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Sixth Circuit Serial Personal Jurisdiction Litigant Kathy Griffin Makes More Precedent
If you want to sue someone, you have to do it in a court that has "personal jurisdiction" over that person; that, courts have held, is required by the Due Process Clause. One way to make sure of this is to sue where the defendant lives (to oversimplify in some measure). But you can also sue in jurisdictions with which the defendant has "case-related contacts," for instance where the underlying tort has been committed.
In libel cases, where speech from one state often causes harm in another, the matter gets extra complicated. Here's an illustration from Johnson v. Griffin, decided Tuesday by the Sixth Circuit, in an opinion by Chief Judge Jeffrey Sutton, joined by Judges Guy Cole and Amul Thapar:
Kathy Griffin, a California-based celebrity and social activist, sent a series of tweets to her two million Twitter followers asserting that Tennessean Samuel Johnson, the CEO of Tennessee-based VisuWell, had engaged in homophobic conduct. She encouraged her followers to make him "online famous" and tagged his company. She then asked his employer to "remove[]" him from the Board of Directors and threatened that the "nation w[ould] remain vigilant" if it did not. Within a day of her first tweets, the company fired Johnson and removed him from the Board.
Johnson and his wife sued Griffin in federal court in Tennessee, claiming (among other things) that she tortiously interfered with his employment. Griffin argued that her tweets did not subject her to the State's personal jurisdiction, and the district court dismissed the case. We disagree and reverse….
Two cases "bookend" [the] application of personal jurisdiction to intentional torts. The first, Calder v. Jones, establishes that the effects of intentional torts sometimes may establish personal jurisdiction. In that case, a California actress sued Florida journalists in California for publishing a libelous article. The Supreme Court permitted the California court to exercise personal jurisdiction over the journalists, observing that they had engaged in intentional conduct "expressly aimed at California," not "untargeted negligence." They consulted "California sources" for the article whose "focal point" concerned California. And they knew that the actress would experience the brunt of the injury in California, where the magazine had its largest circulation and where she lived and worked.
The second case, Walden v. Fiore, identifies the other side of the line. In Walden, professional gamblers from Nevada sued an officer for seizing their cash at a Georgia airport. Although the officer had formed "contacts with [the gamblers]," whom he knew lived in Nevada, he had "no jurisdictionally relevant contacts with Nevada." The officer had never traveled to the State, let alone conducted activities in or contacted anyone there. His alleged torts against the Nevada residents occurred in Georgia, not Nevada. Only Georgia had personal jurisdiction over him.
Griffin's actions have more parallels to Calder than to Walden. As in Calder, the allegedly tortious "story concerned the [Tennessee] activities of a [Tennessee] resident. It impugned the professionalism of [an executive] whose [] career was centered in [Tennessee]." And the tweet "was drawn from [Tennessee] sources." Griffin intended that the "brunt of the harm" would befall Johnson in Tennessee when she urged her followers to pressure VisuWell, a Tennessee-based company, to fire him and urged VisuWell to remove him from the Board.
Griffin's repeated emphasis of Johnson's residence in Franklin and the company's home base in Nashville hammers that home. She "undoubtedly knew" that the "focal point" of her tweets concerned Tennessee. Confirming the point, Griffin's initial tweet "cop[ied] VisuWell directly" at the same time that she threatened Johnson and identified him as based in Tennessee—indeed more specific than that, as she told people his wife's name and that they lived in Franklin, a suburb of Nashville. Following VisuWell's tweet that it had fired Johnson, Griffin inquired whether it had removed Johnson from its Board, cautioning that "the nation will remain vigilant" if it had not. These intentional threats to VisuWell's Tennessee-based business plainly affected Tennessee. And they had real world consequences for Tennessee: Johnson not only lost his livelihood, but VisuWell also lost its leader and likely customers.
Griffin counters that Blessing v. Chandrasekhar (6th Cir. 2021) leads to a different conclusion. The case has many parallels to this one, most notably a lawsuit arising from the Twitter activity of Kathy Griffin.
But to us, Blessing captures the other side of the line. In that instance, Griffin posted about an "incident" involving Kentucky students on a trip to Washington, D.C. Her tweets encouraged followers to "[n]ame these kids," "[s]hame them," and "let [their school] know how you feel about their students['] behavior." We concluded that Griffin's actions did not satisfy Kentucky's long-arm statute, then added that personal jurisdiction would not have satisfied due process even if they had. We reasoned that these tweets, all targeting actions in Washington, D.C., resembled Walden more than Calder because Griffin never took any "affirmative steps" to communicate with individuals in Kentucky when she tweeted about the student's conduct. And the students felt the tweets' harm "wherever [they] happened to be located," not just in Kentucky.
Missing in Blessing were allegations that Griffin had intentionally targeted Kentucky when provoking efforts to harass the students. The Johnsons' complaint, in marked contrast, focuses on Griffin's conduct that targeted Tennessee. In Blessing, Griffin never communicated with the Kentucky school. Here, Griffin directly communicated with VisuWell in her first tweet and, after that tweet prompted his firing, she followed up directly with VisuWell to urge it to dismiss Johnson from its Board of Directors, all while promising more harassment if the Tennessee company did not bow to her wishes. Unlike Griffin's tweets that affected Kentucky after its students returned home, her contacts with VisuWell went beyond targeting the Johnsons to affecting "the state" and indeed its "economy," "more broadly." While Griffin's tweets in Blessing arose from conduct in Washington, these tweets drew on a Tennessee source—the boyfriend's video—to attack a Tennessee resident for his conduct in Tennessee….
What of the reality that, by tagging VisuWell, she also facilitated her broader communication efforts? The tagging, in other words, did two things: It directly communicated with the company's decisionmakers about firing Johnson, and it facilitated her speech by simplifying the process of allowing her followers to chime in about Johnson's conduct. Calder tells us not to factor in First Amendment defenses in resolving a personal jurisdiction defense. That means that when the same act has two consequences—one creating jurisdiction, the other facilitating speech—the First Amendment has nothing to do with the jurisdictional inquiry.
Judge Cole concurred but added:
To be clear, purposeful availment is satisfied here because of Griffin's direct communications with VisuWell about Johnson's employment, but the ever-changing mechanics of social media platforms might make this inquiry in other cases more difficult. Imagine, for example, if Griffin's first retweet of the video clip were the exact same but for tagging or referencing VisuWell by name, instead reading: "If this is Sam Johnson in Nashville, Tennessee, the CEO of [a] healthcare-tech-growth [company] … it seems like he's dying to be online famous." Excluding the VisuWell tag is only a minor, nine-character deviation from the original tweet, but—without the tag—the tweet would no longer be a direct communication with VisuWell by Twitter's specifications. Indeed, some other user would most likely have to bring the tweet to VisuWell's attention, and this "third party['s]" contact with VisuWell may not satisfy the purposeful availment requirement.
Whether Griffin intended to create contacts with the forum state would be much less clear when analyzing the edited tweet. To solve this problem, we would need to further scrutinize the record as to whether Griffin's post was (a) "passive" activity on the internet meant to facilitate her broader advocacy efforts by condemning problematic behavior, or instead, (b) deliberately directed into Tennessee with the intent to cause consequence there.
The court didn't opine on the substantive questions, which will be considered on remand by the district court.
Todd V. McMurtry (Hemmer DeFrank Wessels, PLLC) argued the case for Johnson; Todd v. McMurtry and J. Will Huber (Hemmer DeFrank Wessels, PLLC) and Lyndsay C. Smith, (Smith, PLC) were also on the brief.
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While I think that Kathy Griffin is a celebrity*, and thus can afford this case, we might want to step back and consider the broader issues involved.
The increased use of social media, and cases such as this one, stand for the proposition that individuals will increasingly find that they are much more likely to be haled into courts in states for activities that they had no idea could result in that happening.
As they say about encounters with the police- you can beat the charge, but you can’t beat the ride. When it comes to litigation, it can be a frivolous suit**, but you can’t escape the attorney’s fees. Moreso when you’re a defendant being sued in a state that you have no “real” contact with.
*For varying definitions and/or degrees of the term.
**I express no opinion on the merits of this particular suit, just saying that the merits won’t matter it you’re Joe Blow.
Sure, we should make it easier to defeat frivolous suits early. We (as a country) apparently don't want broad fee-shifting provisions, but we could adopt SLAPP laws in more jurisdictions. That would protect vigorous debate in social media and other fora.
On the other hand, defamation is still a tort, and we should keep courthouse doors open to those who really have been defamed. Tennessee jurisdiction in this case doesn't seem at all surprising, nor should it.
This isn't a pure defamation case.
As stated, it's a tortious interference with employment case.
Further, while anti-SLAPP laws can be a wonderful thing, they do not help unless it is a matter of public concern (which already triggers heightened FA scrutiny), and they certainly aren't in every jurisdiction, which just goes back to the original problem of individual Defendants with little means being haled into court in foreign states.
I'm not saying that there's a perfect solution, or even "a" solution, I'm just observing the problem that did not previously exist.
re: “the problem that did not previously exist”
I disagree. It has existed for at least as long as the publication of national-reach newspapers. Mouthing off about people you don’t like has always carried the risk that they would sue you for defamation (or tortious interference, etc). The risk may have increased in magnitude but I don’t see even that increase as all that much.
That said, I agree that we have serious problems with frivolous litigation. And I think there is a reasonably easy solution – we need an effective loser-pays system. Force litigants (and their lawyers) to put some skin back in the game and we will quickly get rid of the ‘litigation lottery’ culture.
Again, though, I disagree with your first part. "National reach" newspapers generally both had deep pockets and the ability to defend themselves in multiple jurisdictions. Hence, the "purposefully availing yourself." If you happened to be quoted in a national newspaper, which was a fairly rare event for a Joe Blow, you still had some protection given that the newspaper would be vigorously defending the lawsuit. Moreover, by being published in a national newspaper, it was practically a fait accompli that it was a public concern (or at least something involving a limited-purpose public figure).
Here, social media allows everyone to be their own publisher- we are, in effect, all national newspapers every single time we post. That's a massive difference. And something that I do not believe we have fully adapted to yet.
As far as the constant refrain of "let's make the loser pay," sure ... I will believe it when it happens. Arguing for that as a solution for every litigation issue is similar to saying that when you have a hammer, every problem is a nail. Except we don't have a hammer, and we probably won't have a hammer in my lifetime.
I think I was unclear above. The risk I was talking about with national-reach newspapers was not to the newspapers themselves but to everyone who submitted a letter to the editor, classified ad or otherwise generated content for such a paper. (Sources are not generally at risk regardless of the scenario.)
re: loser-pays, I agree that it is unlikely in the US anytime soon but I also note that we're about the only developed nation without such a rule. I believe there is a causal link between that policy and the litigious abuses we see here. Unlikely doesn't mean we shouldn't work toward it.
The amount of user-generated content in national newspapers was minuscule. Even such items as classified ads would almost never contain actionable speech- given the nature of classified ads. Letters to the editor, again, were considered "published" by the newspaper (and the speech of the newspaper), and would go through a vetting process.
I am just again stating the rather banal point that the revolution in personal jurisdiction jurisprudence was mainly achieved to deal with companies and other legal entities that, in fact, were dealing with interstate commerce. While the rules are just as applicable to individuals posting on social media, I doubt that many people posting on facebook or twitter are as aware of it.
Come on, you're trying to send out the Lathrop Signal, aren't you?
No. Not funny!
(In all seriousness, I just mean that we haven't internalized this difference. It's genuinely hard to realize that the things we put out there go everywhere, and, for that matter, may exist in perpetuity.)
I don’t know the details of this case, but for a famous celebrity to leverage her fame to call for some kind of social attack against someone else, that goes all over the place by design. I’d have more sympathy for a “little person” who beaked off too much.
Except there are no special rules for celebrities mouthing off, are there?
It's a matter of personal jurisdiction. The rules are going to be the same for Kathy Griffin, and for Krayt.
Kathy Griffin and Krayt alike would be well counseled to not threaten businesses in random jurisdictions over the non-work-related behavior of the businesses' employees.
She did not threaten the business.
That said, I take comfort in your analysis, especially given that no one, in the history of ever, on the VC or elsewhere, has called for employers or institutions to “do something” about people (and people's opinions or speech) that they dislike.
Right? Ahem.
The solution to this sort of thing is liability for the people who fired him -- some creative legal theory that no reasonable person would believe a woman who had appeared on TV with what she claimed to be the beheaded head of the President and hence they knew the libel to be false -- and in acting on it, also libeled him.
Um, she didn't libel him. What are you talking about?
And "acting on it" is not libeling him. So double what are you talking about?
Yeah, dunno that it's really parade of horribles time. Seems like the above excerpt from the opinion clearly explains why Griffin had anything but "no idea" that her activities were specifically targeting Tennessee and almost gleefully intending to cause harm there.
OK, Engrish is my Second Language as it’s been pointed out to me numerous times, but some native speaker tell me what this sentence means.
“One of the teens, who was wearing a red prom dress, overheard the request and confronted Johnson, all while his boyfriend filmed the interaction”
“His Boyfriend”?? Whose? The Teens? Johnsons??
and Kathy Griffin’s got way too much time on her hands, that whole Trump Severed Head thing, she had a few funny episodes on “Seinfeld” You’d think she’d get the message after Jay-Hey hit her with his Lung Cancer stick.
Read in context (as the event that kicked this off re: homophobia), it appears that it was a same-sex couple, so "he" refers to "one of the teens{.}"
In other words, Johnson made a comment to the (male) teen wearing a red dress for prom during the confrontation, and that teen's boyfriend filmed the interaction.
So Johnson was exercising his free speech rights? what's the problem?
This is a libel case not a 1A case - THAT's the problem.
This is not a libel case.
This is such a perfect response from a troll.
Now back to mute you go.
Sure. And as people say, the best counter to free speech (Johnson's) is more free speech (Kathy Griffin's).
.... or was the not your point?
So I actually watched the Video,
the "Boyfriend" is the only one saying anything that could be considered "Homofobic"
"...He looks Gross...Looks Disgusting...You look like a Mo-ron..." Poor guy's just trying to get away from 2 Homos (who wouldn't?) when the guy in the Red Dress blocks his way.
Watch it here if you want, but be warned, you might not get the answer you want
Frankie searching for and watching videos with (potential) homosexuals is the absolute least surprising thing I can think of.
Everyone enjoy your extra hour of sleep this weekend (except for folks in AZ, HI, and several US territories)!
Frank Drackman, like Samuel Johnson, sounds like the Voloikh Conspiracy's kind of bigot.
Belay my Last! (real Navy phrase)
Upon further review, there is indisputable evidence that "Johnson" is a "CEO" what we call in the Healthcare Biz,
a "Suit", a "Noctor" ("Not a Doctor") a "JCACHO-A-HO" a "Clipboard Charlie"
The guys in charge of TPS Reports, Sending the Memos about TPS Reports, buying shitty new equipment without asking the peoples who have to use it, getting the Hospital more and more money while paying their "Team" (another Suit bullshit term, everything's a "Team" this, and "Teamwork" that) less and less,
So fuck that Asshole, your fault for going to a place with a bunch of Homos anyway,
Amazing that Griffin is such a social media troll that her current 6th circuit court case contains a discussion of her prior 6th circuit court case.
This stuff really needs to be dealt with as a form of terrorism -- which it is. Why did they fire him -- what would have been the consequence if they hadn't?
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Samuel Johnson sounds like the Volokh Conspiracy's preferred kind of bigot -- Trump-class right-wing, white, male, religious clinger.
Carry on, clingers. So far as your betters permit.
You just described yourself there, Jerry.
And remember, your "Bettors" are watching.
Check Samuel Johnson's public statements and Twitter content. He is quite the culture war casualty.
I don't do the Twitter but from his Wikipedia entry, he's done more than a certain former Penn State Defensive Coordinator.