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Federal Court Again Rejects Texas' Claim that Illegal Migration Qualifies as "Invasion"
The ruling builds on the same court's two prior decisions to the same effect.

On Friday, federal District court Judge David Alan Ezra once again rejected Texas's argument that illegal migration qualifies as an "invasion" authorizing the state to "engage in war" response, under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution, which states that "No State shall, without the Consent of Congress … engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."
This ruling is the latest phase of the ongoing litigation in United States v. Abbott over the legality of Texas's actions in placing water buoys to block a part of the Rio Grande River. The federal government claims this violates the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Texas claims it does not, but but also argues that the Invasion Clause gives the state the power to install the buoys even if it would otherwise violate federal law, due to the fact that illegal migration and drug smuggling qualify as invasion.
Judge Ezra previously rejected this invasion theory in a September ruling where he issued a preliminary injunction against the state. That decision was affirmed by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit but is currently en banc review before the full Fifth Circuit. In the meantime, however, the en banc Fifth Circuit allowed litigation to proceed in the trial court, which is how we got to Friday's ruling.
Judge Ezra's latest decision rejects Texas's motion to dismiss the River and Harbors Act claim, but does side with Texas on the issue of dismissing an additional claim that the placement of the buoys violates the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (which ended the Mexican War). As part of the former ruling Judge Ezra again rejects the "invasion" theory:
Texas now wants to respond to immigration as a military threat, which is beyond
"invasion" as described in the Constitution…. And even if this were an
invasion as understood by the Founding Fathers, the federal government is already
present and actively managing immigration at the border…When the Constitution was enacted, the Founding Fathers conceptualized invasions as a part of war, not an "invasion" or "disaster" created by immigrants entering the United States. The text, structure, and original understanding of the Constitution makes it clear that immigration does not constitute an invasion….
Judge Ezra's reasoning here largely tracks that of his September preliminary injunction ruling, and his even more thorough analysis in his February 2024 ruling in a case where the federal government challenges the legality of Texas's SB 4 immigration law, which gives state officials broad power to detain and deport undocumented immigrants. A Fifth Circuit panel recently reached the same conclusion in the SB 4 case.
However the en banc Fifth Circuit may well further consider the meaning of "invasion" in United States v. Abbott. That issue is extremely important for reasons that go far beyond the specifics of the water buoy and SB 4 cases.
Among other things, if Texas prevails on the invasion question, border states would have broad power to start wars with neighboring countries, and the federal government could suspend the write of habeas corpus (and thereby detain people without filing charges) virtually anytime it wants. I cover these and other flaws in Texas' invasion theory in greater detail in an article in Lawfare, and in an amicus brief I filed in US v. Abbott, before the en banc Fifth Circuit, on behalf of myself and the Cato Institute.
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Texas should learn from the Hamas Fan Club -- just violate the law and dare them to do something about it.
There is no doubt what "invasion" in the Constitution actually meant. Can we assume that all those on the right who insist on historical/textual interpretations will disagree with Texas? Or will they claim that the case is altered?
Seriously, you think there's no doubt whatsover about where the founders would have put the outer boundary of "invasion"? Seriously?
I will grant you they likely didn't anticipate a situation where the federal government was aware of and approved of the invasion, and was determined to keep it going...
I do think the founders would say that Texas can respond to a huge influx of illegal foreigners at its border.
Seriously yes. "Invasion" has a clear relevantly military meaning here.
If we can creatively interpret the term “insurrection” (as Ilya Somin has done previously), we can do the same for “invasion”.
Say you're the type of person who looks for any excuse to abandon principle without saying you'll look for any excuse to abandon principle for cynical partisan purposes.
” if Texas prevails on the invasion question, border states would have broad power to start wars with neighboring countries,”
Technically, if Texas prevails on the invasion question, border states would have broad power to respond to wars started by neighboring countries.
“and the federal government could suspend the write of habeas corpus (and thereby detain people without filing charges) virtually anytime it wants.”
And Congress could suspend the writ of habeas corpus virtually any time it cared to declare that there was a war. But that’s already the case, isn’t it? Are you going to claim that the federal courts would actually dispute such a declaration by Congress?
Lotta open desert. Texas used to deal with things a different way.....
Humanity can only exist within a humane culture and all that exists there is a culture of death.
That's right. Nobody is arguing for Texas to start wars. The question is whether Texas can engage in a war that has already been started.
Which country declared war on Texas?
You can commit an act of war without declaring war, you know.
Okay, what country is at war with Texas?
War does not require countries. For instance, since Sep-11-2001 the USA has been at war with a network of non-state-actors, some members of which attacked us. Or consider Israel's current war with Hamas, and its previous war with Hizballah.
It requires more than unauthorized immigration, even if by a large number of individuals.
“Invasion” means people coming in deliberately trying to take over. Except when you’re referring to an “invasion” of, say, insects. This says it all.
I think you're claiming a little too much here. Wars frequently involve entering a country, wreaking havok, and then leaving again. They're not ALL wars of territorial expansion. Or, are you going to claim we didn't wage war with Iraq?
But in that regard, if you take a gander at the history of Texas, formerly part of Mexico until a bunch of Americans moved in and eventually took over, you can understand why they'd be a bit more inclined to treat massive illegal immigration as an invasion than, say, Maine would.
Latinos just gonna take over Texas?
I don't think you quite understand the scale of illegal immigration since Biden took office. Most of the states have fewer people than he's admitted illegally in a bit over 3 years. Think of him as adding a new state worth of people, illegally, every six months. That's how huge the influx is.
More illegals than the 8 smallest states combined. In just over 3 years. Give him another term and they'd easily be enough to start taking over parts of the country if they were so inclined. The only reason they can't do it now is that they're not concentrated in the smaller states.
They're already enough to warp our politics just from the distortions to apportionment, and that's without the risk of the Democrats getting enough votes in Congress to just up and naturalize them so that they can legally vote.
I think that at this point we absolutely need to conduct mass deportations just to get back to anything vaguely like the former status quo.
No one knows how many illegals there are, so your made up numbers are just made up.
But the big thing is when asked why you think Texas is going to be taken over by Latinos you say 'well there's a lot of them.'
And then you go onto some kind of 'invasion by illegals voting' which is 1) not an invasion and 2) isn't happening.
And apportionment? It doesn't really favor either party, nor is it a distortion - it's in the Constitution.
Sorry the Constitution isn't as nativist as you want it to be.
So you're acknowledging that these Latinos are being allowed in solely for Democratic Party electoral advantage?
That's literally the opposite of what he said: It doesn’t really favor either party
1) If we don't know how many illegal aliens there are that is a valid reason to shut down the border until we can determine how many and who they are.
2) By most estimates the illegal aliens effect on apportionment gives the Democrats a 13- 18 seat advantage in the House which considering how narrow the margin of control in the House is is a huge advantage. Carrying that over to the presidential race that is roughly the equivalent of giving the Democratic candidate an advantage equal to the state of Ohio.
1. No.
2. By most estimates the illegal aliens effect on apportionment gives the Democrats a 13- 18 seat advantage in the House
That’s not even remotely true:
Most estimates, including by non-partisan groups and groups that are for lower immigration, are that it’s a wash or very close to a wash (i.e. a net shift of one seat).
Carrying that over to the presidential race that is roughly the equivalent of giving the Democratic candidate an advantage equal to the state of Ohio.
Tell me you don’t understand how the Electoral College works without telling me you don’t understand how the Electoral College works. Your conclusion doesn't follow from your flawed premise, much less from the actual facts.
From your factcheck...
"“There is good evidence immigrants and their children [who ultimately become citizens] may vote Democratic 2 to 1 on average,” Camarota said. “So in the long run immigration has partisan implications, which I think is part of the complaint.”
Whether that’s true, or remains true in 2030, is a matter for speculation"
Let's dismiss what we've been told on the assumption that it won't be true in the future.
That's barely relevant to my comment and is directly relevant at all to CountmontyC's false assertions.
You're doing what people like to do and changing the original assertion to something else that has more support. The original assertion was false.
The quote you provide is from the fact check, but it is of a person at an organization that is against immigration. And even he admits guessing at future voting habits of immigrants is speculation.
In other words, though he had a view to push, he honestly noted that it's speculative to guess how things shake out 6 or more years in the future.
And the point remains, most people do not estimate that illegal immigration has shifted the House by 13-18 seats in favor of Democrats. The assertion was flatly wrong.
My sense is that the federal government isn’t “actively managing immigration at the border” as the judge wrote, it’s more like it is actively preventing the border from being managed. The relief Texas really needs is from a hostile federal government; 11,000 illegal border crossings A DAY is more than any state should be expected to bear.
So what is Texas to do? I can’t recall a similar situation, where one whole branch of government is literally enabling law-breaking on such a massive scale.
What kind of new law is going to be passed in backlash to this insane policy? I suspect we will all come to regret it.
According to the latest polling, mass deportations are actually becoming popular.
Exclusive poll: America warms to mass deportations Commissioned by Axios, which is very much opposed to the idea.
I'd love to see the details on this poll. If 51% of Americans actively favor mass deportations, and there's any significant fraction who are just indifferent, then opposition is going to be pretty low.
Biden may just have reelected Trump by slamming the border wide open the way he did.
I have some sympathy for the states where illegal immigration is causing significant problems. But I believe those problems are much less about “too many immigrants”, but more about the fact that illegal immigrants can not work to pay their way. Meaning, I believe, that the illegal immigrants pose a serious problem to the jurisdictions where they land.
Give that I think the states have a legitimate complaint here, I have a question about Texas’ tactics in this case. I’m just a layman, but reading the pertinent clause logically, I wonder why Texas chose to attempt to declare the flood of illegal immigrants an “invasion”.
It seems to me that the words following ” … unless actually invaded …”, namely: “or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay” are the better, more accurate justification for state action (though not necessarily any action the states choose).
Why wouldn’t Texas have a legitimate claim that the flood of illegal immigrants who cannot, by law, be employed, is in fact an “imminent Danger as will not admit of delay”?
Do you seriously think allowing them all to work will make the problem go away?
It will help a little bit – but we are increasingly in an age of automation, especially with minimum wages so high. Just how many millions of job openings are there for unskilled manual laborers who can’t speak English?
And that still wouldn’t fix the housing problem (which in many cities is unaffordable even to employed US citizens), schools needing to hire interpreters, etc.
That's West Virginia's problem.
And Idaho's.
And Alabama's.
West Texas, too.
Because the "imminent Danger as will not admit of delay" phrase refers to the imminent Danger of invasion. Not imminent danger of something undesirable happening.
“the federal government could suspend the write of habeas corpus“
The problem with this horrible of his is that it doesn't depend on Texas prevailing. Congress could ALREADY suspend the writ; The only constitutional predicate for doing so is Congress thinking it's necessary, after all, and Congress absolutely has the power to declare war, if a state of war were thought necessary.
This is becoming more and more nakedly a wedge to create even more jack-booted government or state agencies with enormous powers of detention, arrrest and deportation, bypassing civil rights, becoming an enormous burden and source of fear for the poor and the non-white.
The only constitutional predicate for doing so is Congress thinking it’s necessary,
That is not true. Habeas may only be suspended when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. A mere war won't do; without a rebellion or invasion Congress can't suspend habeas no matter how necessary it may think it. So expanding the definition of "invasion" makes it easier for Congress to do so.
I'd ask what "laws" Ilya thinks TX is violating.
The invasion clause trumps federal POLICY, especially if it is overriding the actual federal LAW.
It is long-held that administrative agencies acting via the authority of their enabling statute have force of law.
There is no agency. It is Biden deciding to ignore the law.
Hopefully, a Republican will decide to ignore tax law.
You tried to say this is policy not law. I pointed to one (The Immigration and Naturalization Act is I believe the enabling act here).
You pivot to some kind of ignorance-conspiracy gumbo. Talk to anyone in USCIS and see if they don't do any border control. The border is far from open, the right is just feeding you nonsense and you're glugging down.
Your opinion that there is no law will not save you if you decide to flaunt agency reg.
I also love your plan for the debt-hawk GOP to stop enforcing tax law. Awesome optics there
"We didn't blow up the dam, we just opened all the sluice gates and smashed the controls!"
"We're being flooded! Flooded! Swept away! Aaaah we're drowning! Save us Trump, save us! No not from climate change you idiot from very poor people who cross the border to work for low wages in various vital industries!"
No. By federal law, they were illegally here. They are causing expenses to TX. They are entering here illegally, the Feds won't do shit --- so TX has to act.
Again, we just need to have the Feds ignore gun laws and tax laws. See how that goes.
Texas failed to use the proper term - they should've invoked national security rather than some Constitutional clause. National security trumps all kinds of things.
Wouldn't a suit for a writ of mandamus be a better strategy? After all, the federal law is not being enforced by official policy. Isn't that why we have this writ in the first place?
I don't expect it will work, but at least that would have a snowball's chance in Austin of actually working.