The Volokh Conspiracy
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Illinois Appellate Court Upholds 90-Day Waiting Period for Concealed Carry Permit + $150 Fee
The Supreme Court in N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass'n v. Bruen (2022) held that the Second Amendment secures a right to carry guns in public places for self-defense, but added:
To be clear, nothing in our analysis should be interpreted to suggest the unconstitutionality of the 43 States' "shall-issue" licensing regimes, under which "a general desire for self-defense is sufficient to obtain a [permit]." Because these licensing regimes do not require applicants to show an atypical need for armed self-defense, they do not necessarily prevent "law-abiding, responsible citizens" from exercising their Second Amendment right to public carry. Rather, it appears that these shall-issue regimes, which often require applicants to undergo a background check or pass a firearms safety course, are designed to ensure only that those bearing arms in the jurisdiction are, in fact, "law-abiding, responsible citizens." And they likewise appear to contain only "narrow, objective, and definite standards" guiding licensing officials, rather than requiring the "appraisal of facts, the exercise of judgment, and the formation of an opinion"—features that typify proper-cause standards like New York's.
That said, because any permitting scheme can be put toward abusive ends, we do not rule out constitutional challenges to shall-issue regimes where, for example, lengthy wait times in processing license applications or exorbitant fees deny ordinary citizens their right to public carry.
Of course, that leaves the question about when wait times become unconstitutionally "lengthy" and fees become "exorbitant." This question arises also with regard to other rights. The Supreme Court has upheld—over heated dissent—a 24-hour waiting period for abortions, justified by a cooling-off rationale. A short-lived Ninth Circuit decision that recognized a right to assisted suicide said that "reasonable, though short, waiting periods to prevent rash decisions" would be constitutional, and the later-enacted Oregon assisted suicide statute indeed provides a 15-day waiting period.
Likewise, a waiting period is often required by various laws for sterilization (30 days for federally subsidized sterilizations, for instance), though there might well be a constitutional right to undergo sterilization as part of one's right to control one's procreation. In many states it takes from one to five days to get a marriage license, though I know of no cases considering whether this violates the right to marry.
The Supreme Court has also held that a state may require people to register to vote fifty days before the election, for much the same investigatory reasons that are offered for some background-check-based waiting periods. Cities are generally allowed to require that demonstration and parade permit applications be filed some days in advance.
On the other hand, there are substantial limits on how long a waiting period can be, and on when such waiting periods may be imposed. Lower courts have suggested the upper bound for demonstration and parade permits might be three or four days. See, e.g., Douglas v. Brownell, 88 F.3d 1511, 1523-24 (8th Cir. 1996) (striking down a requirement of 5 days' notice); Grossman v. City of Portland, 33 F.3d 1200, 1204-07 (9th Cir. 1994) (striking down a requirement of 7 days' notice for demonstrations, when requirement covered even small groups); NAACP v. City of Richmond, 743 F.2d 1346, 1356-57 (9th Cir. 1984) (striking down a requirement of 20 days' notice and suggesting that the upper bound might be as low as two or three days).
When the Court recognized a right to abortion, 48-hour waiting periods for abortions have been found to pose "substantial burdens," but a twenty-four-hour waiting period was upheld. Even where prisoners and military members are involved—a context where the government generally has very broad authority—lower courts have struck down six-month and one-year waiting periods before a soldier or an inmate may marry.
And lower courts have also suggested that even if some substantial advance notice may normally be required for demonstration permits, there has to be a special exception for spontaneous expression occasioned by breaking events. Likewise, there has to be a special exception to abortion waiting periods for medical emergencies. This would suggest that a similar exception might have to be required for carry permits when the applicant can point to a specific, recently occurring threat—such as the applicant's leaving an abusive boyfriend who threatened to kill her if she left. (Some states indeed offer such specific-threat-based exemptions from various gun-related waiting periods.)
Of course, these other constitutional rights are not perfect analogies. A three-day delay in voting, marrying, or demonstrating won't leave you unprotected against a deadly attack. Conversely, erroneously authorizing someone to vote when he's a convicted felon is less likely to cause serious harm than erroneously authorizing that same person to buy a gun.
What about taxes and fees? Again, the issue has arisen for other constitutional rights as well. Taxes based on the content of speech are unconstitutional, regardless of their magnitude. But this is a special case of the principle that discrimination based on certain kinds of characteristics—race, sex, religiosity, or the content or viewpoint of speech—is unconstitutional. Setting aside these special areas of constitutionally forbidden discrimination, and setting aside poll taxes, which were constitutional until the Twenty-Fourth Amendment forbade them, other kinds of taxes, fees, and indirect costs imposed on the exercise of constitutional rights are often permissible.
The government may require modest content-neutral fees for demonstration permits or charitable fundraising permits, at least if "the purpose of charging the fee is limited to defraying expenses incurred in furtherance of a legitimate state interest." The same is true for marriage license fees and filing fees for political candidates (though the Court has held that the right to run for office is in some measure protected by the First Amendment). The same is doubtlessly true of costs involved in getting permits to build on your own property, a right protected by the Takings Clause.
Likewise, regulations of the right to abortion were not rendered unconstitutional, even when the right to abortion was constitutionally recognized, simply because they increase the cost of an abortion. The Court so held when upholding a 24-hour waiting period even though it required some women in states with very few abortion providers to stay in a hotel overnight or miss a day of work, and when upholding viability testing requirements that might have marginally increased the cost of an abortion. So long as the extra costs don't amount to "substantial obstacle[s]" to a woman's getting an abortion, they are constitutional.
At the same time, when a cost is high enough to impose a substantial obstacle to the exercise of a right for a considerable number of people, it is unconstitutional. This is likely also true when a cost goes materially beyond the cost of administering the otherwise permissible regulatory scheme. And if a law substantially burdens rightholders who are relatively poor, an exemption would likely be constitutionally required.
After Heller but before Bruen, courts upheld concealed carry fees of $200 and a handgun purchase permit fee of $340, but struck down a $1,000 handgun purchase permit fee. Post-Bruen cases now must consider which fees (including ones of $200 or $340) constitute "exorbitant fees [that] deny ordinary citizens their right to public carry" or their right to possess the guns at home. Fees that are closely connected to the costs of administering a permitting system might be more justifiable than ones that operate simply as taxes or as attempts to deter gun possession or carrying. But even when dealing with fees that are tied to administrative costs, I think courts should recognize that "[t]he poorly financed [self-defense] of little people," like their "poorly financed causes" in the First Amendment context, deserves constitutional protection as much as the self-defense of the rich.
This brings us to the Illinois Appellate Court decision three weeks ago in People v. Gunn, written by Justice Rena Van Tine and joined by Justices Bertina Lampkin and Jesse Reyes:
[Gunn] argues that the Carry Act's 90-day waiting period and 5-year validity period are unconstitutional because they do not comport with our nation's historic tradition of firearm regulation. We find … [that] there is no need to engage in a historical analysis to determine whether the Carry Act's 90-day waiting period and 5-year validity period are constitutional. In Bruen, the Court suggested that "lengthy" license processing wait times or "exorbitant" licensing fees may be grounds for findings of unconstitutionality. Here, however, Gunn has not alleged or argued that the 90-day waiting period and $150 fee every 5 years for renewal constitute "lengthy wait times" or "exorbitant fees," respectively. We cannot say that 90 days constitutes a "lengthy" wait time nor that a $150 fee constitutes an "exorbitant fee." Accordingly, we reject this argument.
I'm pretty skeptical about the 90-day waiting period, both because it does seem substantive "lengthy" but also because it seems hard to justify as a means "to ensure only that those bearing arms in the jurisdiction are, in fact, 'law-abiding, responsible citizens.'" The $150 fee is a closer call, and its validity might turn on whether the state can show that the fee is "the purpose of charging the fee is limited to defraying expenses incurred in furtherance of a legitimate state interest" of processing the applications to make sure that applicants aren't felons or otherwise disqualified, and that they have taken the necessary training. In any case, I expect much more such litigation in coming years.
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“But I’m angry now!”
I think you can justify a short waiting period on gun PURCHASES based on the "I'm angry NOW" justification (the original Brady Bill had one). It could prevent some crimes of passion. (For the same reasons that one was required in the abortion cases, a judicial bypass might be a good idea here, BTW.)
But a concealed carry permit really is about defense. It's about being able to have the protection of an armament when you go out in public. 90 days strikes me as far longer than the type of processing justifications that the Court said were OK in Bruen (for comparison, in Riverside v. McLaughlin the Court held that the government had to bring you before a magistrate within 48 hours of arrest as an accommodation of processing concerns, and said it really should be the minimum necessary time for processing and no more).
I think the 90 days likely violates the Second Amendment, and whatever the right number of days are, it should be what is necessary to evaluate the application, see that you qualify, see that you passed whatever the course requirements are, and the like. Which seems like a few days tops.
Sounds like a you problem, look up "Infringed" sometime
The Second Amendment means what the Supreme Court says it means, not what you would like it to mean based on your simpleton statements about the words "shall not be infringed".
So has the SC decided what it means?
They have their ideas, I have mine, "Shall not be Infringed" means "Shall not be Infringed" and the whole reason for the Amendment is to take care of assholes who try to Infringe it.
Go publish a law review article. But warning-- you will actually have to defend your ideas against text, history, tradition, precedent, doctrine, and theory. Because in the real world, 10 second interpretations of what major constitutional provisions mean are worth nothing.
You should think about this more.
The navel-gazing of lawyers and the Constitution are two different things.
If it is not legal for voting, it should not be legal for gun ownership.
Seems like a simple rule.
Simple to say, impossible to justify textually. And that is true both against and in favor of equal treatment.
Voting required constitutional amendments for certain classes and ages and as stated against poll taxes. Those certainly can't be read to extend to the 2nd amendment. So either the 2nd amendment wasn't coextensive at the founding (in which case you can't say it is now) or it isn't now because of the changes. Same result to your argument.
Conversly voting laws may restrict new residents from voting in an election, I don't see how that distinction can be justified under the 2nd amendment.
"impossible to justify textually"
Shall not be infringed.
If "free" is to burdensome for a voter, how can $150 be fine for the bill of rights?
And did you go through a background check to see if you are allowed to post here?
He is linking it to voting, I said nothing about the countours of the 2nd amendment in it's own right. Are you ok with saying a state can ban nonstate citizens from possessing a firearm? Because they sure as hell can prevent them from voting.
As EV mentioned. Many exercises of first amendment rights require permits and a fee for said permit. You have the right to an attorney but if you are indigent you have to pay for it. You have the right to a trial, but if you are found guilty you will pay those costs. There need to be an amendment specifically forbidding poll taxes. There has been no such amendment for the bill of rights.
You have the right to an attorney but if you are indigent you have to pay for it.
Since when?
There need to be an amendment specifically forbidding poll taxes.
Largely because voting is not a constitutionally guaranteed right, let alone a fundamental one.
There has been no such amendment for the bill of rights.
That doesn't even make sense.
Since when?
Obviously was a mistype, it should be "aren't indigent" and that has always been the case.
Largely because voting is not a constitutionally guaranteed right, let alone a fundamental one.
Congratulations you are further supporting my point that linking the 2nd amendment and voting as coextensive is not textually supported.
That doesn’t even make sense.
It makes complete sense. There is an amendment that specifically says you can't charge money to vote and it can't be read as extending to the BoR(which is what this was started by; linking the two), there is no amendment that says that specifically regarding the BoR. You'd have to read that as each amendment prohibited charging a fee to exercise on its own merit. That the constitution says you can't for voting is inapposite to that. You are free to make that argument for each of the BoR amendments indvidually on their own, but right now their is a long list of case law for multiple amendments that says fees in some situations are constitutional
Largely because voting is not a constitutionally guaranteed right, let alone a fundamental one.
Congratulations you are further supporting my point that linking the 2nd amendment and voting as coextensive is not textually supported.
I'm supporting no such thing. I'm simply pointing out why prohibiting a poll tax required an amendment. The reason it required an amendment (voting is not a fundamental, constitutionally-protected right) does not apply to those rights that ARE fundamental and constitutionally protected. That is neither an argument for nor against the (mistaken) idea that the prohibition on poll taxes is a justification for a prohibition on any fees connected with the exercise of a fundamental right. The latter is subject to the undue burden test.
"Are you ok with saying a state can ban nonstate citizens from possessing a firearm? Because they sure as hell can prevent them from voting."
They already do that.
Be a registered gun owner with your gun legally stored in your car and drive thru, say, NJ and see how well your rights are respected. This is not even terribly rare.
"You have the right to an attorney but if you are indigent you have to pay for it."
The Miranda warning disputes that pretty heavily.
"You have the right to a trial, but if you are found guilty you will pay those costs."
What costs? The punishments decided by the courts or legislature? Of course you would. If you're innocent...what costs do you have to pay?
"There need to be an amendment specifically forbidding poll taxes. There has been no such amendment for the bill of rights."
Voting was not listed in the BoR.
Don't you think that's unconstitutional though?
I think it's clear from context that mse326 meant, "if you aren't indigent.
Seems like yet another reasons why restrictions on it aren't necessarily congruent with restrictions on bearing arms.
Thank you. Finally someone actually read what was being said
"Don’t you think that’s unconstitutional though?"
...yet it is done and supported by courts.
"I think it’s clear from context that mse326 meant, “if you aren’t indigent."
If you are wealthy, you can still use a public defender. You won't because they're both not great lawyers AND overloaded with cases.
I'll stick what he wrote --- but he is wrong either way.
"Seems like yet another reasons why restrictions on it aren’t necessarily congruent with restrictions on bearing arms."
The point was that limitations on specifically listed rights should not be higher or more burdensome than non-listed rights.
I'm asking for EQUAL treatment.
1. In most jurisdictions, public defenders are among the most effective criminal defense attorneys.
2. I’m not aware of any American jurisdictions that let people who can afford to retain counsel choose representation by a public defender instead. They certainly don’t have to allow it.
3. Even when a defendant can’t afford to hire a lawyer, it’s permissible to have them repay what they can afford (and many jurisdictions do require it, at least notionally). Which I take to be mse326’s point.
Same argument; new day.
"Shall not be infringed" isn't more restrictive than "make no law respecting" in the first amendment. If anything it's less restrictive, even without invoking the militia clause. There is no absolutist argument for gun rights.
Well, there are absolutist arguments for gun rights but they're terrible arguments.
The problem with having your analysis begin and end with the text is that the text of the First Amendment doesn't contain a child pornography exception, nor does it contain an exception for 9/11 hijackers flying airplanes into buildings. If one applies the same textual absolutism to the First Amendment that gun rights absolutists want to apply to the Second Amendment, then the government could not ban child pornography nor could it ban people from practicing their religion if it means hijacking airplanes and flying them into buildings. There are no exceptions *within the text of the First Amendment* that would allow them.
Fortunately, everyone sees how silly that argument would be if applied to the First Amendment.
I'm not sure how government violating the Constitution is evidence that the Constitution does not say what it says.
It says "shall not be infringed". Wiggle room is limited heavily there.
"Conversly voting laws may restrict new residents from voting in an election, I don’t see how that distinction can be justified under the 2nd amendment."
If you mean "new residents of a state", states routinely permit it which is a significant problem since they can now vote in multiple jurisdictions. If you mean new immigrants, once naturalized, they have all the rights. No limits there.
Voting was not and still is not a Constitutional right. States could decide to not allow voting whatsoever for elections and not run afoul of any federal laws.
You write as if you suppose states can prohibit voting. They cannot. Beyond the guarantee of a republican form of government lies the fact that voting is more than a right, it is a sovereign power, inherent in citizenship. Specifically, it is the constitutive power, the defining power of sovereignty. No legislature, court, or executive in the U.S. has any legitimate power to claim government authority to interfere with voting in any substantive way. To have it otherwise would stand American constitutionalism on its head.
Exactly. How does that $150 fee affect minorities and their right to bear arms? I mean the Democrats keep fighting against voter ID because the "cost" of obtaining ID is unbearable for minorities. Now they are discriminating against those same minorities right to defend themselves. Oh the hypocrisy.
And self-defense, far too frequently, is more vital to life than voting.
Yes, bullets and ballots are the same thing, after all.
I like how legally blind folks can legally purchase weapons in many states.
I like how legally blind folks can legally purchase weapons in many states.
Can you point to the "unless you have a disability" exception in 2A?
Not surprisingly, you don't understand the term "Legally Blind" which merely means best Corrected Vision is no better than 20/400. If you have a more than -4 Diopter prescription, that's what you are without your glasses. Most defensive use of a handgun is done at 20 feet or less, where even a "Legally Blind" person would be able to identify his target.
Not surprisingly, you don’t understand the term “Legally Blind” which merely means best Corrected Vision is no better than 20/400
Maybe check who you're responding to.
Maybe go fuck yourself
Another pointlessly noisy dipshit muted.
Blind and Mute, what a combo!
...but so typical and proud of his action.
Since you claim knowledge of this, which states are you referring to?
You do realize that you don't have to be literally 100% blind to be "legally" blind, right? Your vision just has to impossible to correct to better than 20/200.
Prior to my cataract surgery, mine was 10/450 without glasses. You know what? I couldn't have read a street sign to save my life, (Without getting within a few feet of it, anyway.) but I could navigate around without running into stuff, recognize people at conversational distances, see THAT there were people at maybe 100 feet away.
It was quite a bit worse than this, and I still would have been capable of using a gun for self defense. It's not like self defense shootings occur at long range, after all.
Hey, cut Ape-Dad some slack, I mean, he's an "Ape-Dad" he needs few more thousand years to evolve.
A recollection from when Massachusetts created same sex marriage. There is in theory a three day waiting period to get married. In the old days a notice would be posted and people would walk by and say "Hester? I don't think so, let me tell the priest why." When same sex couples wanted to go to the figurative altar on the first legal day they filed a petition in court to dispense with the three day waiting period. The petition was heard the day it was filed and rubber-stamped approved. So there is a three day waiting period or a $100 fee to dispense with the waiting period.
The $150 fee is a closer call, and its validity might turn on whether the state can show that the fee is "the purpose of charging the fee is limited to defraying expenses incurred in furtherance of a legitimate state interest" of processing the applications to make sure that applicants aren't felons or otherwise disqualified
The FBI does not charge for NICS checks, and those checks take about 30 seconds on covering that cost requires virtually nothing. And as bad as bureaucratic hell-holes like Chicago are, I can't imagine it costs anywhere near $150 to process a carry application.
It doesn't, it's to keep the Knee-grows from carrying legally.
In Illinois, can you carry openly without a permit that takes 90 days to get?
What do you think?
In Illinois, can you carry openly without a permit that takes 90 days to get?
You do know that sort of information is trivially easy to find, right?
In Illinois, you need a separate permit that takes up to 40 days to get just to purchase a gun.,before%20inquiring%20about%20your%20card.
Good point. And possession of the FOID is a requirement for the carry permit application, so you're looking at up to 120 days (nearly 4 months) when starting from scratch.
and if you get pulled over by the Illinois State Police they look you up in the SCMODS
"Conversely, erroneously authorizing someone to vote when he's a convicted felon is less likely to cause serious harm than erroneously authorizing that same person to buy a gun."
Are we pretending that making it illegal to buy a gun actually means that criminals can't buy guns?
I guess that's why nobody can buy meth, right?
Anyway, the problem I see here is that the licensing and fee in question are not for some matter that's tangential to exercising the right in question, that government has to be involved in. It's licensing TO exercise the right in question! Which is a very dubious concept indeed.
Now, there are some hoops to jump through to vote, but voting is a very different right from normal personal rights, such as freedom of speech, or gun ownership. You can't up and decide, "I feel like voting today!", or vote while you're off on vacation. You can only vote once per election, where you reside.
That inherently requires some process for limiting you to just voting where you reside, once.
There's no analogous inherent basis for regulation when it comes to personal rights of the sort you could exercise without government involvement. The government doesn't inherently have to be in the loop AT ALL.
So, this is really like asking,
"What would be a reasonable waiting period and fee for a license to attend church?"
"What would be a reasonable waiting period and fee for a license to write a pamphlet, or speak to somebody?"
So, what's the reasonable waiting period and fee? Instantly, and zero. Because the government doesn't have to be involved in the first place, it just inserted itself into the process because, let's be honest here: It wanted to prevent some people from exercising the right.
I mean, multiple states get by just fine without requiring people to get these licenses, right? We went most of the nation's history without such licenses.
They didn't come about because they were necessary. They came about because the government wanted to infringe the right.
90 days are long?
Try Long Island New York. They have six months, but in reality it takes two years.
They get around the six month mark by making you apply for the application, which takes about 18 months. If you're approved for the application, then the six month mark begins.
I worked for a company regulated by an agency that liked to say "your application is incomplete" to reset the clock.
Hochul is a worthless Irish piece of shit.
I honestly dont think 90 days is long. Florida, the gunshine state and texas (before con carry) both were in the 8-9 weeks range. VA was in the 180 range for nonresidents (true, VA is open carry).
I think that issue with both the 90 days and the $150 is that the state imposes a gazillion requirements, and then says… look how long and how much it takes to administer.
Many states give themselves 90 days, but issue permits in far less time (Maryland allows themselves 90 days, but mine came in 12! the average now is ~60).
However: if IL issues permits on the 90th day, regardless of how long the records check takes, *that* to me is unreasonable. In the California case over the 10-day permit to purchase requirement, the state said they cleared 99% of applicants in 1 day. I think its ok for the state to give themselves "up to" 90 days, so long as they make an effort to lower the time and issue permits in less. The requirements are supposed to be "objective" and how long can a NICS and mental records check take, really, in an age of computers?
I also think that the 90 days/$150 should be benchmarked against other states. FL nonresident is $100 and used to take 8 weeks. But PA, its $10 and takes <30 days at the local sheriffs office.
I predict we wont get a definitive answer. What is likely to happen is the outliers (NY, CA) will be struck. I am not sure how much of an outlier 90/$150 is, but I suspect its not egregious.
I honestly dont think 90 days is long.
Well, not from a geological time perspective…or a bureaucrat’s (but I repeat myself).
Florida, the gunshine state and texas (before con carry) both were in the 8-9 weeks range.
You appear to have not read/understood what you’re commenting on. The 90 day period in question is not how much time the IL grants itself for application processing. It’s a mandatory “waiting period”. Neither FL nor TX has or had a mandatory waiting period for carry permits, so your comparison is invalid from the get-go. And the amount of time it took (and still takes) to process LTC (formerly CHL) applications in TX varies according to the work load and staffing at any given time, not according to an arbitrary state-imposed waiting period. My initial CHL was in my mailbox less than 4 weeks from the date I submitted my paperwork.
Never mind, the mistake was mine. Specifically, my mistake was interpreting “waiting period” to mean what it usually means, which is a definite amount that is required to elapse before something can take place. In this case it was a poor choice of words used to describe a maximum processing time allowance.
Prof. Volokh, might I respectfully suggest that the current wording is misleading (even though that's the term used by the court), and should be changed to more accurately convey what the 90 day period in question actually is.
Florida takes nowhere near 8-9 weeks. It's more like 2-3 weeks.
Mine took 7 weeks, at the time, it was on the low end. This was some years ago.
My non-resident permit took 2-3 weeks, in 2014 and the renewal in 2022 took less than a week.
The same leftists say that requiring a $5 photo ID to vote is a poll tax. And if you imposed a fee on abortions or a slightly higher fee on gay marriages than real marriages to account for an extra background check on the HIV status of the men, they'd throw a tantrum.
In California the true cost is probably closer to $1000. A couple hundred to the government for the license. $300-$500 for training. Two days off work for the training ($248 at minimum wage) and another half day off to pick up the license (another $62 at minimum wage). And then three to five months for the process. The best part is that two years later you get to do it all over again!
Illinois v. Gunn does seems like a very appropriate name for this case.
Do like Republicans do with elections: impose reasonable requirements but then defund the government offices responsible for administering the requirements, limit the number of offices, require in-person applications and license pick-ups, etc.
Except that there's no right to vote. There is a right to keep and bear arms.
...and in other 2A news:
Big deal. The 9th Circuit will agree to hear it en banc and twist itself into pretzels again to stay the injunction. And then the fat empanada eating lesbian slob on SCOTUS will deny cert to let the case spend years in the courts.
If Gunn in fact did not argue or allege” those concerns, then he/she should have a slam-dunk case against the competence of counsel. Which makes me think that Gunn probably did allege it but the IL court is trying to willfully ignore it. But not enough to make me dig up the raw briefs to confirm the hypothesis tonight.
"nothing in our analysis should be interpreted to suggest the unconstitutionality of the 43 States' 'shall-issue' licensing regimes"
That can be walked back if one populous State pushes its luck.
If Prof. Kerr disclaims his Conspiratorship, I may have found his replacement.
Interpreting exceptions in cases one doesn’t like liberally is hardly new. It’s not like conservative courts didn’t take every caveat in Roe and progeny and attempt to walk a mile with it. It’s a legitimate exception, and the qualifications really are quite ambiguous. The Supreme Court will have to sort this one out.
I wouldn’t assume the only reason to get a concealed carry permit is for defensive purposes. One can get it for essentially any reason. That might include because one wants to commit a crime, and being able to carry a concealed weapon legally makes committing it easier.
That might include because one wants to commit a crime, and being able to carry a concealed weapon legally makes committing it easier.
And how exactly does carrying legally vs illegally make it easier to commit a crime?