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Hans Bader on Selective Law Enforcement
Police in some major cities are refusing to enforce the law against protest "encampments"
I have been increasingly aware of, and disturbed by, instances of local police declining the requests of universities to help the universities--which generally do not have law enforcement officers capable of dealing with hundreds of people resisting arrest--arrest protestors and remove their protest encampments. I was preparing to write a blog post about this, but Hans Bader beat me to it. So rather than reinvent the wheel, with permission, below is a shortened version of Hans' post:
You have a right to free speech, but that doesn't give you a First Amendment right to camp out on my lawn with protest signs. That's trespassing. But government officials sometimes allow trespassing when they sympathize with the trespasser's viewpoint. Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC have refused to remove progressive anti-Israel protesters camping out at private universities — Johns Hopkins University, the University of Pennsylvania, and George Washington University.
Law professor David Bernstein notes that "Baltimore police will not assist in removing illegal encampment at Johns Hopkins University. Worse, they actually praise the illegal encampment as a valid exercise of First Amendment rights, which is complete nonsense. It's especially nonsensical because most of the protesters are trespassers with no connection to the university."
"The City of Baltimore strongly stands with every person's First Amendment rights. Barring any credible threat of violence or similarly high threshold to protect public safety, BPD currently has no plans to engage solely to shut down this valid protest or remove protesters," said the Baltimore police department in a statement apparently dictated by the mayor's office.
Contrary to what this statement claims, there is no "First Amendment" right to camp out on public property, much less private property like the campus of Johns Hopkins University, which can tell trespassers to leave regardless of whether they are engaged in First Amendment activity. Camping out on someone else's property is not a "valid protest," even if the protesters have not yet made any "threat of violence." The Supreme Court ruled that protesters do not have a right to camp out even on public property devoted to public use, like national parks, in Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence (1984).
Yet Neetu Arnold of the National Association of Scholars notes that Philadelphia is similarly refusing to clear out a protest camp at the University of Pennsylvania, a private Ivy League university: "Philadelphia Police ignores Penn's request to disband unauthorized encampment. The university has to provide proof that the encampment poses an imminent danger. Penn students have received multiple warnings to avoid the immediate area." The Daily Pennsylvanian reports that the "Philadelphia Police Department declines to disband encampment after Penn requests immediate help."
As a University of Pennsylvania alumnus notes, these illegal protests are only being allowed by progressive officials because of the viewpoint they are expressing. If the protesters were "white nationalists waving nazi flags and telling black people they should go back to Africa I'm sure [police] would be out there pretty quickly" to remove them.
As Professor Bernstein observes, allowing the illegal encampment at Johns Hopkins to persist despite the university's objections is a bad idea: "This one poses a special danger to public safety because, I'm told by a reliable source, 'almost none' of the people manning the encampment are Hopkins students. They are professional agitators from 'the community.'"
No city would tolerate such trespassing if the protesters' ideology were different — such as if they were white nationalists, whose speech is protected by the First Amendment despite their repellent ideology. (The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a First Amendment lawsuit by white nationalists in 1992, because even racist protests are protected by the First Amendment, see Forsyth County v. Nationalist Movement (1992). Even on campus, racist speech such as Nazi meetings, can be protected, see National Socialist White People's Party v. Ringers (1973)).
This favoritism by progressive cities violates the First Amendment. According to the Supreme Court, the government cannot favor certain kinds of protests over others. (See Police Department v. Mosley (1972)).
When someone posted non-threatening confederate-flag flyers saying "Huzzah for Dixie" at American University in 2017, the local FBI office investigated the flyers as if the First Amendment did not exist, at the request of the university. Law enforcement investigated the speech, even though courts in Washington, DC had ruled that far worse, blatantly racist speech was protected by the First Amendment. (See, e.g., United States v. Popa (1999)).
Yet now, DC police are refusing to remove trespassing students camped out on the grounds of George Washington University. As the National Review reported on April 28:
Police in Washington, D.C., rejected requests from campus officials at George Washington University to clear anti-Israel protesters from their campus encampment this week, fearing that doing so could be bad publicity.
Although police were poised to disband the encampment at around 3 a.m. on Friday morning, city officials in the police chief's and mayor's office told police to stand down and said that it would look bad publicly for police to disrupt a "small number of peaceful protesters," the Washington Post reported on Friday…George Washington officials originally wanted to clear the encampment by 7 p.m. on Thursday. The school said on Friday that protesters "violated several university policies and were trespassing" and added that "any student who remains in University Yard may be placed on temporary suspension and administratively barred from campus. Several students have already been notified of their suspensions." Police who reportedly lined the encampment's perimeter on Friday warned protesters that they would soon issue arrests, but they never did.
"After demonstrators refused multiple instructions to relocate, GWPD requested additional support from the DC Metropolitan Police to ensure the safety and security of all our community members through a measured and orderly approach," George Washington said in a statement….Dozens of anti-Israel protesters are still occupying the encampment…At a rally held at George Washington this week, a speaker was recorded saying, "There's only one solution, intifada revolution. We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America."
David Bernstein adds: Denver police have also refused to help with an encampment. UCLA police sat by and did nothing for days while members of encampment prohibited, by physical forces, students from getting to their classes or the library via the encampment without permission. Police only intervened after violence broke out when counter-demonstrators confronted the encampers.
From what I can gather, the problem in cities is usually not that the police department itself is unwilling to assist, but that they are under orders from the mayor, afraid of upsetting far left constituents, to stand down. This is going a bit beyond my expertise, but from what I understand the Justice Department could and should, but won't under the Biden administration, investigate whether these police departments are violating the terms of their federal funding, and also denying equal protection of the law, by refusing to enforce the law for ideological and political reasons. An added factor is that this lack of enforcement is to the specific detriment of Jewish students who have disproportionately faced threats, intimidation, and violence from people at the encampments.
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Speaking of selective . . .
Where was David Bernstein (and where was his multipost outrage) when the Bundys and their fellow armed wingnuts were protesting the government's refusal to let the Bundys freeload on federal land.
Where were Prof. Bernstein and Hans Bader when those armed right-wing extremists "camped out" on public property in Oregon for a month?
Carry on, clingers. So far as partisan hackery on the wrong side of the culture war could get anyone these days.
I vaguely recall those Bundy people going to prison, or at least getting prosecuted.
What about? What about? What about? Let's address the thing that's currently happening now. But you don't care. You're a leftist. You enjoy this exception.
What is happening now is Israel killing children in Gaza, Israel stealing land and terrorizing innocents in the West Bank, and Israel losing American support.
But of course, If you believe Rev. Confederate, what you were taught about WWII in history was a complete lie. Americans did nothing but murder German and Japanese children. They just went out one fine 1940s day and murdered them, completely unprovoked, just for the hell of it. No-one disputes that far more German and Japansese children were killed than in Gaza. It follows that Americans were far the greater murderers.
And of course, Yankees and their toadies, the settler-colonialist Negros, just went out one fine day murdering the indigenous Confederates and taking their land and property. (Remember “40 acres and a mule?” Where do you think the acreage and mules came from?) And committing genocide by destroying the Conferates’ distinctive culture. That’s why laudible acts of armed resistance, like the Tulsa Liberation of 1921, were needed, to take back some of the stolen land and property and help avenge the murders.
Gee, Bernstein is state actor? Who knew. I thought he was just a professor.
Get back to me when Bernstein wields state power.
"From what I can gather, the problem in cities is usually not that the police department itself is unwilling to assist, but that they are under orders from the mayor, afraid of upsetting far left constituents, to stand down."
When Boston elected a progressive prosecutor she rushed to dismiss charges brought by police against people protesting a right wing event. When I say rushed, I mean she sought the local equivalent of a writ of mandamus to get charges dismissed faster than the District Court judge wanted to act. Police are conservative, higher officials are liberal.
My impression was in the normal course of events the defendants would have had to show up in court a few times but would have walked away without a criminal record.
For those not from MA, this was Rachael Rollins who then became US Attorney and then resigned. She was a UMass Amherst racial activist.
And this was NOT a "peaceful protest" -- the Herald ran a picture of a bottle of yellow fluid, likely urine, just before it hit a cop in the face.
I always wondered what would have happened if the officers had then filed private criminal complaints after Rollins got her writ -- wouldn't the magistrate have to hear them?
I'm thinking of the Homestead steel strike.
My guess is that there would be a reaction if any of these universities were to bring in a couple thousand armed private security agents -- or, better, contract Blackwater.
I assume that the campus police are armed -- well, just supplement them with temporary hires. And then when the cities ask for PILOT payments, tell them to go fuck themselves.
Is this the point where we call to "defund the police"?
No, this is the point where we call for the election of Donald Trump, whose Justice Department will put an end to this lawlessness.
And criminally prosecute a few of these mayors...
The selective enforcement of US federal genocide and material support laws is much more troubling.
18 U.S. Code § 1091 (Genocide) is an extraterritorial US federal capital crime without statute of limitations.
18 U.S. Code § 2339A (material support) criminalizes speech that constitutes material support for perpetrators of genocide.
According to 8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens (a)(3)(E)(ii) (Participation in genocide), a foreign Zionist is inadmissible to the USA.
The executive branch does not determine whether an individual, organization, or state perpetrates genocide. Genocide is defined in the US federal criminal code and is a matter for the courts.
Why do you think the Biden administration is so adamant to die that the State of Israel perpetrates genocide? Biden is the first US president, who is a probable perpetrator of a US federal capital crime. He needs to receive a necktie party once he leaves office.
Zionism is a depraved ideology of replacement genocide. Since the start of the Nakba, Zionist colonial settlers have committed the grand slam of genocide:
a) murder genocide,
b) maiming genocide,
c) toxic conditions genocide,
d) birth prevention genocide,
e) child kidnapping genocide.
Nazis passed the baton of mass murder genocide to Zionists during the period from 1945 to 1947.
The genocide, which started with the Nakba, will not have ended until Palestinians return to their homes, property, villages, and country.
A US Zionist is almost certainly in violation of one of the above statutes and must be arrested, tried, almost certainly convicted, sentenced, and sent to the gallows or to a long prison term.
Why isn’t the US DOJ mass-arresting US Zionists? The executive branch has been corrupted by Zionist money. No Zionist should be roaming freely in the US. Every US Zionist individual and organization must be stripped of all assets. Every US Zionist must die penniless and impoverished.
Maybe head down to Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC, or Denver? Apparently they’re giving antisemitic psychos like you the run of the place.
You're right about Philly. Synagogues are being vandalized. Jews are being targeted. It is no longer safe to go to synagogue in Philly for ma'ariv services, or holidays, esp in North Philly.
A Zionist cannot be a Jew. A Zionist is post Judaism because Zionism murdered Judaism by transforming Judaism into a program of antisemitism. A Zionist is among the most vile of antisemites.
Supporters of Zionism are ethically challenged and deny the obvious.
A group subjected to genocide at the hands of a first set of genocide-perpetrators (e.g., Nazis) can later themselves form a second set of genocide-perpetrators (e.g., post-Judaism Zionists) just as evil as the first set of genocide-perpetrators.
Unfortunately for you, Martillo, you’re not the one who gets to decide who is and isn’t Jewish.
Nice try Hamas apologist.
Right. Just like members of the NAACP and such aren’t real niggers, they’re outside communist provacateurs pretending to be niggers. Real niggers, like real Jews, know their place and don’t go around demanding land or rights.
NAACP people are the most vile of anti-niggers.
Yeah right.
Have you considered reading some of the shit you write? You’d be surprised how awful what you’re scribbling sounds. It’s embarassing.
Picture the same number of people setting up red tents with MAGA printed on them.
Picture the Confederate battle flag replacing the "Palestinian" flag.
Picture the kill the Jews signs replaced with kill the democrats signs.
Then try to picture the same responses from administrators, police, and mayors.
It's easy of you TRY.
What, would the police arrest themselves?
No, get real -- dressed in Klan attire and signs saying "kill niggers."
Fake gallows with nooses hanging off them.
But isn't this EXACTLY what the 14th Amendment was written to prevent? It says "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
If corporations are persons, then the universities are persons and they are being deprived of property and the equal protection of the laws...
And then there is Section 1983 and could the mayors be personally liable for this?
Once again, no mention of a right of peaceable assembly.
Maybe the cops are waiting—as they ought to—for probable cause to show that some among the encamped protestors are not behaving peaceably. If that happens, then those unpeaceable persons ought to be identified, arrested, removed from the others, and charged accordingly.
Hand waving ought not be sufficient to establish a point that encamped protestors are not students who would be otherwise entitled to presence where they are. If better evidence is available, then use it, and remove those who are known trespassers.
What should not happen is police action to use violence to break up a peaceable assembly by people normally entitled to presence in the location where they have assembled. Political authorities who insist on that constraint are right to do it.
Ongoing experience at other campuses is rapidly piling up evidence of the unwisdom of more aggressive policies. The situation at UCLA has become a policy catastrophe which must be reckoned a part of any decision on other campuses going forward.
It is of course worth mention that objections to peaceable assembly come mostly from ideological opponents of those assembled. That—coupled with the ideologically-motivated violence demonstrable at UCLA—ought to bring enhanced clarity to fraught questions at other campuses, if those arise.
Those who do not want demonstrations and assemblies to turn into powerful levers to change policy norms are unwise to suppose the means to prevent that is to attack with force the demonstrations and assemblies. American history is replete with evidence to show how counterproductive doing that has been.
"Once again, no mention of a right of peaceable assembly."
There is no right of peaceable assembly on someone else's property, against the owner's wishes, period. On public property, the right to peaceable assemble is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions.
Amazing how you can actually use the First Amendment to shut down speech.
First Amendment only stops the government from infringing on "the freedom of speech." "The freedom of speech" does not, and never has, including the right to protest wherever, whenever, and however you want. All these police chiefs and mayors would agree if people starting camping out on their lawns.
What they don't realize is that the people will act if they don't.
Can you imagine what a couple of tossed Molotov Cocktails would do? This is spring, any college the size of this has at least a couple of unbalanced students who would see that as justified.
Dr. Ed, I must once again implore you to stop helping.
And I must implore you to affirm reality.
I don't know how many years you have in student affairs but there ARE unbalanced kids this time of year, and something like this WILL happen if this isn't ended soon.
The same number as you, actually!
Sure, Ed.
A lot of them are not even students. Just a bunch of idiots hired out of Craigslist.
Do you KNOW this? How much are they paying?
Nearly half of NYC arrests involved people not affiliated with schools, officials say
"New York City officials said that a significant number of people arrested this week at campus demonstrations were not affiliated with the schools. Nearly 30% of the people arrested at Columbia were unaffiliated with the university and 60% of the arrests at City College involved people who weren't affiliated with that school, the mayor said."
The Craigslist bit is pure speculation, of course.
Amazing how you continually attempt to change the topic; almost as if you're scared to admit you're wrong.
Professor Bernstein, can you find a precedent which mentions both, "time, place, and manner," and, "peaceable assembly," in the decision? Reason I ask is I have asked for that before, but no one has come up with it.
They all keep trying to point to one decision decided on the basis of free speech, in which assembly got no mention in the decision. There were tents incidentally present, but those seem to have drawn notice only as an indication that wear and tear on Lafayette Park and the Mall was implicated—without much proof, by the way.
Cox v. New Hampshire, 312 U.S. 569 (1941)
You could've also gone with Cox v. Louisiana, 379 US 536 (1965).
Bernstein: fair weather libertarian; chips-are-down collectivist.
They oppose my ideology, arrest 'em all—and no namby-pamby requirement for individualized probable cause!
To be fair, I suspect Bernstein's ilk are fine with the notion that if their ideological priors get government enforcement, then there is no longer need for criminal charges against their targets. Might even be embarrassing to have to prove them.
Try engaging with the point instead of calling names.
Did you attend the Steven Calabresi school of first amendment claims?
"None of these lawyers are making arguments about what I wish the law was."
It's doubly stupid here, because there's no right of peaceable assembly of any sort on someone else's private property.
Nieporent, you already know I am not talking about private property.
But come to think of it, how about after you lease private property? Or otherwise contract for access to it. Was Woodstock an illegal assembly? Could state troopers have declared that an illegal assembly, and waded in to disperse everyone?
You’re not?
What in the world are you talking about then? Because this post is about private property.
It's always amusing to watch the Left jump through hoops to justify their Jew hatred.
What is happening now is Israel is killing children, using its military to steal land and terrorize people in the West Bank, and losing American support that it seems to need. How many dead Palestinian children will be enough for the right-wingers in the United States and Israel?
Define children. How old are the oldest children? 20? 30?
If the good Rev. were really concerned about Palestinian children, he might note a dramatic increase in fatalities about the middle of October, and seek some kind of causal factor (other than "Those damn Zionists just went berserk and started using their "Innocent Doe-eyed Children Missles") .
He might also aim his estimable analytical skills at the subject of "Palestinian Child Safety" with a special emphasis on not placing their housing, schools and medical care in, behind or below munitions facilities and weapon emplacements etc.
Maybe he could solve the mystery of how the damn Zionists are tricking the freedom fighters into doing that, over and over.
Noscitur, this is not about a takeover of someone's private home. In my first comment above I mentioned this:
Hand waving ought not be sufficient to establish a point that encamped protestors are not students who would be otherwise entitled to presence where they are.
If all the students encamped are entitled to be where they are, on what basis do you insist that police must disperse them? Would it be because University administrators who authorized their presence disagree with their reason for assembling? If so, why would that be a police matter, instead of a civil dispute, about what the rights of the respective parties are?
Or perhaps you are a fan of a time, place, and manner restriction, despite the thin and sketchy legal basis to impose it on the right of assembly, instead of on the right of speech. Even as that exists, it relies on a requirement that an equivalent outlet exist at some other place and time. Equivalence at some other place, and during some other time, is a plan impossibility in the case of the John Hopkins encampment—except perhaps if the University agreed to negotiate, which it has not done.
That leaves you demanding abolition of the right, apparently for purely content-based reasons.
Do you think there might be examples of private property other than a home?
True. But the declaration by the school—you know, people who own the property—ought.
I guess I’ll concede that if you assume away the thing that makes the conduct illegal, it shouldn’t be treated as illegal. We were talking about reality though.
Are you now trying to eliminate the crime of trespassing in service to your bizarre "The 1A doesn't protect speech, but it protects a right to assemble wherever you want, whenever you want" theory of constitutional interpretation?
You cannot possibly be this dense. We. Are. Talking. About. Private. Property. No "equivalent outlet" need exist.
There is no 1A right to assemble on private property. None. Zero. Zilch. "Time, place, and manner" is about assembling on public property.
Are you now trying to eliminate the crime of trespassing in service to your bizarre “The 1A doesn’t protect speech, but it protects a right to assemble wherever you want, whenever you want” theory of constitutional interpretation?
No, and don't be stupid on purpose. I am not insisting, and never have insisted, that the 1A does not protect speech, as you know. For reasons which remain obscure, you again and again take bad-faith rhetoric to peculiar extremes.
I am insisting that the crime of trespassing be demonstrated against individual trespassers, with government force limited to cases supported by evidence of probable cause. I am fine with actual identified trespassers being arrested to stand trial. I even like the idea.
However, I do not expect that to be a popular concession among right-wingers intent on invading college campuses to harangue against minorities, and embarrass university administrators. Are you sure your ilk will back you on that one?
I am not at all fine with corporate managers who announce that students who likely enjoy contractual rights to be present are instead trespassers. Especially when that seems based on corporate managers' disagreements with the students' political views.
I also disagree with any imputation that corporate managers of public charities are the personal owners of whatever political rights the charity may or may not enjoy. If you think there is law to prove otherwise, then I insist it is past time for legislation to correct any such imputation of personal political power derived from management of a public charity.
By the way, that is not disagreement with any power the charity has to invoke ordinary assistance of law enforcement outside the context of political disputes. It is merely advocacy to somewhat cabin the power of law enforcement to settle political questions.
Otherwise, thanks for helping me critique misapplication of the time, place and manner red herring. But you are still wrong to insist, "time, place and manner," is about assembly at all, including in the public square.
As you say, private ownership has nothing to do with it. But in the public square, there absolutely is need—almost impossible to satisfy in the case of assemblies—to provide substantially equivalent alternative outlets. Time and place may not be of the essence for speech freedom; capacity for publication somewhat obviates those. But time and place are the very essence of assembly.
Absent power to agree at pleasure on a time, and a place within the public domain, would-be assemblers are incapacitated. Incapacitation is of course the intent of government office holders who demand time and place constraints on assemblies purposed to challenge the office holders.
As you demonstrate, Nieporent, it turns out that same logic seems to appeal to libertarians, whose customary hostility to collective action redlines when they contemplate political assemblies. Libertarians panic at the notion that any possibility can exist that a political assembly might achieve political influence.
Bystanders, of course, are entitled to be puzzled, if they regard libertarians as mostly corporatists—a scheme of social organization which to many looks not only maximally collectivist, but preferentially and exclusively so. But the question what motivates that apparent paradox must be left to another time.
A property owner saying, "These people who are currently on our property are not welcome; we have told them so, and demanded that they leave, and they have refused" is not only evidence of "probable cause," but evidence sufficient to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.
They do not enjoy any contractual right to be present. (Like any business invitee, they likely have a revocable implied license to be present. But in any case that's a defense for them to raise at trial, if applicable.)
I mean this with the same due respect that I offered to Dr Ed when he announced that he wasn't convinced that James Fields intended to murder Heather Heyer: who cares what you "disagree with"? You have this weird belief that what you think the law ought to be is relevant in a discussion of what the law is.
I don't know what you mean by "political rights," as opposed to property rights, or what you mean by "public charity." Or how you think "legislation" can consistent with the 5th amendment tell a private business what it can do with its private property. I also don't know how you envision charities being governed, or how being hired to run a business does not give one authority to do so, subject to ordinary generally applicable laws about fraud and such. (To be sure, if the board of trustees is unhappy with any of the decisions of what you call "corporate managers" it can replace those people. There's no evidence of such here.)
Too fucking bad. Also, this is pretty rich coming from someone who argued that the state can/should outlaw people protesting against vaccination at vaccination sites. And that the state can/should outlaw the exercise of one's second amendment rights at protests.
"If all the students encamped are entitled to be where they are, on what basis do you insist that police must disperse them? "
They're blocking access to OTHER students who are EQUALLY entitled to be there. Protesters rights are not superior to others.
Noscitur, I am talking about students with a contractual right to access their campus. You seem to be talking about using government force to limit a student to access only insofar as he is not accompanied by like-minded others you disagree with.
And you seem to want to do it on the basis of no more specific authority than corporate ownership in which you presumably have no share. That's taking corporate power a little far, I think. You would be wiser to insist such controversies be settled as civil disputes between parties to a contract. Perhaps after negotiations over issues left ambiguous in the contract, if those exist.
No, you're not.`
I know no such thing; if you're not, why are you talking at all, since this post is about private property? To wit:
"Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC have refused to remove progressive anti-Israel protesters camping out at private universities — Johns Hopkins University, the University of Pennsylvania, and George Washington University."
They are trespassers, and the universities ought to bring out the snow plows. That'll remove them.
A better solution is announce that the university will be closed until they are removed -- and all the faculty are furloughed until then. No paychecks -- go see the Mayor. The professors are all supporting this, let's see how they feel when they stop getting paid.
I say let’s all go peaceably assemble in Stephen’s backyard.
Petrik, fine. Pay me one year's Johns Hopkins tuition each, and you can peaceably assemble in my yard to advocate whatever causes we can agree upon. Actually, I am a free speech idealist; I won't even call the cops if I disagree.
At least that's what I say now.
But look out for my neighbors, Bernstein, Bader, Noscitur, and Nieporent. They insist you advocate only causes they approve. The cops have to throw you out if you advocate wrong. They plan to pressure me to go along with that, to make me call the cops, and tell the cops I want their help to shut you up.
To give you fair notice, those neighbors picked up enough street cred at UCLA to make me nervous. If they summon the same kinds of thugs to show up in my yard that showed up at UCLA, all bets may be off. I might have to stand aside while the thugs work you over, and next day you may get arrested while the thugs go free.
But please, don't let any of that intimidate you. Make those tuition payments, and let's get started. Note that my minimum is 8 fully-paid tuitions, but there is plenty of room in my yard for at least 20 tents. So think big. I may need the extra money to pay my way out of any sanitation problems.
Did I mention you will all be camping on the septic field? Stock plenty of bug repellent for summer, and bring extra tents for winter, when periodic northeasters will likely shred whatever you put up.
Otherwise, it's a mild climate. Temperatures rarely sink below minus 10 Fahrenheit, and the winter winds usually abate by late May. Except during hurricanes, autumn is glorious. Best of all, I live near the beach. It is a shark infested beach. The sharks are great whites, but they never interfere with your sunbathing.
Also, you won't have to worry about taking me hostage. I won't be there to cause you problems. Just look out for those neighbors.
Jesus David, you really are blinded by hate.
the Justice Department could and should... investigate whether these police departments are... denying equal protection of the law, by refusing to enforce the law for ideological and political reasons.
Are you insane? Who here is being injured? Johns Hopkins? I don’t think the feds are interested in entertaining the concept of Johns Hopkins’s relationship with Baltimore as an equal protection issue for Johns Hopkins as an institution.
Maybe down the road, next time Johns Hopkins asks for an encampment to be removed, if Baltimore complies, the members of that encampment might have an equal protection claim. But there’s no such thing as selective non-enforcement, especially hypothetical selective non-enforcement. It’s the product of a deranged mind.
What about UPenn? The University has specifically asked for help and the police have declined. Seems like a different case. Is it?
Whose being injured? How about the Israeli graduate student who was assaulted at Hopkins on Thursday? How about all the Hopkins students who have gone home because they are afraid of a group of professional agitators spouting antisemitic slogans, being free to do whatever they want? How about the Hillel, which had to move its annual Israel Fest indoors because there was no one to guarantee their security against the trespassers?
More generally, selective law enforcement has a long and ugly history in the US, with law enforcement refusing to police crime in the African American part of town. That's among the reasons we have very strong norms, and indeed laws, against it.
You had me up until "guarantee their security against the trespassers." I'm not sure that trespassing avenue is a wise course.
But yes, "selective law enforcement has a long and ugly history in the US" and it's a history being forgotten in the age of "yes-in-your-backyard."
'More generally, selective law enforcement has a long and ugly history in the US,'
Yes, the cops are shit, welcome to BLM.
How about the Israeli graduate student who was assaulted at Hopkins on Thursday?
Not by the Baltimore police.
How about all the Hopkins students who have gone home because they are afraid of a group of professional agitators spouting antisemitic slogans
I don’t think the Baltimore police are charged with censoring scary slogans.
How about the Hillel, which had to move its annual Israel Fest indoors because there was no one to guarantee their security against the trespassers?
This seems similar to my comments about the claims of Johns Hopkins itself. That is, if Hillel has some contractual relationship with the Baltimore police which is being violated, let’s hear it. Normally, the police aren’t expected to provide private security. If they decline to contract with Hillel for ideoligical reasons, I agree that would be a problem. Is that what you're alleging?
You need to check yourself.
Not by the Baltimore police.
Allow me to clarify my testimony based on Noscitur's critique below.
If Baltimore declines to investigate / prosecute this assault, I agree that's a problem.
What would be the legal implications of hiring private security and removing them that way?
Conversely, could they haul the mayors into Federal Court and get an injunction?
And while I am at it, could a friendly President use the insurrection act here?
Professor Bernstein,
As I said in an earlier comment, students who are being denied access to education can sue, and should, because it then becomes a federal civil-rights matter rather than simply trespassing, a local matter
But you have chosen in this post to focus on the injury to the university from selective enforcement of trespassing. I see that as different.
States don’t have to criminalize trespassing. They could rationally leave it to civil enforcement entirely. They could rationally make an exception for student protests at universities, because there are ways in which they are rationally different from other kimds of protests, and ones values and philosophy affect whether one thinks the difference should result in enforcement being more lenient or stricter. The state has more discretion There is a case to be made for more lenient enforcement in a student-protest context.
So the kind of injury you talked about in your main post, trespassing and such, strikes me as different from, and requiring a different analysis from, injuries to students like the ones you talked about at Penn.
If the students at Ole Miss were protesting to abolish eatly morning classes, it wouldn’t be a federal matter.
I think the people injured have to assert equal protection injuries. For a generic protest, omly people in cracked-down-on protests would have selective enforcement injuries.
For these, I think Jewish students actually injured by these protests (not merely annoyed) would have federally-relevant injury.
For trespassing, Johns Hopkins may need to pursue civil remedies including civil eviction.
That is, I think the question you asked, “Who is being injured?” is the essential question. And I note that your own answer listed only individuals, giving several example individuals, but never mentioned a university as an injured party.
I think this is the correct answer.
I if you want to emply your legal talents to do something useful, I think the best stategy here is to help the actually injured parties to come forward, assess their injuries, and help the ones with the clearwd t standing write alcomplaints and attempt to get relief, emergency injuctive relief if possible.
In this as in other cases, I suggest identifying and focusing on the people with the clearest standing to be able to get matters before the courts quicker and with merits not clouded by standing issues. I think this would be better practical assistance than creative (but questionable) legal arguments like the ones you’re making.
Actually, selective non-enforcement of criminal law is kind of where the equal protection clause comes from!
You're thinking of selective enforcement.
Can’t have one without the other.
No, I’m talking about non-enforcement. During Reconstruction, white supremacists could victimize black people with impunity because they knew that state prosecutors wouldn’t enforce state criminal law against them. That’s the one of the main problems that the Equal Protection clause was designed to remedy. (It was not, obviously, wholly successful. See, for instance, the Slaughterhouse cases (not exactly a panegyric to the Fourteenth Amendment!):
Or, more recently:
Hilton v. City of Wheeling, 209 F.3d 1005, 1007 (7th Cir. 2000) (Posner, J.).
Fair enough. But that’s selective non-enforcement as to the victims. It goes back to my original question: who are the victims? If the encampers actually were behaving violently, then I think you (and David) would have a point. But then I also think the Baltimore PD would step in. The fact that there aren’t any victims (other than Johns Hopkins) is a big part of why they aren’t acting.
David is mainly making a hypothetical hypocricy claim. Hypothetical hypocricy definitely doesn’t give rise to equal protection liability.
I think the problem with the equL protection argument here is that the Baltimore Police aren’t refusing to enforce the law because they don’t like Johns Hopkins or because of some characteristic Johns Hopkins has. The post suggests they sometimes in fact DO enforce the law in favor of John Hopkins. The reasons they sometimes do and sometimes don’t simply have nothing to do with John Hopkins. This forces a conclusion that no discrimination against John Hopkins is occurring.
That’s why I don’t think Johns Hopkins has an equal protection claim.
I would do one of two things.
Either declare the university closed and all of the faculty on unpaid furlough, or hire private security to remove them.
Of the two, I think not paying the professors (and cancelling their health insurance) would be more effective,
YES the FBI is supposed to investigate this, it is a clear violation of the 14th amendment.
And as to DC, it's time for Congress to abolish the DC Self Government act. Have a committee of 12 run it -- 8 house, 4 senate, split half and half by party. DC is a failed city and everyone knows that.
Another way to understand the problem with Bernstein's and Bader's commentary is to note that the opposite of selective law enforcement is not no law enforcement, it is unselective law enforcement. It is not for nothing that the Constitution demands specificity to justify exercise of legal authority.
Bernstein, Bader, and plenty of others, are calling for unselective dragnets deployed by political partisans. That is not American constitutionalism.
No, they’re calling for enforcement of the law against the people blatantly violating it, when requested by the victims. Seems like a pretty reasonable ask!
Noscitur, you seem to suppose the corporate manager of a public charity enjoys power to decree his political preferences legally binding—which should be the end of it.
I suspect the actual law is more convoluted, and less amenable to un-reviewable authority. For instance, I think the law might take an interest to define who are victims, who are not, and which parties might enjoy contractual rights affecting political liberties in particular places.
Stephen, if the Klan were camped out there, shouting 'Kill the Niggers" and otherwise being their lovable selves, and the university asked for them to be removed, what do you think would happen?
And if I were in Arkansas or some other state with lots of undeveloped land, I'd ask these universities if they might want to relocate.
To protect and serve?
To genuflect and swerve.
This situation has really shown who has learned nothing from, and want a repeat of, Kent State.
I'm sure you'd be saying the exact same thing if police in Alabama were refusing to help the University of Alabama dislodge an illegal encampment of white supremacists who have been harassing black students, calling for black students to go back to Africa, allowing people to pass only on their sayso, and so on. Not.
They sound horrible but I wouldn't want them shot out of hand either.
Me neither, but in case no one has noticed, no one is being shot. The NYPD managed to arrest 200 at Columbia, including 50 "outside agitators" with no connection to the university, without a single injury.
David -- Jewish kids have tempers too, don't they?
I think it is a matter of time before a few snap and we have real violence. Guns aren't hard to get, gasoline definitely isn't hard to get, and I am reminded of an incident at UMass where the cops made a decision that protesters would be out of a building before Sunday because they'd heard the same rumors I had -- groups of student vigilantes were organizing and planning to remove them themselves. With baseball bats.
No, Dr. Ed, I don’t think the Jewish student are likely to murder the pro-Hamas protestors. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Do you personally know every Jewish college student in the country?
Are you sober?
Again, Professor Bernstein, the black students in your hypothetical might well have an Equal Protection claim. But would the university? I don’t think it would. The reasons the police sometimes help the university remove trespassers and sometimes don’t would he a plausible basis for giving the black students standing. But would they constitute an equal protection injury against the university? The reasons have nothing to do with the university. It strikes me as hard to argue they constitute any kind of discrimination against the university itself.
You would be happier with a repeat of the Floyd George (HT Dr. Frank) "demonstrations.
Burn baby, burn
"HT Dr. Frank"…
…said no sane person ever.
Do not forget why Nathan Bedford Forrest created the Klu Klux Klan.
Are you familiar with what happened in San Francisco in the 1850s?
The first time, people trusted the system to respond. This time -- I'm not so sure they will...
Wow. You're going way back for your cherry picking.
Because he was an evil racist?
You got it in one, David. Good work.
Lots of Democrats have managed to be evil racists without creating the KKK, so your theory leaves a lot wanting.
Longtobefree 41 mins ago
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Mute User
Picture the same number of people setting up red tents with MAGA printed on them.
Picture the Confederate battle flag replacing the “Palestinian” flag.
Picture the kill the Jews signs replaced with kill the democrats signs.
Then try to picture the same responses from administrators, police, and mayors.
It’s easy of you TRY.
Your imagined victimhood - so much more real than reality.
Nige, can you say "content neutrality"?
If that happens, I will still urge that it will be handled on a case by case basis and that if police are called out it will only be by necessity not to punish the bad anti-Democrat protesters.
Because I'm smart enough to remember history, and not get caught up in wanting the Bad Guys to suffer for it's own sake.
You're still lost in the righteous revenge sauce. Where the GOP has moved lately. It's a short term high though; this kind of empty reactionaryism is not sustainable at scale in the long term.
What should we have learned from Kent State, in your view?
1) That bringing in the cops is a risk business not to be invoked lightly,
The idea that such force should be deployed nationwide as the main solution to this crisis is a position I'm seeing many on the right take, for motives that look more like punishment than necessity.
2) That the use of force is likely a permanent solution to this issue. Look at Kent State and the aftermanth. You want a group not likely to be deterred by force except except in the short term, the young and the righteous is that group.
If you want to discuss risky uses of force by police (*not* National Guard), consider domestic-violence situations. Those situations could lead to more dangerous confrontations than are involved with evicting trespassers who are “the young and the righteous.”
Yet the domestic-violence laws are on the books, and the cops have to enforce them. And they have to enforce the laws without violating the laws. A delicate thing to accomplish, but “a policeman’s lot is not a happy one.”
I will take the risk of guessing your position, and I’ll assume that you want the domestic-violence laws enforced. So what makes these political trespasses worse than domestic violence, so that it would just be too dangerous to enforce the laws?
I’ll make another assumption: by the time a university decides to order people evicted as trespassers, then (at least in the case of the universities listed in this post) that means the trespassers have used up the tolerance of an institution disposed to be tolerant to such “protesters.” Do we need local governments to serve as checks on right-wing reactionaries in the Johns Hopkins administration?
Then of course there’s the nullification issue, and (for Baltimore) the thing about the Maryland constitution. See below.
Kent State was the Ohio National Guard, not Kent PD.
Who were also exhausted because they had been patrolling a trucker's strike. That's why they had rounds chambered.
And they'd never been trained in crowd control, which the cops have been, and they had nonexistent command and control, and it was a general unprofessional fuckup.
But you will notice that the protesters at Kent State had not erected tents. These assholes have.
This situation has really shown who has learned nothing from, and want a repeat of, Kent State
Victoria Snellgrove would be 41 years old today.
Innocent Emerson College journalism student.
Where is Jim Rhodes when we need him!
Well don’t you make you lust for blood explicit.
From your repeated invocation of Kent State, we can apparently assume you have a lust for arson.
What about the Cameron Crazies camping out before a game? Trespassing and should be arrested/expelled? Is that your sense of the way colleges have handled that situation previously?
Interesting point. Relatedly, in DC it is actionable discrimination to refuse to allow a non-customer [homeless] person access to your restaurant's bathroom... and there is an open question regarding the lawfulness of evicting someone who breaks into your home while you are away. The police do not want to be sued, so do nothing.
Which is why Congress needs to repeal the DC Self Government act.
This well may do it.
If they were unwelcome, and Duke wished to stop the practice, then you would have a point. But since Duke has allowed and encouraged the practice since I was a student there (40 years ago), I guess your comparison is inapt.
But that’s exactly the point— the ostensible trespass and violation of rules for erecting temporary structures is tolerated when the message is “welcome”
And conversely not tolerated when the message is “unwelcome”
"Is that your sense of the way colleges have handled that situation previously?"
20 years ago, it was students celebrating sports victories -- at UMass in 2004 it was the Red Sox in the world series and winning it.
And this is EXACTLY how both UMass and the Boston-area colleges dealt with it. The Boston PD actually KILLED a girl --
Celebrating sports victories by camping out? Please at least try to engage with what I’m saying
They wouldn't even let people STAND out, let alone camp out...
I agree completely that the campers from both camps should be removed, provided that they have no right to camp [perhaps even on private property] due to an ill-defined "YIMBY!" homelessness ordinance of some sort (and such YIMBY ordinances may indeed unduly limit police action, even when a violent person wrongfully occupies private property). I also agree that many campers are "professional agitators from 'the community'," just as they were in Charlottesville a few years back. No locality should "tolerate such trespassing [even] if the protesters' ideology [is] different."
But saying "the government cannot favor certain kinds of protests over others" and meaning it isn't overly easy: there is a handful which does not believe that "blatantly racist speech [is] protected by the First Amendment" and instead wishes to codify acceptable and unacceptable speech, even though such codification, if enacted, would ultimately be stricken. A greater number (cf. Sen. Schumer) has an off-again (2009, 2014, et c) on-again (2024) relationship with free speech depending on the situation.
One aspect that gives me hope is that neither camp is homogenously of one religion or one ethnicity (cf. each is merely an incarnation of a fringe political movement, as ephemeral as Tax The Rich or Black Lives Matter or Save The Statue. The unruly Supremacists/Zionists want, gratis, an unlimited amount of land, property, and weapons while the unruly Anti-Genocide crowd is opposed to its particular kinfolk being murdered as part of that Supremacist want. Neither side is likely to get what it wants!! A relatively low-level (sorry, dude) Chinese diplomat correctly noted that China holds the strongest hand (China buys energy from both Russia and Iran; Russia and Saudi Arabia are OPEC+; the US has depleted its reserves and is once again beholden to OPEC+) and favors the payment of reparations for seized land and property coupled with the absence of fighting resulting of complete disarmament of greater Israel (both its "haves" and its "have-nots"). China will win, just as it did in Korea and Vietnam, largely because the same short-sighted politicians who foolishly divided Vietnam and Korea are the ones who created Israel.
We're one step away from armed conflict. There is little more infuriating than watching the police stand down when your political enemies are violating the law.
Someone's gonna snap, like that kid did in Charllotesville.
I mention snow plows as advancing slowly so the perps have a chance to get away. But you put a full sized pickup in four wheel drive and floor it, even without a plow on it, it will not be pretty.
And then drop it into reverse and do it a few more times -- if you've got good tires on, we aren't talking Kent State numbers here, or even Columbine numbers. And this isn't quite a hypothetical, that kid DID do it with his car in Charlottesville.
He didn't "snap," you POS.
And he wasn't a "kid." He was a racist asshole, like you, who deliberately drove his car into a crowd, and killed someone, which you no doubt approve of.
Just one of the many "fine people" the Trumpists and their leader admire so much. He's in jail for life, which sounds right.
He didn’t “snap,”
Because young men (of any race) who are proud of their nice cars intentionally demolish them?
And he wasn’t a “kid.”
He was 20 years old, not mature enough to purchase alcohol.
I call him a "kid."
who deliberately drove his car into a crowd, and killed someone
I am not convinced of intent, and we never did see a download of that car's Event Data Recorder, did we?
There is a pre-impact picture of the car's brake lights on. I'm not convinced he intended to hit anyone -- I think he intended to scare them and either outran his brakes or hit a bump and lost braking (or both). Unless he is clairvoyant, he definitely didn't intend to hit the girl because he couldn't see her. And as she died from impact with the A pillar, she was both blocking the vehicle and yelling at the driver.
That's on her -- she got what she deserved. Play in traffic, get run over, sucks to be you.
He’s in jail for life, which sounds right.
So was Rubin “Hurricane” Carter -- which also sounded right...
I mean this with all due respect: who the fuck cares what you are convinced of? You didn't pay any attention to the event and weren't on the jury. The people who actually were on the jury and heard all the evidence were convinced.
So was the jury that convicted Ruben James...
Who on earth is Ruben James?
I mean this with all due respect:
Ah. But how much is due? Not much, IMO.
You caught that, huh? I was afraid I was being too subtle.
I’m not convinced he intended to hit anyone
Because you're an idiot.
Here, Ed. Study this:
If you intentionally drive your car into a crowd of people expressing ideas you despise then you intend to hit someone. And no one who intends to hit someone with their car gives a shit, as Fields did not, if someone dies as a result.
Fuck him, and his defenders, including you.
As to whether a 20-year-old is a "kid" or not, I don't recall you ever at any other time trying to defend a 20-year-old criminal on the grounds that they are a "kid."
More idiocy from Ed.
Some people who are sent to prison for life are innocent.
Therefore, per Ed, anyone sent to prison for life, so long as Ed likes what they did, has been treated unfairly.
Hey, Dr. Ed is telling different lies about this murder than before. A year or two ago he was trying to claim that Fields was pushed into Heyer by another car (or perhaps that Fields pushed another car into her; I forget).
It was the 3rd car that hit Heyer.
This is bad writing, as I have no idea what the antecedent of "It" is. And it's a lie, as one car hit her — James Fields'.
This is why it's okay to shoot some poor severely autistic guy having a meltdown in a public space, because he is breaking the law, after all, and all law-breaking situations must be escalated to violence as quickly as possible, that's just good policing.
And yet police have disbanded camps elsewhere, without anyone being shot. How did they do it? It's unpossible!
A risk can be unacceptable and yet not come to pass very often.
The armed conflict isn't going to be with the police.
Rather, it's with the other side, determined to establish their right of passage.
When the police won't confront crime, ordinary people will. The results are not civilized.
Bernstein and Bader’s contention that the police have an obligation to act against these encampments seems to be in tension with Castle Rock v. Gonzales. If police don’t have a duty to enforce a domestic violence restraining order, it’s hard to argue that they have a duty to clear protesters from private property at a private institution’s request.
While I suspect that Professor Bernstein is correct that, “No city would tolerate such trespassing if the protesters' ideology were different,” that’s hypothetical at this point. The examples that he and Bader point to involve anonymous flyers rather than large, public protests and were investigated by the FBI, not any of the agencies who have refused to disperse these encampments.
This is presumably why they are couching it in equal protection terms, rather than due process.
No individual has a due process right to have the police come to help in a particular instance. But if the police, e.g., simply declined to respond to any call from someone with a Chinese-sounding surname, that would violate the equal protection clause. The difference between an individualized police failure and a systematic failure to respond for illegitimate reasons.
I agree. But to demonstrate a systemic failure you really need counterexamples. It’s not like each of these police departments are clearing protest encampments off campus every day and just declining to clear the left-wing ones. We may suspect they’d treat another protest differently based ideology, but our suspicions are a hypothesis, not evidence.
20 years ago, THEY DID.
I don't remember all the details outside of Massachusetts, but the student sports riots were a major issue in the '00s and the police made lots of arrests, colleges did a lot of expelling, and they stopped happening?
What's the difference?
Saying "Yankees Suck" or saying "Jews Suck" -- both are opinions and neither justify everything else.
What’s the difference?
sports riots
I feel like you answered your own question.
You think those weren't political?!?
So far, the most violent protesters coddled by police seem to have been the anti-Palestinian, pro-genocide protesters on the UCLA campus.
Whether the police have a legal requirement to confront this kind of criminal behavior is secondary to the requirement to contain powerful forces by having the police confront the first instance, rather than the public's reaction.
For the case of Baltimore and Johns Hopkins, we can take a look at Article 9 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights:
“That no power of suspending Laws or the execution of Laws, unless by, or derived from the Legislature, ought to be exercised, or allowed.”
If a private university lawfully orders people off to leave its property and those people don’t, it’s my understanding that this is against the law.
If Baltimore authorities believes the legislature has given them the power to suspend laws or the operation of laws, then let the Baltimorons show their work and give their citations.
Let’s look at it this way: suppose that a trespasser were actually arrested and put on trial, and that a potential juror said he’d decide the case on the broader social context, not just the law. The would-be juror would then be dismissed. Would anyone object to this?
Juries are supposed to act based solely on the law, and not acquit guilty people out of political sympathy. Commenters tend to wax apoplectic about jurors deliberately acquitting the guilty based on personal sympathies.
What makes mayors and police chiefs and prosecutors better than jurors? Why is it a threat to the fabric of social order if jurors nullify, but OK if appointed or elected officials do it?
What does Maryland law say about citizens arrests?
John Derbyshire calls this "who-whom-ism."
Victoria Snellgrove would be 41 years old today.
She died on the streets of Boston.
As opposed to the Kent State campus.
But it depends on who dies, doesn't it?
WTF are you talking about?
Yes. I know about the incident, Ed. I lived in the Boston area then, as I do now.
I agree it was a tragic event, not handled as it should have been.
What it has to do with the subject under discussion here I don't get.
Interesting how it is OK to use force against Red Sox fans but not Hamas fans.
John Derbyshire is a racist fuck.
He's also antisemetic (
Ed is really good at showing how for many on here, this is about a wedge issue and hatred of schools/youth; defending Jews is not really part of the agenda other than as a pretext.
Exactly what do you think your link shows? Support your thesis with specific quotes or propositions that Derbyshire made there. It calls the book he reviewed antisemitic and says that the explicitly antisemitic parts were one-sided and unconvincing, while agreeing with sentiments like the scientific method being good.
Meh, I'm pretty sure that the university administrators voted for those local officials, and they certainly voted for the Biden administration. As did half the Conspirators. People generally get the government they deserve, and they deserve to get it good and hard.
This ought to be noncontroversial, but even if it were only Democrats disadvantaged by this selective non-enforcment of the trespassing laws, then, no, not even Democrats deserve it. Would you punish Democrats for not choosing the Republican Party (and for having their voter choices restricted by bad ballot-access laws)?
re: "Meh..."
Sooner or later, the "favored" "protesters" will come after you.
Good point -- and I would love it if one of these institutions made a sizable contribution to the Mayor's opponent in the next election.
Portland (OR) police are years ahead of you east coast wimps. Happy to do nothing during looting and burning for days on end.
THIS is how you do it:
If the protestors are preventing Jewish students from attending classes, then Jewish students have the same federal recourse that black students had at Ole Miss and elsewhere in the 1960s to enforce compliance where similar protestors similarly inhibited students from attending. They can also sue the Baltimore police as well as the protestors themselves under the Ku Klux Klan Act.
If rhe protesters are not inhibiting students from attending, then it’s likely a local matter and there is nothing that can be done about it on a federal level.
There is a history of being lenient with protesters. There is also a lot of precedent that says that ordinary incidents of protest like trespassing, littering, and such are local infractions and do not amount to civil rights violations.
This remains true even when one finds oneself on the other side of a particular protest.
There have been scattered reports of protesters physically preventing Jewish students from attending classes. Where this happens, crackdown is needed. But where it doesn’t, Jewish students who believe Israel integral to Jewish identity may have to put up with anti-Israel protests the same way abortion clinic staff who believe abortion access essential to feminist identity have to put up with anti-abortion protests.
The Black students at Cornell brought rifles onto campus...
Excercising their constitutional 2nd Amendment rights, the ones you’ve been aggressively defending for years, right? So what’s the problem?
I personally think carrying guns can be restricted somewhat more than the strong 2nd Amendment position, enough to include bans on campuses. But it seems to me that strong 2nd Amendmenters need to be consistent. They can’t suddenly start seeing a problem when the people carrying the guns are black.
Come on David.
You can do better that rely on Hans Bader to support your arguments. I would have thought his credibility was long gone.
Is he still citing himself as an authority in support of his own arguments?
Are you sure?
I'm certainly not in solidarity with the pro-Hamas gang but this strikes me as a valid exercise of law enforcement discretion. The correct response for the public is voting, and for aggrieved students to stake out their own encampments. I was fine when police left Occupy Wall Street encampments alone, I'm fine with this.
Police, even university departments, shouldn't be lap dogs for university administrators. They have a duty to decide independently whether to act.
On the other hand, I'm bothered by the statement that the school must prove violence. That is wrong: The school should be able to report violence, then police investigate and either find proof or don't.
They have a duty to decide independently whether they have the lawful right to act, perhaps. They don't get to decide independently whether to enforce a valid law.
Of course they do. Are you high? It is obvious both that police do not always arrest those they suspect of crimes and that this is within their discretion. They can cite, warn, watch, or walk away and there isn't a damned thing anyone else can do about it. Only under very specific circumstances do they have a duty to arrest, such as when a legislature mandates it.
Don't the police take an oath to uphold the law? Is this oath unenforceable outside of the police department?
Of course local police forces should arrest people who are illegally trespassing on university property. However, in fairness to the police, the academics who now claim that they oppose the illegal behavior of the trespassers still have the option of permanently expelling any of their students who fail to leave, but it seems as if such sanctions are seldom imposed and that the academic administrators are simply trying to shift all the blame for this problem to the police. At the same time, it should be recognized that many, many urban police departments are understaffed and have to prioritize the use of their remaining assets. Much of this understaffing is the result of "defund the police" policies that these very same academics actively supported.
So .. the police's refusal to uphold the law if wrong, but there is nothing that can be done about it? Much use this law of ours ...