is routinely subject to.
It makes you want to weep bitter tears, doesn't it? [/sarc]
Start with the core right to Freedom of Religioni and you see what the Founders are getting at -- and PRof Francis Beckwith made this point long ago: You cannot dismiss out of hand ANY claim/statement/action on the basis that it is 'religous"
Freedom of Press must build on that. Darn, you see it in the founding of Wastington Times by 'Moonies' and Epoch Times by Falun Gong and the Christian Science Monitor ......
The only real distinction between "freedom of speech" and "freedom of the press" is the former refers to the spoken word and the latter refers to the written word.
I find the notion that "freedom of the press" was meant to extend special protections to some particular industry or journalistic class as absurd as suggesting "freedom of speech" was meant to extend special protections to professional lecturers.
Start with the core right to Freedom of Religioni and you see what the Founders are getting at -- and PRof Francis Beckwith made this point long ago: You cannot dismiss out of hand ANY claim/statement/action on the basis that it is 'religous"
Freedom of Press must build on that. Darn, you see it in the founding of Wastington Times by 'Moonies' and Epoch Times by Falun Gong and the Christian Science Monitor ......
Is your "Only real distinction" borne out in the jurisprudence? In many many cases hasn't the protection of the written word been based on freedom of speech, not freedom of the press?
"The only real distinction between “freedom of speech” and “freedom of the press” is the former refers to the spoken word and the latter refers to the written word."
Might it be the word "the" in the latter?
No. The only way to widely disseminate information was by using the printing press. That could be Paine in his basement or the roving "newspapers."
It's rather insane that people believe the constitution provides more rights to a small group of individuals than to the people. Their construct of the press clause is that the press, however that is defined, has more rights than the individual, and that individuals may not infringe on those rights. Of course, who decides who is a press member, the government?! That is nonsensical and revolting to the idea of liberty and freedom.
Who decides what is protected speech?
Guardian253, on what basis do you conclude that availability of a right you choose not to exercise means those who do exercise the right enjoy privileges denied to you?
More generally, are you so benighted that you suppose a right to protect news gathering does not benefit you, even if it is others who gather the news and publish it for you to read?
No, the constitution says that the GOVERNMENT may not infringe on those rights, not the individual.
This is the most annoying conceit of journalists: that the "press" clause of the 1st amendment applies only to them. What it really means, broadly, is that anyone, be they journalists, plumbers, or whoever, can publish, or cause to have published, whatever they wish and cannot be molested by the government for doing it. This is also where the "protecting sources" thing falls apart as well. The valiant journalist is not being held in contempt and jailed for publishing the information. He/she is being held in contempt and jailed for not complying with a court's lawful orders. Arguments against that are arguments for so-called shield laws, which, if they were constitutionlly required, wouldn't be necessary. Also, if in similar circumstances an electriciancould be compelled to reveal such information, you're in essence saying the Journalists enjoy consstitutional rights that the rest of us don't. That can't be right.
RonFWA, it is commonplace for individuals to enjoy rights they make no use of. If you do not choose to practice publishing activities, that does not mean you are not at liberty to do so. Nor should it be interpreted to mean that those who do practice publishing activities claim rights withheld from you.
You strike me as another in a crowd of press critics who want to restrict press freedom—usually for reasons they do not discuss.
Why can't that be right? Does the free exercise clause mean that religious people enjoy a constitutional right that I, a completely non-religious person, don't?
I'm not arguing that the limiting of the press clause to journalism is right. I just don't see why an enumerated constitutional right has to apply equally to every single citizen. Or to put it another way, the clause limits what governments are allowed to do. That limit may not affect everyone equally.
Absaroka — Nope. It’s one thing to be guaranteed a right, it’s another thing to actually use it. If a class of rights holders exist who do not actively use the right, they have no legitimate complaint if others who practice specifically protected activities do get protection which the former could as readily practice, but choose not to.
The error you and others make is to insist the protection relates to persons, instead of to practices. Persons who do not practice protected activities do not get to claim rights which apply only to those activities.
Those persons are not disqualified from the rights, or from the activities, but to get the protections, they must practice the activities. They go together, with the connection summarized in the 1A by the term, “the press.”
The individualistic interpretation you, other VC commenters, and EV all insist upon, is historically unsupportable.
From the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1790: "the printing presses shall be free to every person who undertakes to examine the proceedings of the legislature, or any part of government: And no law shall ever be made to restrain the right thereof".
Lathrop's version: the printing presses shall be free to every person who is a member of the institutional press and undertakes to examine the proceedings of the legislature, or any part of government: And no law shall ever be made to restrain the right thereof.
"If a class of rights holders exist who do not actively use the right, they have no legitimate complaint if others who practice specifically protected activities do get protection which the former could as readily practice, but choose not to."
This is just bizarre. You are saying everyone has free speech rights as long as they remain silent. That seems like an odd phrasing, like 'you have the right to run red lights as long as you don't run red lights'. Whatever.
The protected activity is to speak. My position is that speech is or is not legal depending only on what was said, not on who said it. The rules should be the same, whether you are black, white, Catholic, the son of an duke, red-headed, and also whether you do or don't have a government issued press ID.