The Volokh Conspiracy
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New Evidence that Making Legal Migration Easier Reduces Illegal Border Crossings
Economist Michael Clemens has the most extensive and sophisticated analysis of this issue to date.

I and others have long argued that making legal migration easier is the best way to reduce disorder at the border. To a large extent, this basic Economics 101: if a much-coveted good or service is banned or severely restricted, that predictably creates a large black market. Thus, just as alcohol prohibition led to widespread bootlegging and illegal purchases from the likes of Al Capone, so severe migration restrictions predictably incentivize illegal migration. In a new paper for the Peterson Institute for International Economics, my George Mason University colleague Michael Clemens - one of the world's leading immigration economists - provides the most extensive and sophisticated analysis of this issue to date.
Here is the abstract, summarizing his findings:
An increasing number of migrants attempt to cross the US Southwest border without obtaining a visa or any other prior authorization. 2.5 million migrants did so in 2023. In recent years, responding to this influx, US officials have expanded lawful channels for a limited number of these migrants to cross the border, but only at official ports of entry. These expanded lawful channels were intended to divert migrants away from crossing between ports of entry, by foot or across rivers, thereby reducing unlawful crossings. On the other hand, some have argued that expanding lawful entry would encourage more migrants to cross unlawfully. This study seeks to shed light on that debate by assessing the net effect of lawful channels on unlawful crossings. It considers almost 11 million migrants (men, women, and children) encountered at the border crossing the border without prior permission or authorization. Using statistical methods designed to distinguish causation from simple correlation, it finds that a policy of expanding lawful channels to cross the border by 10 percent in a given month causes a net reduction of about 3 percent in unlawful crossings several months later. Fluctuations in the constraints on lawful crossings can explain roughly 9 percent of the month-to-month variation in unlawful crossings. The data thus suggest that policies expanding access to lawful crossing can serve as a partial but substantial deterrent to unlawful crossing and that expanding access can serve as an important tool for more secure and regulated borders.
This is a large effect. It implies, for example, that doubling the number of people allowed to cross the border legally would reduce illegal entry by 30%. At the same time, we should not be surprised that the effect falls short of a 1 to 1 correspondence. For obvious reasons, many new legal entrants won't necessarily be people who would otherwise have tried to enter illegally.
I would add that, while Clemens uses an extensive body of data, none of the measures easing legal entry came anywhere close to legalizing it for a large majority of those seeking to immigrate into the United States. Even at its most permissive, border policy during the period studied still barred legal entry to the large majority of would-be migrants.
A more extensive shift towards "open borders" - such as allowing entry to anyone who registers with the authorities and there is no evidence he or she plans to engage in crime or espionage - might well lead to the near-total cessation of illegal migration, thereby also eliminating all or most involvement by organized crime. Similarly, the end of alcohol prohibition largely eliminated the role of organized crime in that industry.
Obviously, preventing disorder at the border is far from the only rationale for immigration restrictions. If your main reason for advocating restrictionism is some other rationale, such as preventing immigrants from overburdening the welfare state or spreading potentially harmful cultural values, Clemens' results may not move you much. I address many of these other types of concerns in detail in Chapters 5 and 6 of my book Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration, and Political Freedom. But "border security" has become a major rationale for restrictionism in public debate, one that often gets more attention than any other. Clemens' important work adds to the already considerable evidence indicating that we can effectively address that issue by making legal migration easier.
In a previous post, I wrote about Clemens' new paper showing that mass deportations of migrants destroy more jobs for native-born Americans than they create. His most famous article describes the enormous economic benefits of dropping immigration restrictions, which could well result in a doubling of world GDP.
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And if the banks would just leave stacks of money on the counters for people to help themselves to “free” money, there would be no bank robbers. Decriminalizing conduct certainly makes for less chargeable crimes and good stats, but increases the impact of crime on its victims. Lipstick on a pig is still a pig.
Bank robbing is always wrong. However immigration is not inherently a crime and there are no victims. Conservatives commonly say that “we are only against illegal immigration”, which is is a bold faced lie.
Now, if you don't want more legal immigration because you are just a racist, then it is a different conversation.
Conservatives want limited, legal immigration. They want the government to set limits on the number to ensure that those immigrants can be integrated into our culture and society without undo disruption. They want the individuals who are given immigration visas to be likely to become productive citizens and good neighbors. Illegal immigration bypasses those goals by allowing criminals and unproductive individuals to come here and allows such numbers that they can’t be integrated into society resulting in cultural ghettos.
Cultural ghettos such as Idaho, West Virginia, west Texas, Utah, Kentucky, the Texas Panhandle, and similar backwaters?
Sounds bad.
None of those are Ghettos. And no "Klinger"?? whats the problemo?(Spanish Lingo) Bubba giving you tongue?
I drive down the WV Panhandle from Chester to Weirton every Thursday. Overall it's a pretty nice, well kept area. Chester itself has managed to keep itself very nice despite a long period of economic hardship. It's hardly a ghetto.
If you like ignorance (check West Virginia on the list of "states ranked by educational attainment"), addiction, bigotry, superstition, economic inadequacy, dysfunction, indolence, and people who consider handfuls of street pills, faith healers, tobacco, sketchy disability claims, cheap thirty-packs, lottery tickets, Donald Trump, and bigotry to be solutions to their largely self-inflicted problems, West Virginia is great!
The only real metric is quality of life.
Is an area not full of slums and decay?
Is an area low in crime?
Is an area generally well kept?
Nothing else really matters.
The problem is that Professor Somin’s argument is tautological. Legalizing something always means fewer illegal acts of that activity occur. It’s not a legitimate argument for or against anything.
Professor Somin could make a substance argument, for example, an argument that the cost of making immigration illegal isn’t worth the benefits. But he hasn’t. Such an argument wouldn’t come easily to him. He believes migrating and settling wherever you want is a universal basic human right regardless of what the people already there think.
Sometimes I think Somin is satirizing dopey Libertarian argument. Yes, make everything legal, and nothing is illegal.
"immigration is not inherently a crime and there are no victims"
Tell that to the Native Americans.
This argument is really stupid.
That's his wheelhouse.
You mean American Indians? Anyone born in the USA is a "Native American", but not all Native Americans are American Indians.
"Conservatives commonly say that “we are only against illegal immigration”, which is is a bold faced lie.
Now, if you don’t want more legal immigration because you are just a racist, then it is a different conversation."
This argument applies whenever there are any limits on immigration at all, and most on the left say they don't support unlimited immigration.
So is everybody who doesn't want unlimited immigration a racist?
It's only racist if you're a racist and doing it for racist reasons, or supporting rscists doing it for racist reasons or capitulating to racists doing it for racist reasons. Otherwise it's just normal immigration management.
Thank you. And with normal immigration management, you find an optimum level of immigration, make immigration beyond that illegal, and then support legal immigration and oppose illegal immigration, correct?
They never answer this.
I appreciate your reasoned answer. As for me I am unconcerned about where people come from; England or El Salvador, Germany or Guatemala, makes no difference. I just think we are bringing in people, both legal and otherwise, at too great of a rate to properly assimilate into society. I am also very concerned that the influx of low and no skill entrants is driving down what are already low wage jobs at at time when the most economically vulnerable can hardly afford it.
It's a fantasy to pretend that people from Guatemala or El Salvador are just as likely to assimilate as people from England.
I'm not saying it should be the only factor, but to dismiss it as a factor entirely is absurd.
They'd be just as likely if we were doing a proper job of vetting them, since that would be the basis of approving them.
Generally agreed.
Hence the reason you prioritize people with needed marketable skills. Why should anyone care where a mechanical engineer, for example, comes from?
I mean, a mechanical engineer from Guatemala who only marginally speaks English is going to be less valuable, at least at the beginning, than a mechanical engineer from India, where English is an official language.
Pretending otherwise is just stupid.
My grandfather landed here from Italy alone at 12 without speaking a word of English. He learned, he had to. He ended up retiring from the railroad 50 years later as the senior track laying foreman at what was then the largest rail yard in the world. Along the way he managed the transport of tanks, trucks, weapons, etc. during WW2 through the yard on their way to Europe.
Right, and now people don't "have to," because we cater to it.
It is unfortunate that the can't-keep-up areas whose inhabitants most strenuously oppose immigration are areas in which immigrants could be especially helpful (education, entrepreneurship, character, ambition).
But they didn't get to be economically inadequate backwaters with adequate education, sound judgment, good character, ambition, marketable skills, etc.
Am I correct in understanding that you are advocating a policy that anyone from anywhere on the planet who would like to come here should be permitted to do so and to stay as long as they want enjoying all the privileges and benefits of legal residency because that, indeed, is theirs for the asking. That to advocate any restrictions is primarily facing evidence of racist thinking.
And you'd be okay if 1 million people a year immigrated? I'd be okay with that volume.
Would you still be okay if 10 million people in immigrated annually? At 10 million "New Comers" a year you don't think there'd be "victims?" How about the teacher who now has 40 kids in a classroom designed for 30? How about the ER patient who has to wait six hours to see a doctor instead of four. How about the barber who has to drop his price 25% 'cause a "New Comer" has a "Haircuts $10" sign in his window?
Maybe you would be okay with a 10-million-immigrants-per-year scenario. Would you still be okay with 100 million?
Auto Correct!!
Prima facie
Semantics. Taking money out of the bank is not inherently wrong, it depends how you do it. Follow the legal process and you're fine.
Now, if you want more legal immigration because you are just a racist against white people, then it is a different conversation.
You and I knew this intuitively. These dipshits had to bust out their TI-84s and pester a statistician from the math department.
I was going to say the exact same thing -- leave piles of money outside and you won't get robbed.
And there ARE victims, they are AMERICANS whose labor is being made cheaper -- wages lower.
Why am I not surprised that Somin wrote this article? Only he, here, is such a knee jerk apologist for Biden’s disastrous immigration policies.
One key is that apologists like Somin invariably underestimate the costs of illegal immigration, and overestimate their benefit. It’s bankrupting cities across the country, and esp in Sanctuary Cities and states around the country. Last week, Denver announced that it was diverting almost $10 million from their police budget, despite significantly increased crime, in order to provide social services to its rapidly growing illegal immigrant community. It’s far worth in many parts of CA, but can be seen as far away as NYC. One thing rarely factored in is the increased crime and disease that come in with an unscreened illegal immigrant invasion. Cartels, mostly from Mexico, now control much of the country’s illegal drug trade, making parts of the country almost indistinguishable from their traditional terf in Mexico, in terms of violence. And we are seeing a marked resurgence of diseases, like TB, that had effectively been stamped out in this country.
What Ilya is going to lead to is a progressive wealth tax.
Maybe Somin understands those costs, and wants to destroy the USA.
Interesting thought at a white, male, conservative blog that enthusiastically endorsed un-American asshole John Eastman; reflexively suckles insurrectionist Donald Trump's scrotum; habitually publishes racial slurs; and embraces our nation's vestigial bigots as its target audience.
Carry on, clingers. For a bit longer, anyway.
"I classify such migrants as entering by a “lawful channel” when they cross the border without subterfuge at official Ports of Entry, and are inspected and eventually released into the US by law enforcement officials exercising their legal authority. These channels include a complex set of legal authorities for officials to release migrants with humanitarian parole, asylum cases pending, Orders of Supervision, and others detailed below. Such lawful channels to cross the border do not directly convey a lawful immigration “status”, such as a visa, which contributes to confusion about whether a person who crosses the border lawfully is “migrating” lawfully. Creating a lawful channel for the marginal migrant to cross the border bundles together the legalization of their entry (by definition) and the temporary depenalization of their presence (for most, in practice). I study the effect of expanded lawful crossing on unlawful crossing."
So, in fact, he's not studying whether making legal immigration easier reduces illegal immigration. He's studying whether making it easier for people who probably have no legal right to immigrate (Most asylum applications are rejected.) to enter the country at ports reduces the number of people with no legal right to immigrate outside ports. Seems to, yes, but it's a pretty trivial result, as The total number of people with no legal right to immigrate actually goes UP.
This is just not a good argument.
If we just legalized rape, murder, robbery, sodomy, abortion, littering, lynching, gay marriage, fill in whatever you want to here, we could drastically reduce the rate of illegal rapes, murders, robberies, sodomies, abortions, litterings, lynchings, gay marriages, anything you want.
It’s a tautological argument. Remove any thing from a set, and the number of things in the set magically goes down.
As a tautological argument, it has no substance. It will always be true, whether you think rape, littering, or gay marriage should be legal or not. It’s not an argument for or against anything.
Professor Somin, surely you can do better than this.
And I think Professor Somin’s tendency to lapse into these sorts of arguments reflects that on some issues, he so desperately wants to convince people to see the obvious rightness of his point of view that the usual understanding that one needs to use logic and evidence, one has to construct good arguments that stand up to criticism, just sort of slips.
Yes, Somin wants to abolish punishment for criminals. Unless it is Trump describing a legal expense as a legal expense. Then he wants to throw Trump in prison.
A legal expense as a legal expense?
The bigotry and superstition have rotted your brain, clinger.
It may be that realization slips, it may be that he feels so strongly about the issue he can't recognize when he's not constructing good arguments. I really don't know.
All I know is that as soon as the topic is immigration, I expect some really bad reasoning, and am rarely disappointed.
The argument here is - we can make anything a crime! Therefore to make something legal is the same as making any crime legal! He even throws in gay marriage - making gay marriage legal was like making rape legal!
Bad reasoning is right.
The study doesn't even relate to making something legal, though, which is the crazy thing.
All they're doing at the ports of entry is being utterly credulous about asylum claims, so that the people who utter the magic words walk in unopposed. Then they get released into the general population with a pinky promise to stay in touch. They're not actually legally entitled to enter the country, it's just that recognizing that they're not has been deferred a few years.
It's not shocking that this results in a reduction of people attempting to wade across the Rio Grande and do a desert hike. It is kind of surprising how small a reduction it is, though.
It's actually, according to their numbers, increasing the number of illegal entries, not reducing them. But since the determination that the entry is illegal gets put off a few years, they can pretend it went down.
They definitely need to do more, then, to reduce those numbers further. That would be a good thing.
Usually my "high functioning Asperger's" emulation of normal humanity is pretty good, but I'm totally blanking on whether you're being sarcastic here. Honestly, I am.
'If we just legalized rape, murder, robbery, sodomy, abortion, littering, lynching, gay marriage, fill in whatever you want to here, we could drastically reduce the rate of illegal rapes, murders, robberies, sodomies, abortions, litterings, lynchings, gay marriages, anything you want.'
Those are a lot of things that are completely unlike 'moving to another country.' But if you see them as synonyms for 'moving to another country,' hooo boy.
Does anyone know where one might find a countdown graphic concerning the moment at which whites no longer constitute a majority in the United States of America? The United States Census Bureau predicts that will occur sometime during 2045, I believe.
(Among Americans younger than 18, whites have constituted a minority for a few years, as I understand the situation.
Clingers hardest hit.)
Yes, you can find a countdown clock on the homepage of the Daily Stormer.
Read some articles there. You might learn something.
ROFL!!! You gave the Rev. Kirkland a link the Daily Stormer for that question! Brilliant! Wish I could be inside the good reverend's head when he realizes he's not the only racist watching this trend.
He likes using the N-word in these comments, so maybe he will enjoy a web site that uses it regularly.
This white, male, bigot-ridden blog taught me that Stormfront existed.
Do you fault soon-to-be former Prof. Eugene Volokh for habitually using vile racial slurs? I would expect you to celebrate him for it.
Carry on, clingers. So far as your betters permit.
It is not a vile racial slur. Black people use the term all the time. I am against censorship.
You guys, uh, check that clock regularly?
I think I might have visited the Daily Stormer once years ago, just out of curiosity about what people were complaining about. Just that once, though. Normally the farthest 'right' my internet browsing goes is Instapundit.
You mean The "Replacement" that isn't happening?
The replacement that is occurring is natural and desirable. Cranky old conservatives take their obsolete, ugly thinking to the grave in the normal course and are replaced in our electorate and society by younger, better, less religious, less rural, more diverse, less bigoted, more modern, less conservative Americans.
That process should be celebrated. It is the American way!
Only if we pretend, as racists do, that all Hispanics and mixed race people aren’t white.
Secondly, the effect only explains 9% of the variance. This means something else explains 91% of the variance. He would actually have to identify this something else and control for it to high precision for his result to be meaningful. Without doing that he can't rule out a spurious correlation.
The weaker the effect you're studying, the more precisely you must control for the stronger causal factors. And this one is pretty darned weak, actually.
Probably his most robust finding would be honestly described as, "Making it easier to apply for asylum increases illegal immigration," since the increase in traffic at the legal ports, most of which WAS still illegal immigration, dwarfed the reduction elsewhere.
This is obvious. Just as obvious as making contraception easier to get will reduce the number of abortions (which is true).
Making murder legal also reduces the murder rate. So?
Look, again, it's not even a reduction in illegal immigration. It's just opening up ONE path for illegal immigration, (Fraudulent asylum claims at ports of entry.) resulting in a much smaller reduction in ANOTHER path for illegal immigration, crossings between ports of entry. With the total illegal immigration actually increasing.
So, if you establish a rule that people who show up at the teller at a bank are automatically given money, on the honor system to return it if it turns out they didn't have accounts at the bank, armed bank robbery goes down, but total bank robbery goes up.
It's exactly that stupid, if you read the paper. There's no reduction in illegal immigration at all, it goes up! It's just shifting between different paths of illegal immigration.
Another "No shit, Sherlock" article from Prof. Somin.
I have to agree with the general criticism here. It is useful to check intuitive conclusions, but when the check confirms them, it's hardly big news.
I do have another quibble, though.
This is a large effect. It implies, for example, that doubling the number of people allowed to cross the border legally would reduce illegal entry by %30.
No. It doesn't, unless you assume the relationship is linear forever, which is a really bad assumption. Extrapolating outside the range of your data is risky business.
No it doesn't, period, because they're using a wonky definition of "illegal entry", and "cross the border legally", to throw people off.
It's true that if you let in everybody who claims they're entitled to come in, and then say you'll sort them out years later, (The backlog is 3 years and growing for asylum hearings.) they didn't have to sneak in. It doesn't mean they were actually entitled to come into the country. Their entry was still contrary to law, you just deliberately delayed determining that.
The liberal way to eliminate crime.
Just declare everything legal.
There are historical and economic arguments to be made for liberalized immigration. Prussia went from a backwards agrarian nobody to a major urban, industrial and commercial power in no small part because of Federick the Great’s policy of attracting immigrants to fill its cities and augment its workforce. And Japan has been in a decline in the last few decades because, with a strict immigration policy, it is unable to replace its aging workforce, and it’s increasingly elderly population has become more and more of a burden on it. China is showing signs of similar issues. In general, if industrial powers can’t replace their populations internally or want a stronger growth rate, more liberal immigration should be considered.
However, these sorts of pragmatic arguments support only a somewhat more liberal policy, not the absolutist open-immigration ideological position Professor Somin holds.
" In general, if industrial powers can’t replace their populations internally or want a stronger growth rate, more liberal immigration should be considered."
This is at best putting a bandaid on a gushing artery; Fertility is declining everywhere, you could sustain numbers in the developed world for a few more decades by hollowing out the few countries still above replacement, but when they undergo the demographic transition, too, what then? This problem needs to be solved at home, and the longer we delay solving it, the harder it gets.
In any event, we're currently taking in immigrants at a total rate that far, far exceeds what is necessary to keep from shrinking.
When my city decided to stop enforcing all traffic laws the number of traffic stops decreased.