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The Crossroads Moment
In a 2022 law review article called Sex Neutrality, I adopt the classification of sex in American legal history as being in three successive overlapping phases starting with structural sexism, followed by sex skepticism, with sex blindness either already here (in come contexts) or on the horizon (in others). Chapter Seven of my new book On Sex and Gender makes this sequence accessible for a general audience, taking the reader on an adventure that begins with Myra Bradwell's case against Illinois (1872), through the battles over the Equal Rights Amendment, the groundbreaking sex discrimination cases of the 1970s starting with Reed v. Reed (1971) that marked the first turn from structural sexism to sex skepticism, the dialing up of the skepticism we see in the cases through the 1980s, and the race and sex discrimination cases of the early 1990s that immediately precede United States v. Virginia (1996).
In United States v. Virginia—known as VMI for the defendant Virginia Military Institute—the Court faced the choice whether to continue to be (by that point highly) skeptical of sex classifications or to move to sex blindness as it had just done in a set of cases that involved affirmative not subordinating race discrimination. In the book, I join others who have argued that it chose not to take this last step in part because the justices, including Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sandra Day O'Connor, agreed that sex is importantly different from race. Here's how I put the point:
Ginsburg's VMI opinion also appears to be a response to how equal-protection law had developed in the three short years from 1993, when she joined the Court, through 1996 when VMI was decided. The justices had been debating the costs and benefits of sex blindness—il n'y a pas de difference entre les hommes et les femmes—at the same time as they were debating the costs and benefits of race blindness, i.e, of "eliminat[ing] entirely from governmental decisionmaking such irrelevant factors as a human being's race."
Given the opportunity finally to cement the analogy of sex to race and formally to take sex over the line to strict scrutiny, Ginsburg chose instead to distinguish between the two. In so doing, her opinion not only froze in place O'Connor's approach from Hogan, but it added a list of objectives that could make it possible for a sex-based classification to pass muster—objectives that, after Adarand, would be insufficient as justifications for race-based classifications.
Instead, the Court allowed that sex classifications could still pass muster—we could continue to see sex in law—if their raison d'être wasn't sexism but rather correcting disparities, promoting equality, and generally developing the nation's people. In Ginsburg's words,
our precedent … does not make sex a proscribed classification. Supposed "inherent differences" are no longer accepted as a ground for race or national origin classifications. Physical differences between men and women, however, are enduring: "[T]he two sexes are not fungible; a community made up exclusively of one [sex] is different from a community composed of both."
"Inherent differences" between men and women, we have come to appreciate, remain cause for celebration, but not for denigration of the members of either sex or for artificial constraints on an individual's opportunity.
Sex classifications may be used to compensate women "for particular economic disabilities [they have] suffered," to "promot[e] equal employment opportunity," to advance full development of the talent and capacities of our Nation's people. But such classifications may not be used, as they once were, to create or perpetuate the legal, social, and economic inferiority of women.
In the end of Chapter Seven, I conclude that we're in another crossroads moment in which we are being asked, again, as we were in VMI but this time by the trans rights movement, to move away from sex skepticism to sex blindness; and I argue that we should again decline. We should decline not because of any antipathy toward trans people who have the same right to dignity and respect from the law as everyone else, but because VMI's conclusion in 1996 is even truer today:
as we encounter the many modern situations in which sex matters—because it's good, because (like age) it just is, and because (like race) it's still a problem—having the option of sex-based tools to address sex-based differences will be invaluable.
As we saw in Chapter Five, we're in a position today to face our policy challenges—and our routine social interactions—with much better evidence about sex differences than we had in the past. We have the potential to make life better for all human beings—including for people in the LGBTQ communities who exist in sexed bodies like the rest of us—but only if we can use this evidence. And so it makes sense to ask again, as O'Connor did in J.E.B. and Scalia did in VMI, whether the costs of treating sex like race—as an irrelevant factor in decisionmaking—are worth bearing. I say no.
I stopped there in On Sex and Gender but elaborated in Sex Neutrality:
I recognized that intermediate scrutiny was designed to be a temporary standard for reviewing the constitutionality of sex classifications—an interim measure between rational basis or reasonableness review and strict scrutiny, to ensure sex classifications would be rigorously reviewed.
I disagreed that strict scrutiny should be our next or permanent standard given that it's mostly fatal and so, in effect, demands sex blindness.
And I suggested that we instead consider whether we've now reached the point culturally, politically, and scientifically where a return to Reed-style reasonableness analysis isn't the better approach: sex discrimination is still prevalent; neither sex blindness nor heightened sex skepticism is likely to be as effective to address its modern effects as precise, sex-based approaches; we now have the cultural inclination and evidence base to be sex smart; and the costs of viewing sex only as sexism, only as 'myth and stereotype,' and only through an equality lens are really high.
Here's the pitch for this idea from the conclusion of Sex Neutrality:
Some of my fellow travelers are sure to think that going back to take a second look at whether we got it right at the last juncture can't be the lesson we take from the law's deeply mixed history with sex. I contend that doing so would make a lot more sense than pretending that the binary doesn't exist or isn't important, and then going for broke on an unsubstantiated theory that we would all be better off if no one outside of our most private spheres paid attention to any of it.
Indeed, that very history should teach us that when we put people in boxes—however they're constructed and labeled—and disallow inspection of and action on disparate impacts among subgroups, significant harm can result. There's a difference between bioessentialism and libertarianism on the one hand, and pragmatism on the other.
We're not going to agree on sex blindness as a goal—on neutrality qua neutrality—because sex matters too much to too many people for too many different reasons. But maybe we can agree on this: It's important for the law to be able to continue to secure the health and welfare of the community, and that everyone, regardless of their sex, is equal in its eyes, including as to their liberties and responsibilities.
If we can agree to this, the question how to reach these ends is one of strategy. Where the approach taken is for some purposes a dead end or insufficiently effective, turning back to revisit earlier approaches, and considering how they can be perfected, should be on the table.
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Still quite deferential to bigots. Part of the price of posting at the Volokh Conspiracy, perhaps.
Arthur, serious, sincere question. What's a "bigot" in this context?
Yeah, I really think it's a very bad look to be calling feminist professors "bigots". But Arthur doesn't care-- actually helping people is not a priority for him. He just likes being a playground bully and name-calling.
I am not calling Prof. Coleman a bigot.
I observed that she has been deferential to bigots (religious gay- and trans-bashers, in particular) more than once. Perhaps that is her standard approach. Perhaps she is tailoring her Volokh Conspiracy contributions to the particular forum. Perhaps there is another reason.
I wonder if you would say to her face, "I'm not calling you a bigot, you're just being deferential to bigots". Or are you just a coward with a keyboard.
Either way, it's still a bad look to be saying this stuff about a feminist professor.
I have to say all this stuff about erasing sex and sex blindness seems dodgy in the extreme. Who is actually arguing for these things and why does it mean she can't support trans people as their rights are being rolled back? Is this really her rationale for ceding ground to bigots?
I would gladly do so. She has been deferential to bigots, much more than one would expect a professor at a legitimate law school to be.
As I wrote earlier, the most likely explanation is that she is adapting to the Volokh Conspiracy environment -- right-wing, bigoted, backward, disaffected -- when posting here.
Thankfully, you are not in charge of deciding who is a bigot. You're opinions are relatively useless and you have no greater use of your time. You will be replaced soon enough by actual better people.
Gay-bashers. Transphobes. Maybe some others, depending on the breadth of the context.
You bash everyone you don’t care to understand. That makes you a moronic bigot and sexist while being quite racist too. The trifecta of needing replacement by your betters which, in this case, is anyone not a racist bigot like yourself.
How much of the medical community's seeming support for trans-whatever stems from their having collectively decided they were wrong about homosexuality and not wanting to make a similar mistake again?
There are several potential explanations, all of which could be playing a part.
1) Transgender patients typically require long term maintenance treatment, which is a money maker. "Give it time, you'll get over it." doesn't really pay the bills, even if it's true 88% of the time.
2) The med schools and AMA went woke quite some time ago.
3) It's only a noisy small segment of the medical community, while most doctors are keeping their heads down.
The only reason anyone is screaming about trans people is that the right is trying to persecute them. These treatments have been going on for decades. Nobody cared until recently.
And yes, it's the right's culture war. They started including anti-trsns rhetoric in their national press releases before there were any bathroom bills or anything like that.
Haha yeah, great characterization.
The transgender stuff is the way it's always been, without any change, and it's only the Right making a spectacle out of it that's caused the current troubles.
JesusHadBlondeHairBlueEyes : “Haha yeah, great characterization”
Great – and factual too! Between 2015 & 2020, there were an average of 43.33 anti-trans bills introduced in the states and Congress. In 2023, there were 589.
Now you’re nothing but a toxic ignorant troll, but even you must concede those numbers didn’t arise from the Left’s tepid support for trans rights. Instead, we have one of the Right’s typical feeding frenzies, fueled by hysteria, disinformation, and palpaple hate against the latest “Other”.
Overlay those same data points with the amount trans identifying children.
Or the amount of trans-access law suits. Or the amount of pro-trans bills.
You seem to believe the GOP’s actions weren’t reactions to the Left’s aggressions. Reality doesn’t square with that belief.
Reactionary, yes. But don't go blaming the left for your bigotry.
Nige please oh pretty please can I get your virtual internet online social approval! It's so important!
Be better, my child, and I may drop you a crumb.
Stop using the bigot word unless you are self identifying
Oh I'm identifying them all right.
JesusHadBlondeHairBlueEyes : “Overlay those same data points with the amount trans identifying children”
I knew from your user name you’re a clown. Good to see proof. The only question is whether you’re dishonest enuff to try claiming there was a 13.5935-times increase in the microscopic number of children identifying as trans over three years – or if it’s something your handlers told you & that damn gullible. Of course the same is true of your other faux-points.
No, this is the Left's culture war. It is only the last several years that the White House has promoted transgenderism, that schools have adopted policies of concealing sexual weirdness from the parents; that medical organizations have endorsed the sexual mutilation of children; that terms like mother are being banned from medical and scientific journals; that activists are making big deal out of preferred pronouns; that boys restrooms have menstrual products; etc. For the most part, the Right just wants a return to sanity.
Back to when kids weren't educated about sex at all, because that makes them more vulnerable to predators.
"Here you two 5 year olds, let me teach you how to suck each others tiny baby penises and lapdance on these grotesque men in dresses while on film."
"... this is to protect you from predators!"
Satanic panic!
It is only the last several years that the White House has promoted transgenderism
Yeah, in response to all the attacks from the right.
that schools have adopted policies of concealing sexual weirdness from the parents
No, that's been the policy forever, you just got spun up about it recently.
that medical organizations have endorsed the sexual mutilation of children
The right seems to have taken over the anti-medicine mantle from the naturopaths on the hippie left for some reason, also very recently.
that terms like mother are being banned from medical and scientific journals
No they aren't.
that activists are making big deal out of preferred pronouns
Trans people have always wanted to be called by the correct pronouns. And it was never a thing until the right decided they were going to make a big deal out of not doing it. Just total asshole behavior, really.
that boys restrooms have menstrual products
Also not happening.
For the most part, the Right just wants a return to sanity.
No, the right is banning books, discussion topics, medical treatments, and performances. That's some fascist bullshit, not "a return to sanity."
No attack, feeble attempts by your sad.
"The only reason anyone is screaming about trans people is that the right is trying to persecute them. These treatments have been going on for decades. Nobody cared until recently."
In recent years it has become less socially acceptable to overtly hate on gays and lesbians. I suspect that that is because more folks have come out of the closet, and more of the haters realized they were hurting someone dear to them.
The right wing culture warriors needed a new target group. The transgendered are less numerous, less visible and less politically powerful than gays and lesbians. IOW, more vulnerable to the invective and hatemongering of the pecker checkers.
"In recent years it has become less socially acceptable to overtly hate on gays and lesbians."
It's also become less socially acceptable to say that women with big tits are liars, but you don't seem to care.
It's become more man with implants playing at being a woman.
Yes, those are possible explanations for the medical community going trans woke. It does not appear that they were persuaded by any medical or scientific evidence. They have become intolerant of actual evidence. They have joined an ideological war, and they are willing to sexually mutilate children to advance the cause.
Yeah, they relied on trans people and their needs and their experiences and what benefits them, not the wishes of a gang of hateful amateurs offended by the existence of people they don't like. How rude.
You can invent explanations till the cows come home, they're only there to confirm your own prejudices.
If so, there’s a lesson there for you lot as well. You’re consistently wrong about these things.
Doriane, I think you’re confusing two movements. The sex blindness campaign is distinct from (and predates) the trans-rights campaign. I’m thinking of e.g. the Larry Summers incident as an example of sex blindness.
The two campaigns are somewhat in conflict. What sense does sex blindness make in a trans context? Trans issues are all about sex distinctions. Nobody knows better than a trans person that a) sex and gender are connected and b) the sexes are differentiated in important ways.
I love how in one breath they say genitalia has nothing to do with your gender, while in order to affirm how you identify you gotta get your genitals reconfigured.
"They" is doing a lot of vague work here for you. Trans persons don't "gotta get [their] genitals reconfigured." Many do, some don't, some only go part way. It's a personal choice. You know, that whole "freedom" thing.
That so many have to change it at all is the point he's making. If gender has nothing to do with what you wear, what you look like, what you say, what you do, or what you think, putting on certain clothes or messing with genitals shouldn't matter.
That you retreat into describing it in terms of personal freedom is another. If you think someone should have the right to cut his own balls off, fine, say that. But don't pretend that it also makes any sense.
It could be that the trans person wants their physical appearance to match their mental construct of themselves. I think that would be perfectly normal. A female who identifies as male prolly doesn't want to see developed female breasts every time they step out of the shower and catch a glimpse of themselves in the mirror. Unless re-enforcing their own feeling that they are in the 'wrong body' is a goal (which why would it be?)
I have no issue with people choosing to look physically like they feel internally. That is their own choice to make since they are the one's who have to live in their own body. I am not sure there is even anything remotely controversial about that let alone contradictory or nonsensical.
No, it is not perfectly normal. Normal women do not get out of the shower and want to but their breasts off.
More cis women get breast reductions than trans men do.
"Mental construct of themselves"
I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean. Self perception? As if this is akin to wanting to see oneself as thinner and deciding to exercise? Wanting to look different is not the same as insisting one is actually the opposite sex.
And again, "feel internally." You're just saying that like it's a perfectly clear explanation. "Feeling" male or "feeling" female is conceptually equivalent to "feeling" like a cardboard box. It means nothing.
Poor Jacob. Feelings are a mystery to him.
Trans persons are living in the same world with the same social constructs around sex and gender as the rest of us. What they they need to feel comfortable with themselves will be individual. Depending on the change, the success rate can be low enough or the monetary cost high enough to discourage complete physical transitions. "Messing with genitals" may actually matter from a legal perspective depending on which state you live in and whether they'll recognize a MtF transition without matching surgeries. (Think: bathroom laws and similar.)
I don't think owning a room full of guns makes sense. Nor do I think driving a massive, diesel 4x4 that never hauls anything other than a gym bag makes sense. Religion doesn't make sense. Cults and conspiracy theories don't make sense. Support for Trump doesn't make sense. The point about personal freedom is that it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else but yourself. That includes, I might add, being a dick.
I donlt think you actually know, or care, what they say. Luckily for you you've been conditioned to ignore all contradictions and innacuracies in your statements.
I love how in one breath they say genitalia has nothing to do with your gender
Nobody says that.
@Randal-- I'd also ask how this considers the burgeoning non-binary movement, especially as it doesn't appear to import as much differentiation on the sexes as cisgender and trans identities do.
The Eurovision song contest was won by a non-binary performer this month, for example.
Non-binary people don't go around saying sex doesn't matter so far as I know, if they do, they're probably talking about how it applies to *them.* They may find the idea of sex neutrality attractive, but to find out someone would have to actually talk to them, the same way somebody should have probably talked to trans people before putting words in their mouths.
Well, yes, as it applies to each individual is really the only good measure here. As a CIS gay man leaving middle age, I have more than a little experience with trying to reconcile my sense of self with the (then) very limited set of socially acceptable options available to me. Every time someone thinks they've figured out how to pigeonhole either or both, society moves forward and even those (possibly) well-intentioned attempts become outdated.
Eurovision used to give prizes for good songs.
Conservatives used to drink Bud Light because it was a good product.
It still does. Although, if you ask me, Poland was robbed for not getting into the finals. (My favorite this year was San Marino.) And if you played the nul points drinking game with the UK, you got drunk this year along with poor Ollie who sang his gap-toothed heart out.
My personal rule for Eurovision songs is that the closer they sound to a Bond theme, the better they do. The Code was straight up Bondian.
Non-binary is something celebrities and ugly or depressed people call themselves for attention. It's even less conceptually coherent than transgender ideology.
It really all boils down to general hatefulness with you guys, doesn't it?
No, I just mock people who spout nonsense and I'm not gullible enough to simply take it as a matter of faith in the name of inclusivity.
I mean, someone comes out and says "I'm not really a male or a female" and you respond "I respect that. It makes perfect sense. No explanation needed."
I'd much rather be the person who says "what the hell are you talking about?"
‘I’m not gullible enough to simply take it as a matter of faith’
You don’t have to. It’s nothing to do with faith. No more than you have to take a hetrosexual man being attracted to women on faith.
‘I’d much rather be the person who says “what the hell are you talking about?”’
And if that reflected genuine curiosity, you’d probably know by now.
When will you get around to ostensible adults who claim to believe that childish fairy tales -- absolute silly, fucking nonsense -- are true?
That's a matter of faith that right-wingers don't want to talk much about, for various reasons, none sensible.
Carry on, clingers.
The trans rights movement is not asking for sex blindness. Being trans is the opposite of sex blindness. They mostly just want to be able to use bathrooms safely and access health care.
There, glad we put that to bed.
Yes they are. They are asking people to be blind to their actual sex and blindly accept whatever sex they claim to be.
What other medical, health, mental, or developmental issues do you have to personally verify and approve of for each and every individual person you meet? Y'know, rather than blindly accepting any of them?