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The Sequel to Doe v. Mills: Justice Barrett Tightens The Screws On The Shadow Docket
The center of the Court wants to push back on temporary administrative stays and the Fifth Circuit.
Today, the Supreme Court issued an order on the emergency docket in United States v. Texas. To avoid confusion with the umpteen other cases by that name, we can call the case Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center v. McCraw. This case presented a challenge brought by the federal government against Texas S.B. 4. The District Court entered preliminary injunction to block the law from going into effect. On March 2, a three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit entered a "temporary administrative stay." The panel also stayed that temporary stay for seven days to permit an appeal to the Supreme Court. The panel also expedited the case for the April argument session.
Two days later, on March 4, the Solicitor General sought an application to vacate the stay of the preliminary injunction. Circuit Justice Alito promptly administratively stayed the case until March 13. On March 12, the Court extended the administrative stay until Mach 18. And on March 18, the stay was "hereby extended pending further order of Justice Alito or of the Court." It was a stay on top of a stay on top of a stay on top of a stay. Stays all the way down.
Today, the Court denied the application to stay the Fifth Circuit's temporary administrative stay. In other words, the Supreme Court's stay was dissolved. As a result, the Fifth Circuit's temporary administrative stay will go into effect, and thus S.B. 4 can be enforced. As is often the case, there was no opinion of the Court. There was only a single sentence without any reasoning. However, there were separate writings.
Justice Barrett wrote a five-page concurrence, which was joined by Justice Kavanaugh. In many regards, Barrett's Las Americas v. McCraw concurrence is the sequel to Barrett's Doe v. Mills concurrence. In October 2021, Justice Barrett wrote her influential concurrence in John Does 1-3 v. Mills, which was joined by Justice Kavanaugh. This decision, in my view at least, heightened the standard required to obtain relief on the emergency docket. She wrote that the "likelihood of success on the merits" factor from Nken reflects "a discretionary judgment about whether the Court should grant review in the case." At the time, I wrote that Justice Barrett cut the fuse on the shadow docket, by making it harder to grant emergency relief. Over the past 2.5 years (yes it has been that long), Justice Barrett has consistently voted to grant emergency applications from the Biden administration and likeminded groups, often citing Doe v. Mills. More often than not, she lines up opposite of the Fifth Circuit.
Barrett's McCraw concurrence makes several primary points.
First, Barrett writes that if the Fifth Circuit had issued a stay pending appeal, the Supreme Court would have reviewed that decision with the four-factor test from Nken v. Holder. Here, Barrett cited her Doe v. Mills concurrence. But the Fifth Circuit panel did not actually issue a stay pending appeal. Rather, the panel only issued a temporary administrative stay until the case is argued before a merits panel. Barrett describes this posture as "very unusual." In dissent, Justice Kagan did not "think the Fifth Circuit's use of an administrative stay, rather than a stay pending appeal, should matter."
Second, Justice Barrett issues a deep dive into administrative stays, relying in large part on a recent article by Rachel Bayefsky in the Notre Dame Law Review. Barrett writes that administrative stays usually do not consider likelihood of success. Rather, quoting Bayefsky, administrative stays "freeze legal proceedings until the court can rule on a party's request for expedited relief." The administrative stay "buys the court time to deliberate" and decide whether the applicant is likely to succeed on the merits. Barrett cites a number of cases in which the Supreme Court issued a temporary administrative stay to "permit time for briefing and deliberation," including June Medical v. Gee, Murthy v. Missouri, Yeshiva University v. YU Pride, and McCraw itself. Barrett then cites a slew of circuit court decisions; some of which are cited in Bayefsky's article, but some are not. ACB did some original research.
Third, in a footnote, Justice Barrett observes that the Court has "not explained the source of a federal court's authority to enter an administrative stay." She cites Bayefsky for the proposition that this power comes from "a court's inherent authority to manage its docket, as well as to the All Writs Act, 28 U. S. C. §1651." I have not given this issue much thought, but I will.
Fourth, Justice Barrett opined on an issue that I've given a lot of thought over the years: what does it mean to maintain the status quo. Barrett observes that the status quo is a "tricky metric, because there is no settled way of defining 'the status quo.'" Is the status quo the "state of affairs prior to the challenged law or rule"? Or is the status quo "the state of affairs prior to judicial intervention"? Barrett explains that in this case the status quo "is not self-evident." There are several possibilities:
Is it the day before Texas enacted S. B. 4? The day before the lawsuit was filed? The day Texas's appeal and stay motion was docketed in the Fifth Circuit?
Howard Wasserman and I wrote about how the "status quo" was invoked in the same-sex marriage litigation:
Following Windsor, federal district courts in more than two dozen states enjoined enforcement of bans on same-sex marriage. Judges then had to decide whether to stay those injunctions pending review. An injunction alters the status quo. A stay of an injunction suspends that alteration,9 while refusing to grant a stay allows that altered status quo to take immediate, and perhaps irreparable, effect. Here, the altered status quo meant issuance of hundreds or thousands of marriage licenses.
And in particular, the status quo about the Utah case, was difficult:
Part of the problem with Judge Shelby's reasoning was a strange understanding of the status quo. On Friday morning, the status quo was what it had been for a century—Utah would not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Judge Shelby's order, without a stay, immediately and perhaps irreparably altered the status quo. It now became the new normal that same-sex couples were allowed to marry, as the Clerk of Salt Lake County recognized. Thus, Judge Shelby reasoned, a stay would amount to an injunction preventing county clerks from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. In other words, an alteration of the status quo. But this misunderstands the nature of injunctions and stays and their respective effects on the status quo. The stay would alter the status quo on Monday only because the court had already altered the status quo on Friday with its injunction. The point of a stay would be to suspend that alteration. Had Judge Shelby issued the stay on Friday, the practical status quo would have remained unchanged.
I think much more work needs to be done to consider the relationship between injunctions, stays of injunctions, and the status quo. I think judges sometimes use "status quo" without precision.
Fifth, Barrett points out that an administrative stay, while it may seem "value neutral," is actually applying a principle: minimizing harm. She describes the choice as a "first-blush judgment about the relative consequences of staying the lower court judgment versus allowing it go to into effect." Barrett speculates that the Fifth Circuit panel "apparently concluded that the consequences of erroneously enjoining the enforcement of S. B. 4 would be worse than those of erroneously lifting the injunction."
Sixth, Barrett acknowledges that some issuances of administrative stay are premised on the merits question--even when this analysis precedes the application of the Nken factors:
Because an administrative stay precedes a ruling on a stay pending appeal, the Nken factors are obviously on the court's radar, and unsurprisingly, they can influence the stopgap decision, even if they do not control it. Thus, for example, judges have cited the underlying merits as a reason to grant an administrative stay.
Barrett is not troubled by the fact that there is "no jurisprudence of administrative stays, much less a one-size-fits-all test that courts apply before entering one." Barrett prefers "play in the joints" for this "flexible, short-term tool." (This concept may have been excised from the Establishment Clause context, but still has some pull here.)
Seventh, Justice Barrett explains her decision to join the Court's order: the Court had never before reviewed the entry of an administrative stay. And Justice Barrett "would not get into this business." Why? Because administrative stays are necessarily the "short-lived prelude to the main event." She would not "invite emergency litigation" about administrative stays. That sort of message may seems helpful to Texas and other litigants in the Fifth Circuit. But wait.
Eighth, Justice Barrett points to the "real problem"--how long can Nken, and Doe v. Mills, be avoided. These sentences will be cited in every single opposition to a stay application:
An administrative stay should last no longer than necessary to make an intelligent decision on the motion for a stay pending appeal. Once the court is equipped to rule, its obligation to apply the Nken factors is triggered—a point that some judges have pressed their Circuits to consider.
"Necessary to make an intelligent" decision. Get used to it. That's the standard--fittingly enough announced on an expedited basis from the emergency docket. Justice Barrett does not want to get into this business of making these decisions now. But if the lower courts take longer than she thinks appropriate "to make an intelligent decision," there would be a problem. Indeed, Barrett cites the SG who calls out the Fifth Circuit, in particular, which has "allowed administrative stays to linger for so long that they function like stays pending appeal." In dissent, Justice Sotomayor wrote that "The Fifth Circuit recently has developed a troubling habit of leaving 'administrative' stays in place for weeks if not months."
Ninth, Justice Barrett leaves open the possibility of getting into this business if "an administrative stay has effectively become a stay pending appeal." And she issues a not-too-subtle warning to the Fifth Circuit: "If a decision does not issue soon, the applicants may return to this Court." In other words, there are five votes to rule against the Fifth Circuit if they drag their feet. Justice Kagan's dissent faulted the Fifth Circuit for using an "unreasoned decision to impose [a stay] for more than a month, rather than answer[ing] the stay pending appeal issue before it."
In the end, Justice Barrett and Kavanaugh, once again express their displeasure with how the Fifth Circuit is exercising its power. There is a lot of deep thought in Barrett's concurrence that will affect how cases are litigated on the emergency docket. I'll make this point as often as I have to: progressives should be grateful that Trump picked who he picked. It could have been much, much worse for them.
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The stays stayed, said a staid justice.
Instead of a vacation, we got a stay-cation.
Of course it could have been worse. He could have put Donald jr on the Court.
ACB is proving to be quite an impressive jurist.
Except when she's not. She has a severe PR disability. Sometimes it even causes her to write ill-advised concurrences. Not unlike Kavanaugh.
Disagreeing with your idiosyncratic policy preference is not a disability.
But Jackson , Sotomayor, and Kagan are among the worst of all time.
Even the Washington Post thought S. galactically 'off'
"We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators.”
At the time she made this comment, federal data showed that fewer than 5,000 coronavirus-positive children were in the hospital. In fact, fewer than 83,000 children have been hospitalized for COVID-19 — cumulatively — since August 2020.
Texas v. US is indeed hard to look up because there are so many of them. How about using a descriptive name that we can all recognize, e.g. The Texas SB4 Stay Case, or The Texas Stay Case? Indeed, maybe that should be done in general--- the Pregnant Cow Case (Palsgraff would survive just because it's a great name).
I've been saying this for years. We need to reintroduce names like The Slaughterhouse Cases and Civil Rights Cases. Obergefell v. Hodges should officially be called The Same-Sex Marriage Cases.
I agree. The 19th Century Supreme Court got that right.
Or maybe the Screw Democracy cases. Works two ways...
"Barrett speculates that the Fifth Circuit panel "apparently concluded that the consequences of erroneously enjoining the enforcement of S. B. 4 would be worse than those of erroneously lifting the injunction.""
That's what the standard ought to be, the 7th Circuit Posner formula, for stays temporary injunctions, all those things. It subsume the "maintain the status quo" idea nad makes sense of it (by asking who is more disrupted if they don't get their way).
Question: this balancing test depends on the facts. Does the trial court get deference because of that?
"It could have been much, much worse for them."
But will it be much, much worse for us?
She gets a lot of rope because of Dobbs but we don't want another squish like Roberts.
Justice Barrett and Chief Justice Roberts may be attempting to delay or diminish enlargement of the Court.
Justices Alito and Thomas are the medium- to long-term threats to conservative interests at the Court and beyond.
It is remarkable that some Republicans (educated right-wingers, in particular) still exhibit hope that conservative thinking might prevail at the American marketplace of ideas. That some MAGA fans or QAnon adherents might mistake the trajectory of the culture war is understandable -- they have little connection to the reality-based world and don't want one. Educated conservatives, though, should be able to recognize and accept that the liberal-libertarian mainstream has won.
Arthur, humiliated by the falsification of his laughable predictions that the court would be expanded, doubles down, even though it's far less likely now than at the time he made those terrible predictions.
How long do you think clingers will be able to hold that dike against the tide of progress, reason, inclusiveness, education, science, and modernity as the culture war continues to diminish conservatives’ bigotry, superstition, ignorance, insularity, dogma, and backwardness in modern America?
When you are begging the culture war’s victors to be more magnanimous toward gun nuts, anti-abortion absolutists, religious kooks, Israel’s right-wing jerks, and other elements of the conservative coalition as the arc of history stomps Republican preferences, I will be smiling at even more American progress. And enjoying your whining.
How dumb and uninformed you almost always are.
Yet whent he world's two leading libertarians utterly contradict you, you start your racist rant. So I will quote both of them
Javier Milei, says abortion “is murder aggravated by the bond” between mother and child and condemned the so-called “voluntary interruption of pregnancy,” a euphemism for killing the child in the womb.
Victoria Villarruel
Villarruel said she advocates for “the right to life, because life begins at conception,” and pointed out that protecting the lives of the unborn is not a “matter of religion” but of “pure biology.”
Competent adults neither advance nor accept superstition-based points in reasoned debate among adults.
Anti-abortion absolutists are, nearly without exception, fairy tale-addled rubes, obsolete hypocrites, and worthless culture war casualties. Mostly right-wing assholes, like that Villarruel, too.
No kidding. The Fifth Circuit is hardly unique. They just happen to be applying the same means to achieve different ends.
Kirkland and the usual racists on here do not quote the SCOTUS against the lower courts but I will, in the Masterpiece Case. THen you can talk about 'coercion' where it really exists
"A commissioner from the Colorado Civil Rights Commission called his religious defense “despicable” and compared him both to the perpetrators of the Holocaust and slave-owners."
and in the 303 Creative the SCOTUS also reprimanded Colorado justice system.
Unsurprising no one is quoting that language since it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand (which is about administrative stays and government coercion). Go regurgitate your talking points on the right thread at least.
Appellate courts have always resisted developing a body of case law on when stays should or should not be granted. They only decide case by case.
In theory Nken (with the gloss that Barrett puts on it in Does) is that test.
“I think judges sometimes use ‘status quo’ without precision.”
That’s mighty generous for a guy who usually has no qualms about calling a spade a spade.
It appears that the 5th Circuit merits panel took Justice Barrett's concurrence to heart. They've scheduled oral argument on a stay pending appeal for 10AM *tomorrow* (ie less than 24 hours after SCOTUS' order)
“Barrett observes that the status quo is a “tricky metric, because there is no settled way of defining ‘the status quo.’” Is the status quo the “state of affairs prior to the challenged law or rule”? Or is the status quo “the state of affairs prior to judicial intervention”?”
Status Quo – The existing state of things at any given date
– Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (1897)
It didn’t take very long to find a relevant reference to the definition of status quo. Under this definition, status quo only carries meaning when it is used in reference to a specific point in time. It’s not the definition that is the problem, it’s the judgment on the point in time that is used. Both of the quoted examples are therefore correct uses of the term “status quo”, with the difference being the moment in time. This is not a definitional issue. Pick a point in time and then provide a reasoned explanation why that point is used rather than any other point.
Nonetheless, there is still a disagreement about what “status quo” means which inhibits a one-size-fits-all formulaic legal standard. Perhaps when people challenge a law or regulatory action shortly after it is passed it is the situation before the law etc. was passed. But if it covers an emergency situation, the emergency may be over by the time the stay is lifted, so a stay may effectively be a win. It depends.
It seems the 5th Circuit got the message.
It is too bad the court could not agree on a compromise like "As this case has been in the Court of Appeals long enough for a reasoned decision, the case is remanded to the Fifth Circuit for immediate reconsideration based on the Nken factors." A unanimous order would have more impact than a two justice concurrence.
Um, in fact the two-justice concurrence had immediate impact, so no, it wouldn't have.