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Federal Judges To Boycott Law Clerks From Columbia University Due To "Virulent Spread of Antisemitism"
"Considering recent events, and absent extraordinary change, we will not hire anyone who joins the Columbia University community—whether as undergraduates or law students—beginning with the entering class of 2024."
Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah). In a fitting tribute, a group of federal judges have announced they will no longer hire law clerks who choose to attend Columbia University (not just the law school) starting with the Fall of 2024. The leaders of the letter, as you might expect, are Judge James Ho of the Fifth Circuit and Judge Lisa Branch of the Eleventh Circuit, along with Judge Matthew Solomson of the Court of Federal Claims.
The letter begins:
Since the October 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas, Columbia University has become ground zero for the explosion of student disruptions, anti-semitism, and hatred for diverse viewpoints on campuses across the Nation. Disruptors have threatened violence, committed assaults, and destroyed property. As judges who hire law clerks every year to serve in the federal judiciary, we have lost confidence in Columbia as an institution of higher education. Columbia has instead become an incubator of bigotry. As a result, Columbia has disqualified itself from educating the future leaders of our country.
And concludes:
Considering recent events, and absent extraordinary change, we will not hire anyone who joins the Columbia University community—whether as undergraduates or law students—beginning with the entering class of 2024.
Justice William Brennan refused to hire law clerks from Harvard Law School because he disliked criticisms of the Supreme Court by some of its faculty. The objective of our boycott is different—it is not to hamper academic freedom, but to restore it at Columbia University.
People may not be familiar with Justice Brennan's practice. Owen Fiss discusses it in his book, Pillars of Justice:
The letter is also signed by Judges Alan Albright, David Counts, James W. Hendrix, Matthew J. Kacsmaryk, Jeremy D. Kernodle. Tilman E. Self, III, Brantley Starr, Drew B. Tipton, Daniel M. Traynor, and Stephen Alexander Vaden.
I recognize that many (most?) judges do not agree with the Ho/Branch boycott model. Indeed, as far as I know, Judge Duncan did not join the boycott against Stanford! Other than Judge Solomson, I do not see any Jewish judges who have joined this letter. There is still time. And I don't think this program needs to be limited to federal judges. As Universities appease the occupiers with hints at BDS, leaders of other industries should publicly adjust hiring practices accordingly.
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I'd say that I'm also doing my part, by rejecting any applicant to my firm who hails from the South Texas College of Law Houston, but to be honest no one from that institution even gets as far as in-office interviews with my firm.
"The leaders of the letter, as you might expect, are Judge James Ho of the Fifth Circuit"
Shocker. Noted publicity hound and right-wing partisan agit-prop bomb thrower who occasionally moonlights as a federal judge, James Ho, has added yet another school to his list of places that he is braying about in order to get his name in the news.
Again. Yale, Stanford, Columbia, whatever, man. The only reason to clerk for Ho is if you want to see all of Harlan Crow's Nazi stuff.
He probably can only do this stunt a couple more times. If he crosses every T-14 off his list, he'll be forced to hire from less prestigious schools that actually trained people how to be lawyers. Which would mean he's going to have to work much harder to turn their opinion drafts into blogposts.
No offense, but how many Columbia grads are clamoring for a clerkship on the Court of Federal Claims?
Probably the same number that apply to work at SimonP's law firm (above).
Plenty of Columbia grads here, actually!
I'll remember to never engage your firm.
Your hayseed zip code indicates you likely couldn't afford it.
What, you mean District of Columbia PS 13? That Columbia? That would make sense, given the crap you spew.
You bore me.
Let’s grant their premise that Columbia is a hotbed of antisemitism. (A premise I disagree with.). Will Ho not hire a Jewish law student at Columbia who presumably was a victim of the antisemitism that Ho is complaining about?
I don't think this is a particularly productive exercise in terms of addressing the (real) problems at Columbia, but current students are at least nominally still eligible. (Although at this point in the year, I would think that many students have committed in a way that would be awfully difficult to change before school starts in the fall.)
Why say anything? That is the problem I have with it. Just do it, and say nothing.
Well, it's Ho. He's to public self-promotion what JB is to ... um ...
Dang it!
LOL, that was funny. What will you do when Ho is on SCOTUS? 🙂
Y'know, I actually thought about that when I was writing this.
Ho on SCOTUS would, in fact, be the darkest timeline. I forgive judges a LOT if they have a consistent and thoughtful jurisprudence that I strongly disagree with. for example, I think that Judge Pryor is about as far from me as possible, but I still respect a lot of his decisions that I think are wrong.
But Ho is everything I dislike about judges from either end of the political spectrum; self-aggrandizing, and always ready to put results over process, and his personal "feels" over the law.
So, you don't send cards to Matthew Kacsmaryk? 😉
Again, I don't think this is a very useful way of accomplishing the goal, but they are (at least nominally) trying to pressure Columbia to change. That doesn't work very well if you don't tell the people you want to respond about what you're doing!
That doesn't seem like the kind of thing a judge should be doing. A judge should write opinions, and otherwise keep their opinions to themselves.
they are (at least nominally) trying to pressure Columbia to change
Are they though?
This has been another easy answer to simple questions.
The odds of Columbia university, or even the law school, caring what Judge Ho thinks are about the same as the odds of the Israeli government caring what the students at Columbia university think.
For those keeping track... other than Ho and the other two at the top (11th Cir, Fed. Cl.), the signatories are ... DRUMROLL!
Alan Albright (W.D. Tex.) Trump
David Counts (W.D. Tex.) Trump
James W. Hendrix (N.D. Tex.) Trump
Matthew J. Kacsmaryk (4Chan's Bitter Corpse) Trump
Jeremy D. Kernodle (E.D. Tex.) Trump
Brantley Starr (N.D. Tex.) Trump
Drew B. Tipton (S.D. Tex.) Trump
Tilman E. Self, III (M.D. Ga.) Trump
Daniel M. Traynor (D.N.D.) Trump
Stephen Alexander Vaden (Ct. Intl. Trade) Trump
So, look at those exciting and intellectual opportunities that are being passed up. I mean ... well, it speaks for itself.
Law students should sign an open letter saying they would never apply for or accept clerkships with these judges because doing so would be bad for their career.
I encourage them to do so.
I'm actually a Columbia Law student and saw Brantley Starr speak on campus this past semester. He began his talk with a comment about how he was surprised he wasn't met by protestors. Although I don't agree with a lot going on on campus (particularly the last few weeks), his comment came across as extremely arrogant. There he was sitting in a room of 40+ students for a club hosting him and providing lunch for HIS talk and he had to play the situation off as if he was a black sheep invited to campus.
I don't know how many people realize that it will be AT LEAST 3 YEARS before this takes effect -- and by then Columbia will either have cleaned up its act (which these judges can say and drop this) or there will be a lot more people not hiring Columbia grads.
James Ho, the gay-bashing bigot? The superstition-addled culture war casualty who hates modern America? The guy who chose to be sworn in at a spot displaying Nazi mementos? The disaffected clinger?
That James Ho?
Does he fall asleep counting dead Palestinian children?
Should better federal judges respond by refusing to consider applicants who attended (undergraduate or graduate) nonsense-teaching, academic freedom-flouting, censorship-shackled, dogma-enforcing, superstition-soaked, aggressively bigoted conservative schools?
Society erred when it accepted accreditation of superstition-driven schools. Letting graduates of nonsense-based, bigoted schools serve as non-menial federal employees would compound the mistake.
"Other than Judge Solomson, I do not see any Jewish judges who have joined this letter. There is still time" for other other Jewish judges to eschew the sentiment, in the "Not In Our Name" spirit so well-put in a recent essay in Tablet Magazine.
We should forget neither the song (“do it for the sake of Your Name”) or the unrelated lyrics: “A Sanhedrin that puts a man to death once in 7 years is called a murderous one.” (A broader discussion of Deuteronomy 19:5 is left for another time.)
So the actions of some bad Columbia affiliates taint all Columbia affiliates? Do the actions of some bad Jews taint all Jews? Forever and ever?
As not a lawyer, I am completely unqualified to say anything about this boycott, but I think your analogy is off.
I’d put it like this, what does a few of Boeing’s planes having bolts left out of doors and rudders or other Boeing planes dropping out of the sky have to do with all the other Boeing planes that are flying quite nicely?
These are QA signals that suggest Boeing is shipping subpar goods with hidden defects even when ostensibly they look nice and shiny and fly well when they are delivered.
That makes it different from the actions of a "few bad Jews" tainting the rest.
This is the principle of collective responsibility at work. We declare we will hold everyone associated with Columbia University accountable for the acts and behavior of a small minority. We will sanction someone whether or not he/she participated in illegal activities.
This is how collective responsibility is practiced in the West Bank: teenage boy arrested for throwing rocks at IDF soldiers, then his family's home demolished by IDF bulldozers. It was the kid who did it, but his family members who did nothing are also held accountable.
At least the Israelis have some legal processes to constrain their practice collective responsibility--they destroy only one house, not the houses of everyone else in the West Bank. The judges who sent the letter (and Justice Brennan too, I suppose) apparently feel they may excommunicate an entire community to punish a few. Last time I checked, only the Pope had that kind of power. I'll have to check on that more often.
"Judge, the letter has succeeded. Columbia is no longer allowing their students to protest when Israel bombs tens of thousands of women and children."
"Splendid, let's see the Columbia clerkship applications."
"There aren't any, Judge."
"Oh, okay. Let's see the Baylor applications then, I guess."
I think it's pretty gross the U.S. government could refuse to hire public officials (which is what clerks are) based on a tenuous connection to a group exercising political expression. How is this not guilt by association and suppression of free association? (But I'm not a free speech absolutist, like some.)
It's totally gross. But that's Ho and Blackman for you. As if anyone with any self-respect, patriotism, or love for the First Amendment would take a clerkship with Smudge Ho anyway.
And so is Project 65 - a disgusting, degenerate, and evil thing - filled with mindless automatons.
Well, this boycott sounds like much ado about nothing.
It's fairly obvious that these judges are simply auditioning for a promotion to a circuit court seat or to the SCOTUS in a hypothetical second Trump administration.
And that Blackman is auditioning for a promotion to a third rate law school.
This is guilt by association and therefore highly inappropriate.
Also, it is embarrassing to see federal judges engage in such blatant overgeneralization. All Columbia students are bad, because some people (including non-students) decide to protest in an unreasonable manner???
Funny how the people that decry bigotry and racism the most on this site turn out to be the biggest anti-semites!
Who knew? (we all did)
All you have done for like five years in this website is call people racist and bigots and antisemites.
You are an SJW caricature but in the right.
What color is your hair?
You really don't like what you see in the mirror, do you Sarc?
Pretty sure Michael Jackson found the solution.
Don't be a bigot -- it's easy if you try!
Yep, this is all you do.
Pretty low on the cognitive load, but you seem to enjoy it.
OK, racist ... hate on.
Low self-esteem?
The Chickens, have come home to roost...
Orin Kerr on why this is a terrible idea.