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Justice Barrett's Concurrence in Vidal v. Elster Is a Repudiation of Bruen's "Tradition" Test
I expect Justice Barrett will exhibit her buyer’s remorse of Bruen in Rahimi.
Of the three Trump appointees, Justice Barrett was the biggest wildcard. With Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, what you saw is what we got. Very little that they've done so far has surprised me. Justice Gorsuch's approaches to LGBT rights and Indian law were evident in his lower-court record. And Justice Kavanaugh's restraint and compassionate conservatism—truly the hallmarks of the George W. Bush presidency—were on display in the Obamacare litigation and other cases. Again no surprises. But Justice Barrett had limited experience on the bench, wrote little as an academic, and never took any position on controversial matters of concern. She wasn't quite a blank slate, but she was as close to it as fathomable for a Republican Supreme Court appointment.
I get the genuine sense that Justice Barrett is figuring things out as she goes along. Each of her opinions seems like a new day. Brilliant as Barrett is—and I think she is extremely intelligent—she is learning on the job. With that development, I think she has come to regret some of her decisions in short order. For example, I think she backed off her vote in Roman Catholic Diocese after incessant "shadow docket" criticism, as evident in Does v. Mills. I also think she felt compelled to reimagine the major questions doctrine as some sort of semantic/textualist cannon following criticism of the Gorsuchian substantive cannon. I wouldn't be surprised if she develops doubts about the presidential removal power, though parting company with Justice Scalia's Morrison dissent may be too much to bear.
More pressingly, I think Justice Barrett is already having second thoughts about the text, history, and tradition framework in Bruen. She couldn't even join Justice Thomas's landmark opinion without reservations. We know she wrote a concurrence in Bruen that questioned whether the relevant timeframe was 1791 or 1868. Fair enough. But I thought her concurrence went further. She seemed to be casting some doubt on Justice Thomas's majority opinion, and the entire enterprise of looking at historical analogues. It is no surprise that Justice Breyer's Bruen dissent favorably cited Barrett's concurrence. More recently, in the CFPB case, Justice Barrett put more distance between herself and Justice Thomas by joining Justice Kagan's concurrence, which fixated on liquidation and post-enactment practice.
Justice Barrett doubled-down on her disagreement with Justice Thomas in Vidal v. Elster. This case tells us far more about the Court's originalist jurisprudence than it does about trademark law. I can't remember ever seeing a unanimous decision with such a fractured lineup. To paraphrase the T-Shirt, Thomas's majority was too small.
The distance between Justice Thomas and Justice Barrett is not huge. In an alternate world, Chief Justice Roberts assigned this case to Justice Barrett or Justice Sotomayor, and there would have been a clean majority opinion, with a Thomas concurrence. I also suspect there may have been some consideration for votes to flip, and make the Barrett opinion the majority. But, I don't think that Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh wanted to embrace a repudiation of the Bruen tradition analysis—especially with Rahimi on the horizon. Justice Kavanaugh's one paragraph concurrence, joined by the Chief, praised the "historical pedigree" underlying the majority's analysis. Curiously, Justice Jackson does not join the portion of Justice Barrett's dissent that faults Justice Thomas. She is staying out of the fray. Why generate bad blood when you don't have to? Prudent move.
What confounds me, however, is Part III-B of Justice Barrett's Vidal concurrence. I get it. She doesn't like the majority's tradition analysis. So instead, she makes up means-ends balancing test—the exact sort of test that Bruen rejected! Barrett wrote:
Relying exclusively on history and tradition may seem like a way of avoiding judge-made tests. But a rule rendering tradition dispositive is itself a judge-made test. And I do not see a good reason to resolve this case using that approach rather than by adopting a generally applicable principle. (After all, there is a tradition of the latter approach too. See, e.g., McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat. 316, 421 (1819) (adopting standard for application of the Necessary and Proper Clause).) In the course of applying broadly worded text like the Free Speech Clause, courts must inevitably articulate principles to resolve individual cases. . . . Trademark protection cannot exist without content discrimination. So long as content-based registration restrictions reasonably relate to the purposes of the trademark system, they are constitutional.
Reasonable relation to purpose of an entire system? Favorably citing McCulloch? Who wrote this? A Scalia clerk or a Breyer clerk? You sure could have fooled me. For all of Barrett's criticism of the majority's originalist analysis, she offers no originalist analysis of her own! It almost reads like Chief Justice Warren's opinion in Brown—the history is not clear so we will make stuff up. I would have preferred a restrained holding, saying, "where the history is unclear, we defer to Congress, QED." But that's not what we got. I agree with Professor Mike Ramsey who wrote, "I also don't see how Justice Barrett's 'reasonableness' test arises from original meaning either." Justice Kagan gladly joined this analysis.
If Vidal is a guide, going forward, whenever Justice Barrett convinces herself that there is no strong enough historical analogue to resolve a constitutional case, she will repudiate any originalist analysis as "loose analogies" or "law office history," and instead adopt some form of open-ended interest balancing test. If you were to place Justice Barrett under a polygraph, I'm sure she would insist that she is being the intellectually honest judge, and that Thomas is being unprincipled. I think the truth is she was never fully sold on originalism. Again, read her review of Randy Barnett's book. It was tepid at best. But even as she was skeptical about originalism, she never needed to develop a jurisprudential backup, apart from a few articles on textualism. Maybe a decade of serving with Judges Easterbrook and Wood would have had an impact on her. Who knows? But here we are. Hence, the blank slate. So she is doing what many judges on the Warren and Burger Court did—find history unenlightening, and defaulting to common law constitutionalism.
I'm not saying Justice Barrett will be another Justice Souter. Heavens forbid. She is orders of magnitude more talented than Souter ever was. But Barrett is now on the path to be one of the most potent critics of the Court's originalist majority—and you know that critics of originalism will eat it up. And Justice Kagan will enable her every step of the way. There really is no one on the right who would even ty to work with her. Justice Gorsuch does not strike me as the conciliatory type—indeed, he is consistently opposite of Justice Barrett on most statutory issues. (Most recently in Campos-Chaves.) Justice Kavanaugh could have tried to persuade Barrett in Vidal but could only muster a perfunctory concurrence to make peace. Barrett apparently thinks Thomas is something of an originalist charlatan, and we will see that opinion come out more and more. So who is left? Justice Kagan, who spent her first decade on the Court preaching the virtues of stare decisis will spend the next decade talking about liquidation. As I read the Barrett concurrence, I have in mind the image of Palpatine grooming a young Anakin Skywalker to embrace the dark side. Don't raise the white flag yet, but we may need an appeal to heaven.
What is even more confounding is Justice Barrett's inconsistency with herself. Consider her dissent last term with Justice Thomas in Counterman v. Colorado. Barrett rejected the First Amendment test that Justice Kagan made up out of whole cloth. Barrett referred to Kagan's balancing test as a "Goldilocks judgment." But in Vidal she reverts back to a made-up balancing test with no analysis at all. She announces the balancing test in a single sentence at the very end of an opinion. It is Brennan-esque, like when he introduced the intermediate scrutiny test at the end of Craig v. Boren. At least Justice Breyer would explain why he balances interests in different fashions. But nothing from Barrett. And in a repudiation of one of Scalia's core principles, she cites legislative history to determine the purpose of the copyright regime! Barrett in Part III-B of Vidal and Barrett's dissent in Counterman read like they were written by two different Justices. In the former, she disagrees with Thomas and agrees with Kagan, and in the latter she agrees with Thomas but disagrees with Kagan. Go figure.
I'll return to my theme above. To the extent that Justice Barrett is being inconsistent with herself, it is because she hasn't figured everything out. She is learning on the job. And that sort of iterative process will create dissonance like Vidal and Counterman. This uncertainty also means her votes are truly up for grabs. I suspect most of the Justices have figured out how they will vote on a case before oral argument. Barrett does not. This term Barrett will likely be the Justice most in the majority. And she votes in unpredictable ways. Again, stay tuned for Rahimi, likely on the last day of the term. I think Justice Barrett will call back to her Vidal opinion, and Justice Kagan will be along for the ride.
Finally, to lay down another marker, Vidal may be evidence of a 3-2-4 Court. The Court's most conservative members stick to original meaning, Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh grasp for tradition, and Justice Barrett and the progressives find the tradition is unclear so revert to balancing tests. We could see this lineup more and more. By my account, it appeared twice on the emergency docket in Hamm v. Miller (2022) and United States v. Texas (2022).
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Barrett is on the Court because the Trumpist Right was dead certain that her devout Catholicism made her “one of them.” They lobbied Trump ferociously to substitute Barrett for Kavanaugh when he ran into trouble at his Senate confirmation. When Ginsburg died, there was really no other option.
Maybe she’ll prove them right. But if not, none of them will ever admit they made the mistake.
I figured she was just an old, dried-up bone tossed to the anti-abortion absolutists and right-wing religious zealots as a political calculation.
I was always worried about her due to her lack of history. Looks like I was right.
Maybe as a Roman Catholic, Justice Barrett has moral qualms and realizes the thousands of Americans dead every year as a result of the Second Amendment fetishism which captivates the professors on this blog and the continuing fallout of the profoundly wrong Heller decision. And of course the professors and other gun-crazed fetishists weren’t satisfied with Scalia’s relatively subdued opinion, but have gone on to the Insanity of the Bruen decision, and defending the second amendment right of the Rahimis of the world to get a gun and murder their estranged spouses, and the right of the Las Vegas madman to turn his gun into a machine gun to more efficiently murder his victims. Sick, Sick, Sick.
There is not a smidgen of legal argument in your comment.
You need someone to explain to you the proper role of a judge. You obviously have no idea.
The Supreme Court overturned the conviction and DEATH SENTENCE of a mass shooter because a prosecutor violated his "civil rights"
That's outrageous!
Yes, it is outrageous that Doug Evans violated the civil rights of Curtis Flowers.
It was outrageous that the Chicago PD, the Chicago Housing Authority, and HUD tried to violate the civil rights of residents of the Robert Taylor Homes by conducting warrantless sweeps for contraband.
It was outrageous that Congress enacted the Hughes Amendment, which violated the civil rights of all Americans.
Here is Paul Harding.
All of your Constitutional Rights come at the cost of safety.
For example, you would be much safer if I could search houses, cars, and people whenever I wanted to, for any reason, or no reason at all. I'd catch more real bad guys. You know those stories about creeps who keep sex slaves locked in their basements for years? I'd find those victims and rescue them. That neighbor of yours who might have a meth lab that is going to send poisonous fumes into your child's bedroom window, or explode and burn down your house? I'd find out for sure whether a lab was there.
How about all those guys who are probably child molesters, and we've got some evidence, but it isn't enough to convict in front of a jury, especially with that defense attorney throwing doubt all over our evidence? Those guys are on the street right now, and a child you love may be their next victim.
Give up your rights under the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments, and I'll make the world safer for you. No question about it.
The only problem is that if you give up all those rights, which are really just restrictions on the things I'm allowed to do to you, what's going to keep you safe from me?
Every right you have increases your danger from other people who share that right. Free speech? It allows monsters to spread hateful messages, possibly about a group to which you belong, just the same as it allows you to petition your government with legitimate grievances.
That free speech even allows you to argue in favor of discarding freedom and liberty as just too dangerous to trust in the hands of ordinary people. Now that, my friend, is what scares me - that people with opinions like that will spread them to weak-willed individuals who haven't really thought through the consequences. I won't argue for taking that right away, though, despite the dangers. That would be even more scary than you are.
Yes, some people in a free society are always going to abuse those freedoms. Criminals are going to hide behind the 4th amendment to conceal the evidence of their crimes. People who commit horrific acts are going to hire excellent defense attorneys who can convince a jury that doubt exists. And, yes, some people are going to use guns to commit murders.
Freedom is scary, but lack of freedom is scarier.
People are way over reading this case. She didn’t reject text, history, and tradition, she just didn’t give tradition as much weight as the majority because she thought they were going too far afield from the founding era to make tradition relevant. She also didn’t think tradition is dispositive, as the majority seemed to suggest. Instead, it informs original public meaning, it doesn’t establish it.
But even more to the point, she’s a Scalia protege, and even he wasn’t as hostile to precedent as Thomas. To be sure, he didn’t think precedent was sacrosanct. But he was reluctant to abandon it. Longstanding precedent in the First Amendment context uses the tiers of scrutiny, and Barrett seems to see no reason to abandon that approach. I might disagree with that, but it’s not an unreasonable, unprincipled, or inconsistent approach. (And to call her inconsistent because she voted with one Justice in a case but against them in another is just dumb.)
The Second Amendment context, however, is different. There wasn’t longstanding precedent in that area. Indeed, the most-relevant precedent was Heller, which mandated a text, history, and tradition approach. By its terms, Bruen used that test. Barrett had no problem joining Bruen because they weren’t breaking any new ground. The method of analyzing the Second Amendment is text, history, and tradition, whereas the method of analyzing the First Amendment is tiers of scrutiny. Barrett doesn’t have to reject one to apply another.
I don’t know Barrett, and I have no special insight into her thinking. But I didn’t come away from this opinion or any other she’s written or joined thinking she’s not an originalist or has rejected text, history, and tradition whole cloth. I didn’t agree with everything she wrote (I too picked up on her use of legislative history, and I think she’s too quick to rely on “principles”), but, as an originalist, this isn’t a case to hyperventilate about. And she’s certainly not learning as she goes. That’s some Mark Joseph Stern bullshit right there.
Dip Mark Joseph Stern in MAGA, you get Josh.
"There wasn’t longstanding precedent in that area."
I'd argue that the almost total lack of legislation in this area until the Jim Crow era, when violating civil liberties was the goal, is itself a powerful form of legal precedent.
And by "People" you mean "Blackman" and by "this case" you mean "every case."
Well, Sarah Isgur and David Lat (not French) did the same thing at the Advisory Opinions podcast (which honestly is on my last nerve nowadays).
I do listen to Advisory Opinions, but not comprehensively, and I missed that one.
I agree. Also, as Thomas himself says, trademark is an exception to general first amendment principles. And what qualifies as a trademark is inherently vague. There's no pristine primordial carve-out from the first amendment for history and tradition to conjure up.
Er, uh, Bruen was a constitutional case in which the majority emphasized that the 2nd Amendment required its own unique method of analysis. This case is an APA case - statutory interpretation and administrative law.
There isn’t one method of analysis and one legal standard for everything.
The key point is that the 2nd amendment facially prohibits ALL gun control laws. The Court anyway allows laws that facially violate it, if precedent contemporaneous with its adoption shows they were not thought to violate it.
Or if they're federal laws, because it's the federal Supreme court, so the federal government gets a lot more deference than the state's do.
No right acts or was intended to act as a facial prohibition. Funny how you only have this reductive idea of rights when you talk about the 2A.
Do you have any information to back up what you say about the Supreme Court and deference to federal versus state laws?
No right acts or was intended to act as a facial prohibition. Funny how you only have this reductive idea of rights when you talk about the 2A.
Yes, they are.
A warrantless search is presumably unconstitutional under the 4th Amendment.
That is not what the actual text of the 4th amendment says, however.
Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be.
"The key point is that the 2nd amendment facially prohibits ALL gun control laws."
That's just the disaffected, delusional, antisocial autism and obsolete, desperate wingnuttery talking.
The First Amendment says "no" but it was well understood that you were not supposed to take that totally literally.
The inability of Congress to deny guns to five-year-olds in federal territories does not seem likely.
Your boy Scalia in Heller says different (or was he wrong?):
"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court's opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."
Another Sandra Day O'Connor? Go with what feels right and make up some reasonableness squishiness so judges can get to wherever they want to be easily?
Yeah seems like that's the best she'll be.
TL;DR: “I don’t know anything about how Justice Barrett — or the other justices — are thinking.”
The writer is making this too complicated. This is Constitutional Calvinball, the rules yesterday have no bearing on the rules today. They make up whatever doctrine or philosophy they want to rule how they want.
Maybe that is how your favorites vote.
I tend to think that right and left they do the honest best.
Really? You and like no one else. Justices are appointed because they will be partisan.
A comment notes:
" She didn’t reject text, history, and tradition, she just didn’t give tradition as much weight as the majority"
Her opinion says the plurality is "wrong twice over."
This part does not seem only to be "as much weight":
" Second, the Court never explains why hunting for historical forebears on a restriction-by-restriction basis is the right way to analyze the constitutional question. I would adopt a standard,
grounded in both trademark law and First Amendment precedent, that reflects the relationship between contentbased trademark registration restrictions and free speech."
This is a foundational claim. Now, I'm not going to try to say how MUCH it all means. But, it seems notable.
Jake Charles, a 2A expert out of Pepperdine, flagged the opinion, including the "category judgements" language.
He also noted:
"Struck by Thomas (for a majority in this part of the opinion) in Vidal clearly stating that history & tradition are *sufficient* to uphold a law against First Amendment challenge but declining to say they are *necessary*. Big contrast to Bruen, where it’s fundamentally required."
And, Barrett did not go along even with that. Anyway, yes, she probably is developing her jurisprudence more than someone more fixed in their views in all areas.
As to Kavanaugh supporting "compassionate conservativism," only so far though he does want people to really understand how reasonable he is (see, e.g., Dobbs concurrence).
Does anyone recall when Josh was positively worshipful of Barrett?
He had any number of posts extolling her and her wisdom. Guess that's gone by the boards now.
"To the extent that Justice Barrett is being inconsistent with herself, it is because she hasn't figured everything out. She is learning on the job"
The horror! The horror!
"I'm not saying Justice Barrett will be another Justice Souter."
I'll say it.