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Young Kansas City Chiefs Fan's (and Family's) Defamation Lawsuit Against Deadspin Based on Blackface Allegations Can Go Forward
To support the Chiefs, the young fan "wore Native American headdress, painted his face black and red, and donned a Chiefs jersey"; Deadspin said this was "black face" and showed "hate" towards "Black people and the Native Americans."
From yesterday's by Delaware trial court Judge Sean Lugg in Armenta v. G/O Media, Inc.:
Deadspin published an image of a child displaying his passionate fandom as a backdrop for its critique of the NFL's diversity efforts and, in its description of the child, crossed the fine line protecting its speech from defamation claims.
On November 26, 2023, the Armenta family, a mother, father, and their minor son, traveled from California to Las Vegas, Nevada to attend an NFL game between the Las Vegas Raiders and the Kansas City Chiefs. To support his favorite team, H.A., the Armentas' minor son, wore Native American headdress, painted his face black and red, and donned a Chiefs jersey. During the game, a television broadcast focused briefly on H.A. Soon afterwards, still images, or "screenshots," of the television broadcast circulated online.
The following day, Deadspin published an article, with an accompanying screenshot, describing the boy as wearing "Black face" in a display of racial animus toward African Americans and "Native headdress" to display his hatred toward the Native American. The article further surmised that Raul and Shannon Armenta, H.A.'s parents, taught H.A. that hatred.
The court allowed the Armentas' defamation claim against Deadspin to go forward:
Generally, statements labeling a person as racist are not actionable. "A term like racist, while exceptionally negative, insulting, and highly charged—is not actionable under defamation-type claims because it is a word that lacks precise meaning and can imply many different kinds of fact." In Cousins, the Delaware Supreme Court explained that the defendant's "personal view of what is racist" was not provably false and upheld the trial court's dismissal of the defamation claim:
It cannot be denied America is in the midst of an ongoing national debate about what it means to be racist. To be sure, there is nearly universal agreement that some behaviors are racist: these include the use of racial slurs, the practicing of overt racial discrimination, and the commission of racially motivated violence…. But when a wider net is cast, this consensus quickly vanishes: it is clear to us that Americans disagree about a long and growing list of things that to some are racist and to others are not. It is not our role here to enter into this debate and decide who is right and who is wrong. In fact, we think that the First Amendment is clear that doing so would be the opposite of our role.
Deadspin argues that the statements alleging H.A. wore Black face are nonactionable for the same reasons that calling him racist would be non-actionable. {"Blackface is used to mock or ridicule Black people; it is considered deeply offensive." Deadspin, in recasting Black face as "culturally insensitive face paint" in the December 7 Update, recognizes the negative understanding of the descriptive term.} … But there is a legally significant distinction between a statement calling someone a racist and a statement accusing someone of engaging in racist conduct; expressions of opinion are not protected if they imply an assertion of an objective, defamatory fact. Two recent decisions applying California law, Overhill Farms, Inc. v. Lopez (Cal. Ct. App. 2010) and La Liberte v. Reid (2d Cir. 2020), assist in clarifying this distinction.
The Court in Overhill Farms held that "a claim of racially motivated employment termination is a provably false fact." In that case, a group of employees accused their employer of engaging in racist firings of Hispanic workers as a pretext to hide racist and discriminatory abuse against Latina women immigrants. After the employer sued for defamation, the employees moved to dismiss, arguing that their statements were non-actionable opinions. The California Court of Appeals denied the employees' motion, reasoning:
[D]efendants did not merely accuse [their employer] of being "racist" in some abstract sense …. [I]n almost every instance, defendants' characterization of [their employer] as "racist" is supported by a specific reference to its decision to terminate the employment of a large group of Latino immigrant workers. The assertion of racism, when viewed in that specific factual context, is not merely a hyperbolic characterization of [the employer's] black corporate heart—it represents an accusation of concrete, wrongful conduct…. [T]he statements reflected in defendants' written press release, leaflets and flyers accused Overhill of more than harboring racist attitudes; they accused Overhill of engaging in a mass employment termination based upon racist and ageist motivations. Such a contention is clearly a "provable fact;" indeed an employer's motivation for terminating employment is a fact plaintiffs attempt to prove routinely in wrongful termination cases.
In La Liberte v. Reid, a community activist brought suit after a television host republished two photographs of her at a pro-immigration rally with captions alleging racist conduct. The first caption accused the plaintiff of screaming "You are going to be first deported … dirty Mexican!" at a 14-year-old boy. The second caption compared a photograph of the plaintiff to white Americans yelling at the Little Rock Nine. The television host moved to dismiss the activist's defamation claims, arguing that her statements were "nonactionable statements of opinion." The trial court agreed and granted dismissal. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals reversed, explaining:
A reader could interpret the juxtaposition of the Photograph with the 1957 Little Rock image to mean that [plaintiff] likewise screamed at a child out of racial animus—particularly in light of [defendant's] comment that "[h]istory sometimes repeats." That interpretation is bolstered by [defendant's] description of the white woman in the Little Rock photograph as a "person screaming at a child, with [her] face twisted in rage" and [her] comment that it was "inevitable" that the photos would be juxtaposed. [Defendant] thus portrayed [plaintiff] as a latter-day counterpart of the white woman in 1957 who verbally assaulted a minority child. Like the defendants in Overhill Farms, [defendant] "did not merely accuse [plaintiff] of being 'racist' in some abstract sense." Rather, her July 1 Post could be understood as an "accusation of concrete, wrongful conduct," which can be proved to be either true or false. That makes it potentially defamatory.
The Armentas contend that the Original Article and its Updates involve defamatory statements regarding conduct that is provably false and, therefore, this Court should be guided by Overhill Farms and La Liberte. These statements include:
(1) H.A. was wearing "Black face;"
(2) H.A.'s conduct in wearing "Black face" was motivated by his hatred of Black people;
(3) H.A.'s wearing of a Native headdress resulted from his hatred of Native Americans;
(4) H.A. is part of a "future generation[ ]" of racists who had "recreate[d] racism better than before"; and
(5) Raul and Shannon Armenta "taught" their son, H.A., "racism and hate" in their home.
Deadspin's audience could understand its portrayal of H.A. to mean that his entire face was painted black and, because his entire face was painted black, it was H.A.'s intent to disrespect and hate African Americans. The publication went beyond an expression of opinion and flatly stated H.A.'s motivation for appearing as he did.
Similarly, a reader could be left with the belief that H.A. wore a Native American headdress as a signal of disrespect to that population. Any doubt as to the thrust of these representations is resolved in the opening line of the article, where the author unequivocally asserts, "It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate Black people and the Native American at the same time."
While arguably couched as opinion, the author devotes substantial time to describing H.A. and attributing negative racial motivation to him. Further, the article may be reasonably viewed as derogating those who may have taught him—his parents. A reader might not, as Deadspin contends, interpret this assertion as a reflection of the author's opinion. To say one is a racist may be considered opinion, but to plainly state that one's attire, presentation, or upbringing demonstrates their learned hatred for identifiable groups is actionable. A reader may reasonably interpret the Article's assertion that H.A. was wearing Black face as fact….
The CBS broadcast showed H.A. for approximately three seconds. In those three seconds, viewers could see that H.A.'s face was painted two colors: black and red. Deadspin published an image of H.A. that displayed only the portion of H.A.'s face painted black and presented it as a factual assertion that there was a "Chiefs fan in Black face" at the game. The complaint asserts facts that, reasonably interpreted, establish Deadspin's Original Article and its Updates as provably false assertions of fact….
Deadspin contends that La Liberte and Overhill Farms stand as outliers from decisions recognizing that accusations of racist behavior are "inherently subjective and therefore non-actionable[.]" Not so. They reflect reasoned assessments of the lines between protected and actionable speech and offer a paradigm for identifying and assessing provably false allegations of racial animus. This Court may grant Deadspin's motion under Rule 12(b)(6) only if "under no reasonable interpretation of the facts alleged could the complaint state a claim for which relief might be granted." Applying the analytical framework of La Liberte and Overhill Farms to the facts here, the Armentas maintain a "possibility of recovery." …
Libby Locke, David Sillers, and Jonathan Kaiman of Clare Locke LLP represent plaintiffs.
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The case is in Delaware Superior Court. I'm curious why neither party thought it desirable to try this potential diversity jurisdiction case in federal court. Plaintiffs are from California. Defendant is incorporated in Delaware with a principal place of business in New York. The court denied Deadspin's claim of forum non conveniens. If you incorporate in Delaware you take the risk of being sued in Delaware.
as Elon Musk can attest to.
Plaintiffs generally prefer state courts, which are considered less likely to dismiss a claim on a motion to dismiss or on summary judgment.
Where the only possible basis for federal jurisdiction is diversity, then a defendant in Deadspin’s position cannot remove to federal court. The removal statue expressly states that where diversity is the only basis for jurisdiction the case “may not be removed if any of the parties in interest properly joined and served as defendants is a citizen of the State in which such action is brought.” 28 USC 1441(b)(2). As a Delaware corporation, Deadspin is a “citizen” of Delaware, so it cannot remove in what is considered its home state. (NB that is only for state or common law claims based on diversity. If there had been a federal claim, it could be removed.)
With respect to forum non conveniens, and its federal analog 28 USC 1404, as this court held, modern technology makes that harder to assert. Documents are routinely scanned and emailed (or put on a server with a link), so what does it matter if the other side is 30 or 3000 miles away?
As for witnesses, there are remote depositions like by Zoom, and most states adhere to the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act, which allows one to subpoena a witness in one state for testimony or documents to be used in another.
These kinds of arguments are generally losers.
Whooo boy....Deadspin sounds like Dead Meat (aka legal roadkill), real soon. IMO of course.
Get this in front of a jury....mean, nasty journo-jerk picks on an innocent, underaged child attending a pro football game, for kicks. IANAL but I'd think this is a slam dunk in front of a jury of Moms with little kids; serious $$$.
The child is tarred for life...his entire life, through no fault of his own. Can the child attach a portion of the future earnings of the journo-jerk for life, like monthly payments?
Deadspin would have better odds in a pool of hungry piranhas than in front of a representative American jury.
The supply of racists and racism doesnt come close to meeting the leftist demand so they have invent racists
This is where the word SETTLE comes in. Over 90% of civil cases end up settling.
(I have long joked that there are two phrases guaranteed to get a judge's attention: Settle and Subject-Matter-Jurisdiction.)
So BL, how does that happen, in real life?
In this case, what do you argue on behalf of the child at the settlement conference?
Q: Are lifetime monthly payments that arise from a trial like this taxable?
The only sort of settlements I know of that aren't taxable are personal injury settlements. I guess because having an arm, or whatever, wasn't itself taxable.
See the IRS page "Tax implications of settlements and judgments". When a defamation award is in substance an award for emotional distresss it is taxable. A settlement agreement can be drafted to avoid taxes:
Deadspin has an incentive to agree to characterize a settlement as tax-free. If the tax rate for rich people is 40% a plaintiff who settles for $1 million less taxes is in the roughly the same position as a plaintiff who settles for $600,000 untaxed.
I'm thinking the kid retires at age 9 or 10, with monthly payments for life. 😉
monthly payments for life
Given the probably life expectancy of the child vs that of Deadspin I'm thinking that a single lump-sum is the way to go.
The focus is on what the other side's exposure is. If the case goes to trial, what kind of award would the jury give. In this case, the factors point to pretty high. Then you discount that by the chances of losing and expense and time of going to trial. Conversely, if the other side does not want its bad actions expose to the public in a trial, then that adds to the settlement value. I am not familiar with Deadspin, but I can see an outfit like the NY Times wanting to avoid internal communications being exposed to the public.
And I would not settle for a stream of payments. Who knows it the other side will be solvent for all that time. I'd rather my client get a lump sum, pay taxes and get a good investment counselor. Nick Sandman, as I understand it, is now set for life, assuming he invests what he got wisely.
Thx for the explainer, esp the utility of lump sum.
That was good news about Sandmann = set for life
Screw those liberal cancel cultists. If Deadspin was named Trump some judge would award the kid $1,000,000,00000,0000 without trial b/c Trump is obviously so guilty.
I think this is great. Most defamation trials seem pretty overblown butt hurt nonsense, but I remember when this happened, and it took me a few days to believe some reporter had been so callous. A kid? And cherry pick the worst still he could? The guy sounds as dumb as the box his DEI/CRT kit came in. And surely there must have been some editor or boss or someone in the loop.
Good riddance.
"it took me a few days to believe some reporter had been so callous. A kid? And cherry pick the worst still he could?"
Deadspin should have learned from WaPo's result in the Nick Sandmann incident. Too late now, though!
WaPo's result of paying a nuisance settlement?
Why would WaPo pay a nuisance settlement is such a public case?
I seem to remember that even when the reporter was told what was going on he just doubled down.
Deadspin contends that La Liberte and Overhill Farms stand as outliers from decisions recognizing that accusations of racist behavior are "inherently subjective and therefore non-actionable[.]" Not so
Oof. You know you're in bad shape when you're pulling out the, "Well, but the bad precedent doesn't REALLY count..." song & dance.
"The publication went beyond an expression of opinion and flatly stated H.A.'s motivation for appearing as he did."
Finally some accountability for leftist mind-reading. A beautiful thing!
But shouldn't there be a balancing test that balances the strictly personal harm of accusing a young boy of racism over selected stills from a video against the societal benefit of 100's of thousands of clicks and the faux outrage generated?
And the warm moral glow of denouncing imaginary racism?
Sure. Give the kid and family all that sweet ad revenue, multiplied by 10. Or 100, I'm not picky.
Screw the money, I want my pound of Flesh
When I was in high school or college in the 80's and had I wanted to dress up for Halloween as Bill Cosby or Magic Johnson I would have done so without any inkling that doing so would be offensive. How else is one supposed to portray your favorite black superstars?
Kids are largely naive about racism. In my hood there is always a certain distance between adults of different color, But the children don't know that and come up to me and try to chat and play all the time. They are truly innocents.
IOW, calling a child racist should be an exception to the defamation doctrine
I know what you mean: I grew up in Warren, Michigan, at a time when there were only two black families in the entire city, but the issue of race simply never came up in our household. Even when we moved out to the country in response to the Detroit riots, it was about riots, not the color of the rioters, which never got mentioned.
So, how was I supposed to pick up any racism?
As a result, when later I met a hot looking black girl during a summer job, and tried chatting her up in hope of getting a date, I had no clue why she was so hostile. Did I have bad breath? Never occurred to me until long after that it was because we were of different races.
Or, I don't know, maybe I did have bad breath.
I think the only racism in the house was from my old Dixiecrat dad. Whenever Wheel of Fortune came on and they would introduce the contestants and one of the contestants was a black woman; he'd raise his hands above his head and bellow: "Well there's your winner!!!" Same with the Miss USA pageants. There'd always be just one black contestant yet she'd always end up in the final two. And I must say...he had a point there
Hobie-Stank is largely naive about Kids. I was called a “Honky” my first year in Little League(the last year before they went to T-ball for the first year) I was 7, and you ain’t heard “N-words” get tossed around like the Harlem Globe Trotters Magic Circle till you’ve gone to an Intergrated Pubic Screw-el. “Bebe’s Kids” could be a friggin documentary in Atlanta.
“The children don’t know that and come up to me and try to chat and play all the time”
Yeah, that’s what John Wayne Gacy said. Only Kids I see are ones I'm about to make unconscious with Sevoflurane or Ketamine, wait, that sounds bad, I mean before I anesthetize, Ok, not much better, them.
Their parents signed the consent form though, so it's all legal-like, Dig?
I'm sure it's situational.
Seems pretty open and shut, if you look at a picture of the kid.
That's simply, objectively, not "blackface". I mean, sheesh, half his face is red! Might as well accuse Blue Man of wearing "blackface".
It's not a matter of opinion. It's a factual question, and Deadspin knew they were publishing a lie. So the only question is whether it's a defamatory lie.
And that's not really much of a question, either.
I think somebody was trying to leverage "blackface!" to include "cultural appropriation".
Why was what a child wore even newsworthy?
Have you ever seen Deadspin? I don't think that word is in their mission statement.
The only defendant in this case is Deadspin. If the writer is sued at all, he is not being sued in this Delaware case.
Some media outlets have insurance to cover defamation claims.
Really? Defamation is generally an intentional tort, and my impression is that most states do not permit insurance for that.
And certainly not for punitive damages.
Negligent defamation is legally possible. Reporters and editors make mistakes.
When the Boston Herald was sued by a judge for hostile press coverage there was an insurance policy that potentially could have paid the judgment. I don't know who wrote the check in the end. (The case was Murphy v. Boston Herald. It was big news locally.)
Dead spin is doing a wonderful job of training future "racists."
Deadspin argues that the statements alleging H.A. wore Black face are nonactionable for the same reasons that calling him racist would be non-actionable.
Bzzt, wrong. "Black face" is a factual statement, the the entire face is "painted" black.
As the kid was half black / half red, and they had to work hard to get a camera angle that would show only the black, it was a false statement of fact.
Screw them to the wall
This case certainly highlights the complexities surrounding defamation, free speech, and the interpretation of intent, especially in the context of sensitive topics like race. It's important for media outlets to navigate these situations carefully, as false accusations can have a lasting impact on individuals and families. It will be interesting to see how this case unfolds, especially with the court allowing the defamation claim to proceed. If you're looking for something different, check out the Solara Script Hub for more insights on enhancing your Roblox experience.
This case brings up significant questions about the boundaries of free speech and defamation, especially when accusations are based on intent or motivation that can be interpreted differently by audiences. The court’s decision to allow the Armenta family’s defamation lawsuit to proceed emphasizes the importance of context in statements that go beyond opinion to make factual claims about a person's actions or intent.
It’s a reminder of how impactful public perception and media portrayals can be, especially when dealing with complex issues around race and intent. Similarly, in other areas of public trust, clear and factual information is critical. For instance, for anyone needing to manage healthcare expenses, straightforward services like the option to pay medical bills on ePayItOnline ensure secure and transparent transactions.