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Is Mobility More Important than Density?
Economist Tyler Cowen argues the answer is "yes." But much depends on what kind of mobility we're talking about.

Urban planners, land-use scholars, and other experts often advocate for greater density. But economist Tyler Cowen has an interesting blog post suggesting the US would do better to promote mobility, instead. His argument for mobility has considerable merit. But much depends on what kind of mobility we are talking about. Currently, increasing mobility in the sense of speed of transportation is less significant than increasing mobility in the sense of making it easier for people to "move to opportunity" by migrating from one place to another. Increasing the latter type of mobility often requires allowing greater population density (though, as discussed below, that may be compatible with increasing per-person living space).
Here's Tyler's argument:
American history is much more about rapid and cheap transport than about extremes of population density. Even New York, our densest major city by far, became dense relatively late in American history. To this day, the United States is not extremely dense, not say by European or East Asian standards.
But in American history, themes of horses, faster ships, safer ships, turnpikes, canals, our incredible river network, railroads, cars, and planes have been absolutely central to our development. America has put in a very strong performance in all those areas. When it comes to density, we have a smaller number of victories….
These days I see an urbanist movement that is more obsessed with density than with mobility. I favor relaxing or eliminating many restrictions on urban density, and American cities would be better as a result. Upward economic mobility would rise, and Oakland would blossom. But still I am more interested in mobility, which I see as having a greater upside.
One issue is simply that urban density seems to lower fertility. It is not obvious the same can be said for mobility.
And do you really want to spread and replicate the politics of our most dense areas?….
The density crowd is very interested in high-speed rail, which I (strongly) favor for the Northeast corridor, but otherwise am not excited about, at least not for America. Otherwise, the density crowd works to raise the status of a lot of low-speed means of transport, for instance bicycles…..
I prefer to look to a better future where higher-speed transport is both affordable and green. Ultimately, low-speed transport is a poor country thing….
I do not want to see the United States moving in poor country directions.
If you are obsessed with mobility, you will attach great importance to Uber, Waymo, self-driving vehicles more generally, and better aviation. To me these are major advances, and they all can get much, much better yet….
These points were obvious to many people in the 1960s. The Jetsons had their (safe) flying cars. The ultimate innovation in Star Trek was the transporter.
I share Tyler's enthusiasm for high-speed transport. It would be great to have flying cars like the Jetsons! The Star Trek transporter would be even better. I also love the Uber, Lyft, and other similar enterprises that have made transportation faster and cheaper. I even share some of Tyler's relative distaste for bicycles, and dislike how they tend to slow down traffic.
Still, I think Tyler is emphasizing the wrong type of mobility. What really built America is not so much fast transportation (though that surely helped), but the ability of people to "vote with their feet" by moving to places where there is greater freedom and opportunity. Foot voting opportunities, not mere speed of transportation, is the more important secret of America's success. Most obviously, America developed as a result of large-scale foot voting through international migration. But, in addition, we have a long history of internal foot voting, through such things as westward expansion, and migration of groups to places where there was greater economic opportunity and freedom from various types of oppression. I provide an overview of that history and its significance in "Foot-Voting Nation."
Today, the US suffers far more from constraints on foot-voting mobility, than limitations on transportation speed. Exclusionary zoning prevents millions of people from moving to opportunity, thereby denying them better work and educational options, and slowing down growth and innovation. Immigration restrictions have a similar damaging impact on international migrants, and also greatly impede growth and innovation.
Cutting back on these barriers would lead to greater population density, especially in major metro areas that have many job and educational opportunities. That's often good! Density often creates useful "agglomeration" effects that increase productivity.
We usually think of density as causing crowding. But it can be increased in ways that simultaneously increase per person living space. Breaking down barriers to housing construction would make it cheaper and easier for people seeking more living space to purchase or rent larger homes. Reducing immigration restrictions would increase the construction work force (recent immigrants are disproportionate contributors), thereby also expanding the amount of housing and making it cheaper. In this way, contrary to Tyler's fears that density leads to lower birthrates, the extra density created by breaking down barriers to foot voting, can actually be pro-natalist, by making housing cheaper and more plentiful.
Tyler and I agree more than we differ. I too am a fan of increasing transportation speed. By all means, bring on the flying cars! But real-world Jetsons and others like them could benefit even more from increasing the kind of mobility that enables foot voting.
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This is utter, amateurish, poorly-written trash. Shows zero familiarity with transportation policy or design. Cowen would do better to spend some time reading on this topic rather than opining on it, citing The Jetsons like it represents a serious vision of transportation’s future.
To be sure, no dense city thrives without paying attention to “mobility.” One of the serious issues facing NYC right now is the fact that housing prices have pushed populations to the outer boroughs, which in turn means that their commutes are increasingly lengthy. But that’s not a problem you solve with Uber or self-driving cars, or by paving over more neighborhoods to build more traffic-clogged highways. That’s a problem you solve by liberalizing development in the city core and building out transit networks – more subways, faster buses, and cycling infrastructure.
Cowen’s take on bikes (as is yours, Ilya) is stupendously idiotic. In dense urban fabrics, bikes provide an excellent transportation option for a large portion of the population, for trips of about 1-5 miles. (And it may surprise you to learn that many trips, even in less dense cities and towns, are about that far.) They take pressure off of transit networks, make it possible to avoid multi-seat trips with time-consuming transfers, and reduce car traffic/congestion. In Manhattan, biking is often considerably faster than driving or being driven – and not just because cyclists often skip red lights. This is due to the fact that bikes are smaller and more maneuverable than cars; you do not get stuck at a light for multiple cycles when you can just filter to the front and go. With the availability of Citibike, you often would be nuts to hail a cab for many trips within Manhattan or, increasingly, parts of Brooklyn or Queens. They promote mobility.
In a similar vein, on high speed rail – you’re presenting an insipid counterpoint to a strawman as thoughtful commentary. These are transportation solutions that are well-suited only for routes that otherwise attract a lot of car trips or short-haul flights. The Northeast Corridor, from Boston to DC, is an obvious candidate. Whether it’s suitable for parts of Texas or California depends entirely on the local economic conditions. We should not be building these networks with the hope that riders will eventually find them useful; but we should also not just assume from the size of the country that there are not places outside the NEC where they could do a lot to reduce reliance on cars (and so, on constant highway construction and maintenance).
Ultimately, the problem with focusing on “mobility” to the exclusion of “density” is that it invites thinking of “mobility” solely in terms of how many fast highways we can build. But this leads us into the cycle of suburban sprawl that began in the mid-20th century (not coincidentally, about when the Jetsons fantasized about a future commute where individuals would be entirely free of interacting with others) and continues today with endless highway construction and expansion and spreading out of populations. You simply cannot separate these two questions of urban design: “dense” cities are more economically efficient and productive; “mobility” is an essential component for any healthy, developing “dense” city; and there are solutions for “mobility” that work directly at cross-purposes with “dense” development.
The truth of the matter is that no one wants to sit in traffic. But arguments like Cowen’s take for granted that sitting in traffic is just something you do. You fantasize about building highways like they have in LA and Houston, because they take you to your affordable house in suburbia, where you get a large yard to maintain and a quiet cul-de-sac to bicker over with your neighbors. You forget what sitting in stop-and-go traffic on the highway is actually like, and you ignore how much time and money you spend for the privilege.
As usual, Somin wants to lower the American standard of living so he can realize his communist goals of flooding the USA with foreigners.
Roger, if your only purpose in responding is to announce that you're an idiot, you could just say that.
Unfair. He likes to announce he's a bigot, too.
Why are suburbs bad?
They're inefficient. They don't generate the tax revenue necessary to support them; they are essentially subsidized by more dense parts of cities.
I don't buy that at all. I'd be open to reading about it, though. What other policies that constrain peoples liberty are based upon tax efficiency?
Jésus - try again, but this time, don't put words in my mouth.
Well I wasn’t trying to put words in your mouth, I was just drawing inferences from the article and the conversation.
Maybe I did take too many leaps to get to the policy question.
Ok, so strike that. Let me rephrase:
What other things do you believe are bad because they are tax inefficient, in the domain of housing, etc.
Section 8 housing?
I think it is fair to ask, of any government spending program, whether it produces more economic benefit than it costs.
I don't know whether Section 8 subsidies produce that kind of benefit. But if not, I would be open to looking at that program and finding more efficient ways of achieving the desired benefit - or indeed reconsidering whether it makes sense as a public subsidy in the first place.
Bicycles are terrible for all but a small segment of the population. They appeal to physically fit young people without families or the need to transport much stuff, in nice weather. They are inferior for everyone else almost all the time.
Chip, you don't need to opine on something you clearly know nothing about.
"I don't know how I'd maintain my current lifestyle, with two school-aged children, living in the suburbs, a fifteen+-minute drive from any place I need to go along highway-like streets, while riding a bike for all trips" is not the use case I'm addressing. I'm talking about 1-5 mile trips, for able-bodied people, when it happens to be more convenient than other modes. Which - in many cities - it often will be.
We are not just talking about young people - people can bike at any age they can safely drive. We are not just talking about "physically fit" people - bikes are less physically demanding to use than walking/running, and there are a variety of bikes that can be used by people who need assistance. We are not just talking about people without kids - there are various options for carting kids along, when needed, and kids that are old enough can ride their own; in addition, many trips do not require bringing your kids along in the first place. We are not just talking about people who have no need to transport things - again, grocery trips are very easy to do with bikes, as are any number of errands, and there are solutions even for large cargo (but large cargo trips, where a truck or car may be more helpful, are going to be incredibly infrequent anyway). And we are not just talking about fair weather riding - biking in poor weather becomes much easier, and safer, when cycling infrastructure is built properly.
Say what you like, Chip, but I can attest to the explosion in popularity of bikes and e-bikes in NYC over the past several years, as a way of getting around. That's not happening because they are inferior to every other mode, almost all of the time.
First: I've been called many things over the years — some of them even nice — but "Chip"?
Right, when you can leave them home with their nanny.
Sure, when you're picking up a few ingredients for your personal dinner that evening. When you're shopping for a family of four for a week, good luck hauling all those bags on your bike.
Biking in poor weather is never going to be better than driving. If it's raining, you get wet. If it's snowing, you get snowed on. If it's freezing, you freeze. If it's sweltering, you sweat. That's not even getting to things like actual snow on the ground.
Of course there are use cases for bikes. Even in the suburbs. (By the way, I don't know what suburbs you've been in where it's a 15-minute drive to everything.) But your position is not, "Sometimes one can use a bike," but rather that bikes are generally preferable to cars in dense cities. In the U.S., that basically means "Manhattan," and it's not that bikes are good, but that driving is particularly shitty there.
I don't believe this.
More important is that the faster you can travel, the more area you can cover during a commute, and the more flexibility there is for employers and employees. I've had jobs where I could walk to work, but that was because I moved to be closer to work, and it was only a benefit when I had little to carry, no errands to run, and the weather was nice. I've also had job that required an hour car commute, and they were great jobs and worth it.
Foot voting has less to do with economic efficiency than fast mobility expanding job availability.
Headline mentioned mobility and saw it was written by Somin and knew immediately it would be about immigration.
Raise your hand if you also knew immediately that an article with a headline mentioning mobility and written by Somin that it would ultimately be about immigration.
That's funny, I thought the exact same same.
But you have to give Somin a break; her pro immigration propaganda is so cherry picked and weak, she has little choice but to take a shotgun/kitchen-sink approach to the issue and hope to confuse just confuse everyone into agreeing.
I like to play a little game-- based on the title of the post and seeing the Somin byline, I guess how many paragraphs it will be before the post pivots to advocacy for open borders, not counting excerpting materials or stubs that introduces excerpts. I guessed six, which was pretty close! Try it at home. Conspicuously absent is advocacy for open borders for Ukraine or Israel, both of which are working pretty hard to keep foreigners out..
Just like Kamala Harris -- open borders for the USA, but fighting wars to stop migrants in Ukraine and Israel, and only foolish arguments.
Heh. Just so I'm perfectly clear, are you saying that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is some sort of 'immigration' {OMG Lord, please let him answer in the way I think he will answer]
Somin and Harris are all in favor of fighting to defend Ukraine's borders, but are opposed to defending American borders.
They are anti-American.
You wanna explain this -> 'but fighting wars to stop migrants in Ukraine'
I realize the Orange God-King just makes up free-flowing lies to fill the void, and you have to follow suit now. But do you honestly believe what you just put into speech?
Are. You. Retarded?
The U.S. isn't being attacked so there's nothing to defend.
Yes, millions of migrants are invading They are crossing the border illegally, or violating their visas.
I suppose you are going to say they are not attacking, because they collect free goodies!
Somin regularly posts articles saying that there is nothing to defend. I believe in defending the USA.
If you're definition ends with Halloween being an invasion, you may have more bitterness than sense.
Notice I didn't say "invading," because that word game is played out. I said "attacking." But Schlafly just responds with the "invading" talking point anyway.
I am going to say that they are not attacking because they are not attacking.
Good catch. It is curious why these open borders types seem to universally constraining their advocacy to White Western nations.
I’m curious as to whether the historical importance on ‘speed of mobility’ in the U.S. is somewhat driven by the importance of being able to rapidly move *information* rather than people or products. With near instantaneous transmission of vast amounts of digital information (globally, even extraterrestrially – if that’s a word) available now, is the value of the ‘speed of mobility’ relatively diminished? If yes, I think Ilya’s point about the type mobility is important (‘speed of mobility’ vs. the ability of people to move) is even stronger.
You vill own nussing und you vill be hoppy!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but does Somin advocate for increased immigration in every post he puts up?
I can't think of the last article he posted which didn't have some mention of immigration.
It was probably about the (putatively) rational ignorance of voters. On the other hand, he seems to think voters are often ignorant about the trade-offs of open borders...
I'm surprised at you, Michael P. Ain't you upset that your Meemaw [or your Meemaw's Meemaw} came here without permission and stole land from the first peoples? I think I'm going to give you the nickname "Michael 'Anchor Baby' P"
Unless, of course, you're cool with a bunch of white immigrants flooding the continent and taking over everything. If so, immigration today shouldn't be a problem with you....or is it?
He is personally an immigrant. His concern about and support of immigration is not too surprising. He is also a libertarian who is big on freedom of movement ("foot voting" and all that). Free immigration would be a logical thing given his overall concerns.
And he is a Russian Jew. The immigrants are not libertarians, and they reduce the freedoms of Americans. Free immigration is only logical if his main concern is the ability of foreigners to collect American goodies.
"Urban planners, land-use scholars, and other experts often advocate for greater density."
Well, they're urban planners, not suburban or rural. But, most of all, they're planners. And the higher the population density, the more planners are needed.
“And the higher the population density, the more planners are needed.”
More important, the higher the density, the more left-leaning the voters. Not just in the USA, but everywhere. 2021-06-28 the-politics-of-place-why-proximity-makes-progressives
gsb stanford edu insights political-polarizations-geographic-roots-run-deep
Therefore, it is not surprising that nearly all city planners are Democrats planning for more Democrats.
City planning is beset by unknowns. Happenstance rules most all places throughout history. Dedicated planned cities are rare and relegated to a few national capitols. Otherwise, planning is spurious and ever changing, influenced by externals and movements of people to where hope is thought to exist.
Planning, think of cars that thrive and those that have flopped, and cities that have done the same. Expenses incurred with each "redevelopment" is waste better not repeated if efficiency is a goal. Those who want fame usually crash and burn and so too the city who put faith in the faithless politician.
Unfettered restrictions produce the mass squalor of many places where population density thrives and belongs to people without intelligence to consider their fate but rather only their immediate needs.
Lack of restrictions along with grandiose planning is the bane of rational thought leading only to more and further despair.
Purposeful building belongs to immediate and known needs which are usually short-lived due to the nature of supply and demand and this is the modern way where high-rises are leveled at a whim after a few decades and kitchens are said to be old after 8 years - change or die in the oblivion of scornful out-of-date fashion.
If urban living is to make sense and be worthwhile, design universal plug-in modules which the owner takes when they move to where they go next, but this would serve too few who's needs are limited by what goes on a truck.
The Romans knew that a town was optimal at 20,000 population, after which the per capita cost of infrastructure increased faster than the resulting benefits.
The key benefit anticipated here rests on the well established fact that, the higher the population density, the higher the percentage of the vote Democrats get. There are very few Republican urban planners...
LOL, Brett inching towards cities are a liberal conspiracy.
It's funny how when more and more people start to congregate and get to know each other, their innate insularity dissipates and they become Democrats. Get out of your Idaho cabin once in a while, Brett. Get to know your brown neighbors. You'll learn they cook great food and ain't so bad
Of course a Democrat who was incapable of introspection would assume that.
I suppose it's possible that if you're living so densely that everybody is basically living in everybody else's pockets, external consequences of personal choices go sky high, and it just seems natural that the government regulates those choices. While at lower densities if you blast your stereo at 3AM, you don't upset your neighbor's sleep, so your neighbor doesn't feel entitled to regulate your music listening hours.
Dunno if you've described city living correctly, but by your reasoning seems like you've argued that high regulations are an important necessity for the most of us who live in urban areas!
Yes, that's exactly what I've argued: Dense urban areas are naturally going to be populated by people who want a lot of regulation, because dense urban areas are totally unlivable without a lot of regulation. And the party of regulation is the Democratic party, so naturally the Democratic party does well in dense urban areas.
That isn't enough to explain the whole story, because the Democratic party does ridiculously, absurdly well in dense urban areas, to the point where there are numerous precincts every election that record literally zero Republican votes, and you usually don't even have local Republicans bothering to run. You don't get THAT one sided simply by having a local advantage.
There are other factors at work, and they're not nice factors.
But even without those other factors, Democrats would naturally dominate dense urban areas, so it's hardly surprising that Democrats like to promote dense living, even if it's not what most people actually want.
You’re saying ‘these ideas are only popular because people in cities like them.’
That that’s like 80% of the population, so in a republic those ideas are going to win the day.
In response you accuse the Democratic party of terrorism because they’re more popular than you think makes sense.
This isn't reason, it's appeal to your personal incredulity. And since you're pretty looney, there's lots you don't find credible that's just reality.
Which is how you get this liberal-haunted political thriller worldview of yours.
Brett - there are days you display lucidity, and there are days you seem to dwell on dark, cynical conspiracies. This line of comments is not one of your better performances.
Democrats do not promote dense living as part of a larger conspiracy to force people to live in dense cities, and thereby incline people to favor more regulation, which inevitably means more support for Democrats, who are the only ones who could ever possibly argue for regulation. They promote density because density is smart urban planning. Dense urban fabrics put residents in close proximity with potential employers, provide richer catchment areas for businesses, reduce the per-person costs of delivering public services, and on and on. It's not some scheme to ensure full employment for planners or to boost support for Democratic politicians. Dense cities are just powerful economic engines in our modern economy.
If you were to ask people directly, "Would you rather live in an apartment in a dense and populous city, or in a house with a yard and plenty of privacy and peace and quiet," a number of people would say that they'd prefer the latter, to be sure. But you cannot sustainably design cities, providing services that are competitive in the modern economy, around this preference. The sprawling suburbanization of the past 75 years or so is being financed by an intergenerational cycle of debt, expansion, annexation, tax increases, and subsidies that eventually implodes.
The fact of the matter is that people's preferences have been shaped by generations of subsidies and public support, in much the same way as people have come to view car ownership as essential. People may prefer peace and quiet and the ability to withdraw from crowds - that much seems biologically predetermined - but if you were to offer an honest comparison, where suburban living was essentially off the grid and supported only by the tax revenue generated by the people living or working in suburbia, people would not prefer it.
This only makes sense if cities are unmoored from access money from larger political bodies.
I mean, read The Power Broker for how NY managed to have all 3 for quite some time, though managed by an asshole.
I'll take the low density, low taxes option, thanks.
Wilmington (Delaware): hold my beer
"days you display lucidity"
Yes, I am aware of him from another blog & at times he seems like he knows better but then his biases overwhelm him.
Brett hasn't even described suburban living accurately. Does he think neighbors aren't calling the cops on one another, when their activities become disruptive? Does he think that suburban dwellers don't try to impose preferences on lawns, house paint, or even where you park your car on each other? Do they not have HOAs or noise ordinances in the suburbs?
Suffice it to say that he hasn't described urban living very accurately. I'm not sure Brett has ever lived in a real city.
Washington DC has a *ton* of greenspace. And if you look at modern European urban planning, you can have density without everyone imposing on everyone else.
Of course planning is collectivist, so it's probably a Dem plot.
You can have density without everyone imposing on everyone else to an extent somebody who's HAPPY in an urban area doesn't find objectionable. Doesn't mean the imposing isn't going on, it just means that you, personally, are OK with it. But most people don't want to live in an urban area! Only 29% of people living in cities, even, would live in a city if they had a choice about it.
Most people simply don't like living at high densities. It's the sort of thing people get stuck with because of where they can find a job, not something most people actively prefer.
The basic problem, then, is that urban planners are pushing a form of living that most people don't want. They're actively trying to force people who don't want high density to have no other choice.
Hey Brett, you should probably consult with this guy: "Dense urban areas are naturally going to be populated by people who want a lot of regulation, because dense urban areas are totally unlivable without a lot of regulation"
He seems to have a very different picture of city dwellers than the unwillingly regulated folks you seem to have in mind here.
I tend to agree with this Brett, not the earlier Brett. People, if they have their 'druthers, would live outside of cities if they could.
But that's an overdetermined question. Tradeoffs are inherent to life. Having a short commute versus having wide open spaces is one of them. Disaggregating the second from the first will get you a pretty unrealistic view of what people prefer in their institutions and systems. What I would want if I won the lottery is different than what I want as it is.
Most people simply don’t like living at high densities. It’s the sort of thing people get stuck with because of where they can find a job, not something most people actively prefer.
All that you're saying, Brett, is that people prefer big-city conveniences while living in a rural environment.
Are you also accustomed to blaming Democrats for not giving everyone a unicorn?
I literally live in a suburb, and it typically takes a lot more egregious behavior in a suburb before you get spillover effects, because for one your houses don't share walls. That's not the same thing as saying that you're not going to call the cops if your neighbor decides to mow his lawn at 3AM. But nobody is calling the cops because I have a flock of chickens in my backyard.
"Do they not have HOA's?"
No, most people don't have HOAs. Most people don't WANT HOAs. It's 61%-14% for the general population. 49%-35% for people living under HOAs. 68%-10% for people living outside of HOAs. So, Even the plurality of people living under HOAs would rather they weren't!
People don't generally end up living under an HOA because they wanted to. They end up living under one because developers really like HOAs, so that new homes not subject to them are becoming increasingly hard to find.
You'd likely know this if you lived in a suburb, and knew people who live in a suburb.
That’s incoherent, Brett. Why would developers “really like” HOAs? Developers aren’t living in their developments. Developers “really like” selling new housing at as high a price as possible. Which means giving buyers what they want.
As you yourself illustrate, nobody likes being told what to do, but almost everyone likes telling everyone else what they can do.
I’m not a developer, how would I know why they like HOAs? All I know is that almost all HOAs originate with developers, homeowner originated HOAs are as rare as hen’s teeth, more of a theoretical concept than a real thing. And everybody I’ve been talking to who’s been looking for a home, for years now, has been looking for one without an HOA, which confirms the polling I linked to: HOAs are not very popular with homeowners.
Here’s an explanation, though, for what it’s worth. Apparently the main thing that HOAs do for developers is that they maintain a lot of control over the properties, even the ones they’ve already sold, until the majority of the development has been sold, because the developer holds the votes for all unsold properties.
While the local government benefits because homeowners continue to pay full property taxes, while some of the services those taxes would normally be paying for are paid through HOA dues.
I think the answer is a lot easier.
HOAs address collective action problems. Plenty of folks chafe at not being able to free ride, but that doesn't mean they won't buy in when faced with the alternative.
Doesn't mean all HOAs are good, but it does explain why such an unpopular thing is such a common choice.
You're totally ignoring that it's not a choice being made by the homeowners, it's a choice being made by the developers. Who are as aware as anyone that the majority of people shopping for homes would prefer not to have an HOA.
The relevant advantages of HOAs, that explain their frequency, are advantages to developers, not homeowners.
How do you think homeowners can originate a HOA? It is more of a theoretical concept than a real thing, yes — but not because homeowners don't want them. Rather, it's because there's no effective way to legally create one. You'd need unanimous consent — and the impetus to create one would be that one or more of one's neighbors is doing something one doesn't like, so why would those people consent?
Why on earth would the developer care about that? Except, of course, to the extent that it increases sale prices. Which it only does if buyers want the arrangement.
Revealed preference, Brett. Developers couldn't give a fuck. They would build igloos on top of yurts made out of papier-mâché if that's what prospective buyers wanted.
You're obviously a Glenn Beck fanboy
Personal freedom is more important than either.
Both types of mobility matter. Within a metro, the speed of transport determines the number of opportunities (dating, work, leisure) available to a person who lives in a particular place.
If you hate bikes getting in the way of your stupid car, you should support bike lanes. And we need HSR everywhere, not only the northeast.