The Volokh Conspiracy
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Congressional Budget Office Estimates Recent Increase in Immigration will Reduce the Budget Deficit
A new CBO report concludes it will save the federal government almost $1 trillion over the next ten years.

A standard defense of immigration restrictions advanced by many libertarians and conservatives is the idea that they are necessary to restrict welfare spending. If we let in too many immigrants, spending will increase and the government will either have to massively raise taxes or face a dangerous fiscal crisis. But a new report by the bipartisan Congressional Budget Office adds to the already extensive evidence that immigration actually improves the government's fiscal position. Specifically, the CBO finds that the surge in migration since 2021 will create a net savings of $970 billion for the the federal government between 2024 and 2034. CBO reaches this conclusion partly because most immigrants pay more in taxes than they take out in government benefits, and partly because immigration increases economic growth, which in turn increases tax revenue.
This is far from the first study reaching this sort of conclusion. I discuss some of the others in Chapter 6 of my book Free to Move. My Cato Institute colleague Alex Nowrasteh published a more recent and extensive overview last year. Unlike the CBO study, his analysis considers effects on state and local budgets, as well as the federal one.
Even if the fiscal effects of immigration really were negative, they could be addressed by the "keyhole solution" of further limiting immigrants' access to government benefits, rather than the far crueler and more harmful measure of excluding them entirely. I cover this approach in some detail in my book, and consider various ways it could work.
Improving the federal government's awful balance sheet is far from the only beneficial economic effect of immigration. It also promotes growth, entrepreneurship, and innovation, especially since immigrants make disproportionate contributions on the latter two fronts.
Obviously, fiscal arguments are far from the only possible rationale for constraining immigration. Restrictionists can still argue that we should keep people out because of possible negative effects on culture, crime, and the like. If these other types of harms are large enough, they could potentially outweigh beneficial economic effects. But fiscal issues do play a major role in debates over immigration policy, and they are probably the most common argument advanced by restrictionists who also consider themselves to be free market advocates.
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“CBO reaches this conclusion partly because most immigrants pay more in taxes than they take out in government benefits”
This is a bald faced lie as it relates to unskilled immigrants, of which nearly all illegals are.
Corve's butt speaks!
It is not. They pay sales taxes. They pay property taxes via rent. And of course the ones who use a TIN for employment pay payroll taxes. While they are ineligible for virtually all benefits.
"While they are ineligible for virtually all benefits."
Really ? So when Denver Mayor Mike Johnston cuts $5 million from the budget for recreation centers, DMV services and city landscaping to pay for the migrant crisis and also claims the migrants will cost the city $180 million when it is all said and done, this is simply a lie by a (D) mayor to feather the bed a bit ?
Pretty impressive costs for folks that pay their own way through taxes. Your point is that they are actually ineligible for the $180 million ? Empirically, you seem to be about as accurate as Krugman or Sarcastro.
I didn't realize Denver was part of the federal government or that they had access to tax revenue for tax years 2024-2035.
So what good is it if illegal immigration is so great for federal finances if all of the costs get shoved onto states and municipalities?
Do you realize how stupid you people sound?
"I didn’t realize Denver was part of the federal government ..."
That re-imagining of the question is a bit disingenuous don't you think ? The question is do the illegals cost more than they provide in taxes. A federal qualification was not mentioned and was not the focus of the question. See David's second sentence: "They pay sales taxes". Are you telling me there is a federal sales tax ? I examined what sales taxes pay for and guess what, the illegals at the moment are not paying for themselves. That is simply and empirically true. If you don't agree, explain how the Denver mayor is lying.
I know. I know. That bad faith crew will be along soon to assure me that this is only temporary and as soon as we get out of the short term where we have real data, things will be wonderful in the future in their projected data. I would ask flat out. Is there county anywhere in the US where the local school district has adapted to large numbers of non-english speakers and become less expensive with better test scores causing both sales and property taxes to drop ? I think examination of that would be pretty good evidence for how this plays out in the real world.
They are, legally, ineligible for virtually all benefits.
One might note that they are also, legally, ineligible to be in the country. Yet, somehow they are; How does that happen? Maybe, I don't know, they pretend to be here legally?
But, of course, never to obtain government benefits.
Secret stuff going on everywhere with this guy.
It's not a secret, Sarcastr0.
Other than being 100% wrong, great comment!
The debit cards and hotel rooms and free flights aren't secret.
When they get injured and go to the emergency room, and they have to treat them under EMTALA, who pays?
When their anchor baby children need schooling and services, who pays?
You mean their citizen children?
Go play in traffic.
The children wouldn't be "citizens" if they weren't born here, and they wouldn't be born here if their parents were not here illegally.
You are being disingenuous to not include their costs.
I haven't addresses their costs whatsoever. I am choosing to instead address the blatant racism that you should have beaten out of you.
His argument didn't assume the illegal immigrants were of any particular race.
Others who are employed with jobs with W2s will use a fraudulent SSN so they probably overpay in payroll taxes.
This is your daily reminder that Ilya Somin is an Open Borders Extremist. He is opposed to any restriction on the flow of foreigners into the United States. This is the frame through which his commentary on the issue should be viewed.
The Volokh Conspiracy is a daily -- every day -- reminder that Republicans, conservatives, Federalist society members, and faux libertarian right-wingers are bigoted misfits who hate modern America because they just can't stand reason, inclusiveness, science, modernity, legitimate education, and progress.
If there is anything these obsolete clingers can't stand it is some genuinely libertarian content at their favorite bigot-hugging blog.
It may be time for the proprietor to toss another racial slur for his fans.
Now you’re just embarrassing yourself, like Parkinsonian Joe, what’s he gonna tell us tonight? How Bo died fighting Corn Pop in Ear-Rock side by side with Roger Staubach? I don’t even get why they have Shysters in Combat Zones (except to further their future political pursuits) Doctors/Dentists I understand, hard to yank a Gallbag/Wisdom Tooth “Virtually” but seriously, you can’t fly the scum bag back to Germany to get his Court(s) Martial?
Do us a favor and let your Concubine (Yeah right, like you’ve ever been laid) run in your place
The reason the military has lawyers is to prosecute the military members. They don't provide legal assistance such as help in reviewing a contract a member might be considering.
Just flat-out wrong. The military DOES have lawyers who spend a large amount of time helping service members create wills, deal with rental leases, and so on. I have no idea what percentage of JAG work is this sort. But it's not zero, and it's not anything close to zero.
The military also has lawyers who work on contracts, leases, liability claims, etc.
Not great (or good) lawyers, necessarily . . . but lawyers.
I was going to ask you if the CBO were extremists, but got too distracted by your crazy person capitalization choices.
The CBO are puppets that crank out an analysis based off any assumptions you demand, so they are extremists when given parameters by dishonest extremists.
Better make up your own numbers and be mad at those then!
Great contribution! Attacking the commentor in an otherwise content-free post has traditionally been the best way to move a conversation forward!
Laken Riley could not be reached for comment.
And Corey Comperatore was killed by a good American through and through as are the the overwhelming number of people murdered by good old Americans on a daily basis.
Comperatore was a substandard America, but even bigoted jerks from the sticks should be able to attend a political rally without being shot by a disaffectedRepublican gun nut.
We accept that some citizens will commit some crimes. We have to because they are born here. We don't have to accept any level of crime committed by illegals because they have no right to be here and they need to be gone, soonest.
By that logic, Trump improved the economy by (allegedly) inflating the value of his properties.
C’mon (Man!) remember when Parkinsonian Joe (funny how no one’s questioning my Diagnosis anymore. My “Imaging”? My 20/15 Mark IV Eyeballs) would use that as a retort?
What real Dude doesn’t umm “Exagerate” his qualities?
The folks who post how they like immigration, just not illegal immigration, sure seem quiet.
Nobody has ever said that cramming more people into your country does not increase GDP. The question is who is benefiting from that increase. Increasing GDP doesn’t mean you aren’t harming the middle and working classes or whoever.
Assume for the sake of argument that one illegal immigrant comes into a country, and does not work or earn any wage. Further assume they get $10,000 in prepaid debit cards from Mayor Adams all of which is spent, and they receive $10,000 in health care from Kamala. That immigrant has now increased GDP by at least $20,000! Let’s say they also commit a violent crime or destroy some property – say, breaking a shop window. The shop owner spends $5,000 fixing the window that they would not have otherwise spent. Now the immigrant has increased GDP by $25,000! They are doing great.
Just think of all the GDP benefits from the surge in rapes from the Biden/Harris invasion. Rape kits, therapy, cars bought by the therapists.
Yes. We prefer controlled immigration over uncontrolled immigration in the name of growth for its own sake. Especially because the growth isn't evenly distributed throughout the country and it can impose considerable costs on individual states, as stated in the report.
And in a few decades, when the surge of immigrants retires, do you really think they'll be put out on the street because they won't be eligible for Social Security? They'll be legalized and either Social Security benefits will have to be increased for them because they paid so little during their lives, or some other form of welfare will be spent.
I agree with all of that. Especially your discussion about the distribution, that's always been a great point.
And additionally illegal immigration creates a peasant class via fear of deportation that our use of is immensely fucked up.
But they're the victims here. Conservative cruelty about the illegals that are here remains fucking bigoted nonsense.
And also:
And in a few decades, when the surge of immigrants retires
Are you conflating illegals and other immigrants here, or are you also angry at immigration rates generally, despite your first paragraph?
They’ll be legalized and either Social Security benefits will have to be increased for them because they paid so little during their lives, or some other form of welfare will be spent.
Assuming you mean illegals, if America as a whole resolved to treat them as humans your prediction might have some weight. I'm not holding my breath.
Great finger wag! Hopefully America can earn your R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
That's so meaningful and important to America! How does Sarcastr0 view Americans! That's more important than how a random European views Americans!
Whew, I'm glad you chipped in with your famous finger wagging!
Props to you, Good Sir! Props to you!
Why exactly does America need more immigrants? Don't start from that premise, actually justify it.
Let's not do half-measures. Further to this line of thinking, rather than settling for 7,500,000 illegal immigrants, if, say, 75,000,000 illegals decide to come, then the budget should start running a surplus. Better yet, with 750,000,000 illegal immigrants, the national debt would be retired. And with 1.5 Billion illegales, we could all just hang around all day and visit our friends in our flying cars, like the Jetsons. And why stop there?
We can only hope they come; it's not up to our nation-state to decide whether or not to admit them.
Nice strawman. I'm not an open borders guy.
Now, do you have thoughts on the CBO report?
Not a "strawman" It is linear logical deduction from the position of the CBO, which you applaud, and it is the CBO's analysis that I am responding to. Again: if (as per the CBO) some illegal immigration is demonstrably beneficial, then lots more illegal immigration would be lots more beneficial. Right? Right? If not, why not?
And it doesn't matter if you are an "open borders guy" or not. Because fundamental to the OP's analysis is that the opinions of citizens, expressed through the political system, can and should be ignored, or are at least irrelevant, when effectuating his policy prescription.
In science generally, description is not the same as prediction. There are very few phenomenological disciplines where you can just linearly extrapolate a description and get an accurate prediction.
Economics in particular is not a linear science. The CBO estimate is based on a certain number of immigrants, with a certain mix of classifications, in a certain set of years.
They do not try and extrapolate; a different number or a different tie or a different mix could produce very different results.
The CBO study is interesting. It, alone, is nowhere near predicting anything about opening the borders.
He's waiting for you to tell him what opinions he can express that will meet your approval!
That's what America is holding it's breath out for! Your approval!
I'm so glad you're out tonight sharing your awesomeness! It's my lucky night, nay, it's AMERICA'S lucky night!
"The folks who post how they like immigration, just not illegal immigration, sure seem quiet."
Sorry, just what is it that I'm supposed to say? Is my position supposed to be different in regard to expecting people to follow the law if it doesn't cost the country money? Or if it actually increases revenue? Illegal aliens have broken the law. Legal immigration is good for the country. Illegal immigration is not if only because it encourages illegal behavior and disrespect for the rule of law.
I'm all in favor of making legal immigration easier after we strengthen our borders and deport a majority of those here illegally. Tougher enforcement first though. Unlike in the 1980s.
And why should illegal aliens get a pass? Do I get to select what malum prohibitum laws I am exempt from? Does anyone?
"Legal immigration is good for the country. Illegal immigration is not if only because it encourages illegal behavior and disrespect for the rule of law."
Er, if that's the only problem, just make illegal immigration legal.
And those here illegally working on fake social security numbers contribute millions to Social Security with no hope of ever collecting benefits. The SSA Chief Actuary has repeatedly reported that immigration, legal and illegal, is a net plus for the Social Security system.
That makes zero sense, if you're reporting income on your stolen SS card why not sign up for the benefits? Are they suddenly going to check?
They are often using either stolen Social Security Account numbers or even made up numbers that no one checks. In those cases the FICA tax is deducted from their pay and sent to Social Security. They have no choice. And when and if they would qualify for benefits based on those earnings, since they can't be connected to those earnings, they can't collect benefits. You can't file a claim for Social Security based on earnings reported on a SSAN that is not yours. This ends up a net benefit to Social Security with no requirement to pay those benefits.
There are cases where people are using legitimately acquired numbers, perhaps international students who were able to get a number for reporting purposes who then used that number when they took a job. In those cases, they could someday get benefits on that basis, but only if they were in the US and they were legally present in the US or if they were not in the US at all. In many cases. those individuals end up not getting benefits either, another net plus for Social Security.
Are you counting their refundable child tax credits in that calculus?
Has a CBO projection EVER been right?
You can see by the following they do have a good measure of accuracy.,by%200.8%20percent%20of%20GDP.&text=The%20average%20error%20for%20CBO%27s,tended%20to%20slightly%20overestimate%20revenues.
The CBO says the CBO is highly accurate!
Imagine that, we have a government agency that can literally predict the future of a massive system with millions of variables!
These bureaucrats are AMAZING! Praise them!!!
What the CBO does is not rocket science it is accounting, the same thing done is done in both the private and government sectors. Why would you not believe the CBO if you believe number from a major company?
Mr. Bumble : “Has a CBO projection EVER been right?”
A feature of my youthful university years was yearly news stories comparing the accuracy of CBO numbers vs those from the Reagan Administration. The CBO numbers were always correct or close; Reagan’s were always rosy scenario lies.
Has that changed any during the following decades? Not that long ago, Republicans were trying to force the CBO to incorporate “dynamic scoring” to make their fantasy supply-side numbers add-up. But budgeting by a magic rainbow unicorn “theory” just never seems to work. Just ask Sam Brownback.
It appears a defining feature of Kamala Harris' policy agenda is open borders extremism. She thinks illegal immigration is not a crime, and should not be treated as a crime. She supports abolishing ICE and 'starting from scratch.' She argued that temporarily closing the border was illegal. She sponsored legislation to prevent illegal immigrants from being deported. She supports giving illegal immigrants 'free' health care with taxpayers' hard earned money (and banning private health insurance).
Presumably, Ilya Somin is thrilled about this, being an open borders extremist. But I'm not sure that his opinion is widely shared, for example, this recent CNN poll found that 73% of Democrats want "someone besides Kamala Harris" to be the party's nominee.
I'll be charitable and assume that you're illiterate rather than dishonest. In fact, that recent CNN poll found that 76% of Democrats said that the party should nominate Harris. (That's page 8.)
The figure you cite was in response to a question posed to the 23% who didn't want Harris; of those people, 73% said "just someone besides Kamala Harris," while the rest named someone specific they preferred. (That's page 9.)
That flushing sound you're hearing is ML's credibility going down the drain.
They're just flailing culture war casualties, ranting because America has rejected their stale, ugly thinking and because they can't stand modern America and better Americans.
santamonica811 : "That flushing sound you’re hearing is ML’s credibility going down the drain"
I thought his credibility was floating in some septic tank years ago...
You are correct - I apologize for not checking that closer. I went by a post that was wrong and in hindsight, I should have known that this couldn't possibly be correct.
Saw it on twitter.
I still wonder where you got the rest of that post where you just went unsourced on Harris' immigration policies.
Those are variations of her quotes.
I'll quote Matt Taibbi here, to describe the process Dems used to arrive at first Joe Biden and then Kamala as their party's presumptive nominee:
"Joe Biden only became the nominee this year after a historically undemocratic process: Florida canceled a primary for him; North Carolina, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Wisconsin submitted only his name to ballots; and New Hampshire chose delegates through a “nominating event” that didn’t include voters. Under a new vision in which “the DNC [was] not something separate” from the Biden campaign, the party refused to schedule debates with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dean Phillips, or Marianne Williamson. Proof that “America’s beleaguered system still functioned” would have involved a competitive primary through which Democratic voters could discover Biden’s infirmities early enough for them to have a say in choosing a fitter candidate. Instead, the public was only confronted with the truth a few weeks ago, by which time only internal party power brokers were positioned to make a change. That’s a failure of democracy, unless you think choosing a candidate without voter input is a systemic improvement."
Lack of competitive primaries is actually pretty common when an incumbent President decides to run for reelection; Having them would be the departure from normal practice.
But it does underscore that nobody actually voted for Harris to be the Presidential nominee.
The point I routinely make is that she has absolutely no track record of demonstrating support outside of California, or even relatively much support IN California. This doesn't mean that she's not going to surprise us, but Democrats are really taking a chance here, and most of them know it.
The denominator in the 73% figure is all of the Dems who don't want Harris as the nominee. The numerator is those who would like any unamed other person (the other 27% want a specific alternative).
76% of Dems want Harris.
There is another fiscal bright spot -- Netanyahu's performance today indicates the United States will not be paying the high cost of supporting Israel's right-wing assholes much longer.
Interesting. So it looks like the CBO is pegging the net result of Biden’s illegal and traitorous open borders experiment at 7.5 million? That’s a lot.
It's not really very many at all; it's roughly 2% of the country's population.
I suppose, if you are considering all of the previous illegal aliens and phony refugees as part of the country's population.
Your objection to the Volokh family being in America is noted.
Do you want to deport them?
For those of you who disagree with the CBO analysis - have you a link to any other analyses showing that immigrants are a net cost? Or is it just feelz?
One problem of many. Not only do these numbers exclude the more significant state and local budgets, it also excludes much of the federal budget on the expense side.
To their credit, they acknowledge in the report that "CBO’s estimates of the effects of the immigration surge on the federal budget and the economy are very uncertain." (emphasis added)
"does not include estimates of the surge’s effects on state and local budgets"
Convenient. Their kids will get public paid education for starters.
Educating a child is never a bad investment.
Wrong. Nonsense-based education -- suppressing science to flatter childish superstition, warping history for congruence with silly dogma -- is always a bad investment.
Choose reason and science. Every time. Be an adult.
Or, at least, please try.
If those children are not our responsibility, it sure is.
Should we educate every poor kid in Africa and Bangladesh too?
If those children are US citizens, it is not.
It is not our responsibility but educating children is always a good thing. No really knows where the next Jonas Salk, Robert Oppenheimer, or Robert Frost will come from. We can quibble about best ways to educate but we should all be for education and for educating as much as we can.
The problem is that, to the extent a policy involves increased governmental spending, it more or less automatically increases GDP according to the CBO, because government spending counts as part of the GDP. The government could literally pay people to dig and fill holes all day long, and the CBO would score it as increasing GDP.
This report is simple common knowledge. Immigrants contribute more to a country's economy than natives as the work, pay taxes and spend money all without getting back in safety net services.
In California they get free health care, free education, in state tuition at state colleges and universities, unemployment, disability, food stamps, welfare, and subsidized housing. They also qualify for home buying assistance and state provided legal aid to help them fight deportations. It sure sounds like they get safety net services.
How funneling untold amounts out of circulation through remittances contribute to the American economy? Nearly every dollar I've earned has remained in circulation. This is sophistry lol
Not surprising coming from the baby-market, organ selling libertarians.
If you add all the illegals here in total [not just the Biden/Harris surge], the budget must be balanced from all the savings!
It would take a substantial sum to offset the economic stain and drain associated with subsidizing rural and southern backwaters and the uneducated, unskilled, indolent, addicted, disaffected residents of those can't-keep-up communities.
How can you equate city dwellers buying their food (they are incapable of producing their own) to a subsidy? Lmao
Come on Ilya. You thought to catch the Volokh commenters conflicted between their dislike of immigrants and the Republican stance on deficits. Surely you don't really think they're serious about the deficit. If they were, why would every new GOP administration, HW excepted, going back to Reagan push through a budget busting tax cut?
The Republican stance on deficits, throughout my lifetime, has been to increase them when they have the power to do so.
"Prominent" left-wing economists deny that deficits can even exist. They insist, with a straight face, that the government can just print money and pay it off. They beclown themselves, and you endorse their position.
Source-less partisan accusations. My favorite!
He could be referring to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), which is a crank set of beliefs to that effect. But it is a fringe idea on the left.
Somin believes that every Latin American is morally entitled to U.S. citizenship.
Every time Prof. Somin writes something in favor of immigration, in addition to the usual ranting and raving someone mistakenly talks about citizenship even though he never mentioned that.
So do you think he would accept their being permanent residents? You're full of shit.
Still no statistics to counter the CBO report.